Hand Sanitizers Causing Norovirus and Other Problems
"New research has found that hand sanitizers are not as effective as soap and water in health care settings at preventing viral outbreaks. In fact, they may even be responsible for outbreaks of seriously contagious viruses. As a common alternative to using soap and water, hand sanitizers are often regarded as being the most efficient way to cleanse hands.
More detailed investigations will be necessary though, say public health experts, to change the belief that hand sanitizers are as equally good as hand soap. For many in health care settings, the convenience of hand sanitizers greatly outweighs that of hand soap, and there are numerous recommendations encouraging their use.
In health care settings, the link between improper antibiotic use and development of super bugs is well known. The same cannot be said for the link occurring between hand sanitizers and bacterial resistance, because the link is not so clear yet."
Alcohol is used in consumer products, the professionals avoid alcohol unless it is the only option.
I have had this discussion with friends who were "germaphobes" and always used antibacterial soaps. They were sick more often than most people, so that justified using it more, when in fact, had you read the article, you would understand the crux of the information. Here is another article.
"This means that bug populations that have been exposed to triclosan can go on to develop mutations that not only protect them from the antibacterial whatsit you've been spraying them with, but even develop cross-resistance, contributing to the whole antibiotic resistance problem we're facing."
This is only part of the problem, the other is how the chemical interacts with human biology. But I'm sure you can misread this article as well and miss the point.
Still waiting for the footage of your cross state line mission though.......ala Rittenhouse.
I think we addressed your inability to comprehend the written language, so that's why you babble on with all the tangents and strawman arguments.
And for own peace of mind, just search "antibacterial soap" and you will find plenty of it for sale. So quit lying already. By your own tenets, your one lie negates EVERYTHING you have to say.
Maybe you should get a quart of Everclear and clense your soul. Or maybe you are doing that right now?
..I seldom watch the news, have enough going on without concerning myself with too many other people. I did hear where someone drank hand sanitizer, geez.
....Someone for the "victim" said that there should be more warnings on the bottle, REALLY?!
..... I don't see that drinking hand sanitizer has much to do with labeling, I see more education for the totally stupid...
MrMag00, I’m curious, where did you get your degree in Virology?
But in defense of the morons who drink hand sanitizer, if it has alcohol in it and is safe for hands, so it must be safe to drink right? At least Bobby would agree with these morons.
(green) Since sars cov2 we know all the science changed and any breakthroughs before this "panic porn fake pandemic" is no longer valid. Thanks for clarifying this for the rest of us. What would we ever do without Gates and Fauci and you. (/green)
Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.
Have you noticed that people that wear face masks touch their face 10 to 15 times more than people that don’t wear a mask? Teach your self not to touch your face every time you feel a little itch.
-In health care settings, the link between improper antibiotic use and development of super bugs is well known. The same cannot be said for the link occurring between hand sanitizers and bacterial resistance, because the link is not so clear yet."
-Conversely, the only antimicrobial products that appear to have any merit are alcohol-based hand sanitiser gels. Alcohol is a highly effective antiseptic that breaks down proteins and disrupts cell membranes, killing most bacteria, fungi, and even viruses on the spot.
.- When it comes to keeping clean, the best approach is to use plain soap or detergent, lather up, and rinse well with water. This applies to all types of cleaning - from hands to kitchen surfaces.
These seem to back up my statement that it is best to wash your hands properly with soap and if that is not possible use a hand sanitizer as a stopgap measure. If you actually read the entire links and not just the headlines it can be educational.
As far as having an honest discussion, I don't believe I told anyone to shut up, used the word moron, suggested a dose of everclear or equated anyone on here being ignorant enough to ingest hand sanitizer. Bob