Some old memories concerning my kids!!
First wife and I had 4 kids, the first two were girls 4 years apart. When they were around 3 and 7 the wife cooked up a really good Mexican dish. At least good to her and I. The girls hated it. They saw that their Mom had put this Mexican dish in a big Zip lock bag and placed it in the refrigerator. The girls figured they were going to see that food again so they decided to remove this from the refrigerator and hide it so their Mom wouldn't serve this Mexican dish that they hated, to them again.
They hid the Zip Lock bag on the floor of our bedroom closet.
X number of days later, Whee, I think a mouse must have died in the bedroom wall!
Several days later, Damnation, mouse my butt that's got to be a rat!! Which was strange because I had never seen a rat around the house.
Several days later, Honey are we missing a cat?? At this point I decided I had to figure out where in the wall this stench was coming from so I could cut into the wall to remove the offending stench, so into the closet I go!! I find the Zip Lock bag and nearly gag!! I had no idea that a mix of beans and hamburger could smell that bad!! 😂
So what are some of your interesting memories??
When I was about 10 or eleven there was a great big package under the Christmas tree for a few days before Christmas. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out what was in it. About 4 am Christmas morning I got up and set all the clocks ahead 3 hours, then went and woke everybody up. Along about 8am Dad got suspicious when it was still dark out, and turned on the radio and found out what time it really was.
I was sure I was going to get a whipping, but he just laughed and said "I wish I had thought of that when I was a kid".
It turned out to be a space station with a bunch of buildings and space toys. I think we got tired of it after a couple of days,
two stories off the top of my head ( lots more just examples )
I bought both my sons bb guns when they young and spent a couple days ( not all day ) showing them to be safe all the gun handling safe procedures ( I was never show as a kid by the way )
so I come home from work a few days later and a couple of the windows in a old barn we had were shot up very thick glass so i do the questioning ? all the things we have to shoot at or make shift targets and you pick the windows ?? of course I do not recall which one pointed out the other shot first so they of course had to do it
( not PC but both got a swift swat on the butt and chewed out )
skip ahead several years I decide to teach the oldest to use the riding mower. I let him go for several + drives over a weeks with out the blades on , so the he was doing Ok . again I come home there is a figure 8 in the corn field next to us not big but noticeable
so again the question why we have 5 acres of grass and weeds and you have to mow the frigging corn field ?? " just seemed like a fun thing "
Back in the 70's my mom used to smoke............and I used to buy comic books. In the back of all the comics there were all kinds of gadgets like whoopie cushions and palm held buzzers. I even bought a kit to build a "ballpoint pen radio" and had a lot of fun with that in grade school. Well, they also sold these "stink pellets" that you could load into the end of a cigarette, which would make it foul. Of course, I hated my mom smoking so I ordered a pack of them. Then I sneaked my mom's pack of smokes and put one of those bad boys in the end of each cigarette. She went to light one up and the tablet fell guys can imagine the rest. mom quit smoking soon after that on her own..........she is 78 yo now and in good health.
My brother and I spent our early years running from "the belt"
One day we were especially bad and she chased us upstairs and we dove under the bed.
She was extra pissed, I don't remember what we did but she was on fire.
She was sweeping "the belt" under the bed at us.
As she recoiled back in shock and horror.
We made a break for the bathroom as it had a lock, locked ourselves in.
We paid dearly later. Dad came home.
My father reached for the mashed potatoes....
Me and my brother instinctively ducked.
He asked: "What did you 2 little &^%$%^ do today?"