was hoping for just a week of normallcy...........
left for deer camp with the same old bunch of friends and relatives sunday before thanksgiving. we played poker, drank beer and generally had pretty good time sunday evening before opening day, got back in monday evening for dinner and found out one of my cousins had tested positive for virus. He went up to his camp to quarantine, two guys went and got tested at noon when they found out, me and cousing went next day at noon to local high school for test, everyone came back negative but still did our quarantine at the cabin, as everyones wives didn't want us coming home!! as worried as they claimed to be, none were willing to send us a 20 year old big breasted nurse.
I think my cousin tested false positive as his wife and grandkids were all negative and he really never showed any symptoms and he is in his 70's. so our little piece of normal got twisted into the new 2020 normal, am hoping muzzleloading that is coming up next week will go a lot better, we all teased him he just had his wife call and say that he tested positive so he wouldn't have to play any more poker, he was the big winner the first night. our group when kids/grandkids show up is usually 10-12, we only had 4 all week, not enough bodies to get the deer moving as we usually drive, and all we ended up doing was still hunting, hope next week is better....
If your cousin really had the Corona the rest of you probably would have got it. Could it be a false positive?
Hopefully by this time next year all this Corona stuff will be behind us.
Did you get any deer?
Sorry, you'll have to repeat part of that. You lost me at "20 year old big breasted nurse".
they got 2, small 4pt and a small 6pt, we didn't even see any big horns, I changed cards in my camera before coming home had one bigger 7pt come in about midnight 3 of the nights and then nothing the last few nights or days, didn't even see many does, the deer just disapeared about tuesday/wednsday and went noctornal bucks and does...... hoping the remainder of the does will come back into second rut the week of muzzleloading season and we will do a little better