Back to airplanes
I finally got to fly again today, went to KPMH in Portsmouth OH for breakfast with a buddy. We both had the Western omelet, with cheese, salsa and hot sauce. I had rye toast, he had white. A cherry pie slice topped our breakfast off. Flying today was fun, we had a 15KT headwind on the way there but gained excellent groud speed on the way back. It was hazy but turbulence was light to none.
My all time favorite plane is the F-14 Tomcat. It is just too cool to put into words.
Piston driven it has to be the Sea Fury. I know, I know it is supposed to be the P-51. Sorry. If I could even dream of having a piston driven fighter it would be the Sea Fury. The sleeve valve engine just makes it my favorite, along with its speed.
Today's fighters are just too cool. They are all completely tech driven, invisible, insane in cost and lack the raw aviation beauty of the past.
Yup, it has to go to the F-14 Tomcat for the top of the heap. Power, grace, beauty it has it all. I want one!
My Cessna 172H with RAM 0-320 D2J conversion will have to do for now until I find a VERY rich widow that takes a fancy to my stiff necked, weak, butt ugly self and offers me her checkbook.
I guess, forever, I am stuck with N2404L.
She will do.
This post is worthless without pictures 😉
...nothing like a "radial" engine.......nothing to do with radial engines, but my maintenance man built a homemade experimental aircraft.and used some kind of auto engine to power it....he no longer flies it because his wife said she would leave him if he continued his flying...
There is a company over in Grangeville that works over radials. Talked to a employee when they had a little airshow
over there a few years back and he said they get rebuilds from all over the world.
Gorgeous stuff. I’m with you, today’s cars are gorgeous, smooth, capable and computerized out the wazzoo. I prefer my ‘63 Land Rover. There’s something visceral and unrefined there.
Any idea what NASA was doing with the F14 ?
Great post, I was at the Pax River Air museum when I found out that they retired the F-14 and I was not happy.
First plane I ever flew in was a 172 . Still one of my favorites . About 30 years ago a buddy called me up saying he had killed a reindeer with his 172 . After a few minutes of back and forth joking he revealed that he hit a deer while doing touch and goes . Did right at 12 thousand in damages to the plane .