Listen UP!!!
The latest from NPR this morning. (1) Stop washing blue jeans unless absolutely necessary. The blue dye and fibers are getting into the water supply and killing everything. How many animals have you murdered over the years??? (2) The sand at Red Sea beaches is too hot due to global warming. Instead of the desirable 85 degree temperature for sea turtle hatching, it is now 97. This causes an undesirable ratio of female to male births, too many ladies. I hope you all are happy. One thing though. I remember trying to make it from the car to the ocean on some August day when I was a little fellow and that sand was a lot hotter than 85 degrees. We always seemed to have plenty of turtles then. It was a big deal when the females came up on the beach at night to lay eggs. Oh well.
I found the best thing for what ails you, turn NPR off! Don
But they are so funny.
Wonder if all brands of blue jeans leach out the same amount of the deadly blue stain?
signed; a blonde chick
NPR just makes me mad..............but I listen to it on the weekends, because on my usual conservative talk station's , all they play on the weekend is car shows and financial investment shows