The First Time in My Life...
A beautiful evening here in the mountains of SW Virginia so it I raised a window on the front porch, turned up the heat and sighted-in my Savage 22 at a 35 yard target in the front yard. This Mark II bolt-action is a dandy little rifle with a threaded barrel but it has been a great disappointment since purchase. It only extracts 2/3's of the fired rounds. Last night I reshaped the point of the extractor and today it is 100%!
I sighted it in with a red dot scope and I can I can now ding the 2" gong at 50 yards with every shot from a sandbag. I shot up 6 boxes of ammo before dinner.
The is first time in my life...I actually shot up $1000 of ammunition in one day! 🤑
If anyone has one of those Savage rifles that does not like to extract, try this - sharpen the point on the extractor. If you ruin it, only the price of the extractor is at risk. I slightly tightened the C-spring as well.
Did you use a Dremel tool?
It sure is nice to be able to shoot off one’s porch anytime.
I used a small file...maybe 3 strokes on top and 2 underneath.
One of the joys of my retirement - shooting off the porch. I could hunt off my porch but my wife says all animals in the yard belong to her and animals on the mountain belong to me.
Ive got an old Glenfield Marlin 25 that shoots like that! But I cant afford to burn up $1000 anymore. It should be deadly on leaves too!
Funny you should mention shooting leaves. That is how I adjusted the scope to get it on paper. Haha!
Sounds like an excellent way to spend the day!
I shoot off my porch too(actually the back deck). I have a bunch of steel spinner targets set up from 30 yds to 100 yds. I have some old frying pans hanging in the trees and shoot just about everyday. I usually wind down at 1600 and have a cigar. I haul out one of my 22's and shoot maybe a 50 rd box each day. I like an iron sighted 22 so I usually shoot my Yogo trainer or a Browning BLR-22, both are accurate and have good iron sights. Sometimes I get lucky and blast a crow.
I shoot off the porch and deck, usually my CZ 452, the porch is 100 yards, and the back is only 40 yards because of the trees.