People are moving to S Dak
I've noticed some out of state plates here in town looking at houses.
I'm guessing folks wanting to escape tyrannical governors, mayors and etc, I really hope they don't bring any liberal BS here!!
It wont fly here!
if any of y'all have watched Yellow stone, some of the things on that show aren't to far off of reality, in fact i watched a trailer on youtube this morn called ranch hand and bikers brawl at part where Rip is coming down the road and see's whats going down, (several years ago that part is very close to reality) ....only it was out of area deer hunters shooting at running deer that were right in among our cattle out grazing corn stalks, anyways I had front bumper of my pickup inches from their passenger door...(they were shooting from a public road) it didn't come down to grabbing a branding iron and clubbing people or guns pulled, but it did get pretty intense for a bit....they left scared and never come back.
back to the point, a friend of mine sold his house to some folks from out east somewhere sight unseen wanting to get to a small town in S Dakota.
I'm getting close to building a new house on my farm/ranch so we have started working on my house here in town with intentions of selling it, so hope the trend continues of people coming here looking for small town rural living. Good people are welcome here, just hope they understand they are coming here to our lifestyle and hope they embrace and respect it!
PS, it does get pretty hot and cold here.....coldest ambient temp I've seen is -38 below and hottest is 117 deg 😁
The politics they left with will be the politics they grow in SD. Ask Texans and other southwesterners what the people fleeing California have done to their states.
Yes, I know.
It's quite scary.
I'm seriously considering moving to SD myself. I still have a 14 year old son and I can't move away from him and I won't move him away from his mother or I would have been gone years ago.
I have an acquaintance who is a hardcore California commie, & she owns a 2nd home “ranch” in South Dakota.
It makes no sense, but there she is, going on 10yrs now.
Good luck.
The local postal lady, told me that the same thing is happening where I summer in northern Arizona. I haven't been there in over a year, because the Chinese crud is so bad up there. Told me that bunch of folks, were both buying and building houses there.
Amazed me! Last place in the world, I thought people would want to move to. But I guess if you lived in poopholes like Portland, Seattle not to mention all of southern CA. You would probably be willing to move to the gates of hell, for a chance at a normal lifestyle.
I used to think it was libtards from NJ that have made NC a bluish state but I think it is the states many colleges that have transformed young kids into commie libtards.
I don't think there is anywhere safe to move right now except out of the country and I really cannot think of a place I would want to go.
Yep, those Cali people are bad news, I've had run ins with them a couple of times over my shooting, not here, but at my parents farm in Kansas. Fortunately the few neighbors I have all shoot and hunt so no worries here.
My family is from Mina South Dakota. We homesteaded there in 1882 and we had two quarter sections.
My dad played football for the University of South Dakota coyotes.
He got married to a college girl there and after a while mom started getting bad ear infections. Doc told her she had to move to a place with warmer weather. So, I grew up in the Atlanta suburbs.
I have often wished that my family had stayed in South Dakota, I did not fit in there in suburbia. You couldn't shoot guns and you couldn't go hunting.
we are getting more and more home grown libs here .....some have what I'd call pretty severe mental problems too proven with the advent of social media IE wastebook some post nothing but anti conservative stuff around the clock and thats no *! its like watching soap operas on tv for the most part....kinda like watching a wreck... you just gotta keep watching.
its truly scary times we are in now! there is such a deep divide that there's probably about only one way for it to get fixed.
I used to live in eastern Washington state, right near the Idaho border. All I had to do was cross the Pend Orielle River and I was in Idaho, and I spent a lot of time in Idaho.
One day, I noticed a bumper sticker that said DON'T CALIFORNICATE IDAHO. I asked my buddy what the deal was.
He told me that all kinds of people were moving from California to Idaho, and they did not want them up there. A bunch of Lib hippie loonies was what he said.
I heard stories that if you did move up to Idaho from California, it was advisable to get Idaho license plates on your first day in town. I heard that people with California plates were getting their windshields broken out.
I was not involved in the fracas, I was from Georgia, nobody cared if a guy from Georgia moved up there.
... embrace “it”. That’s funny.
Now I understand what I felt like to be a Native American. The masses are coming like locusts
they will bring their beliefs and soon the place will be ruined.
Get out because they are going to be different than the old guard, lib and anti... guaranteed
the first signs around here were ... out of state plates, then the whole county went to sh.. inside of 5 years.
Sleepy Joe is getting ready to give home buyers around 15k or so .
He's also putting the reparations bill at the top of his list I read.
"A bill reintroduced in the House this week to create a commission to examine reparations for the African American descendants of slavery is being seen by many as an early test of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ proclaimed commitment to tackling structural oppression."
I moved away from metro Atlanta to get away from the blue cancer. Looks like I didn't move far enough. My wife has been wanting to move to South Dakota for years, funny thing she has never stepped foot in the state. I don't know where to go at this point. Damn Democrats keeping moving out of Democrap controlled chit holes trying to excape the chaos and they keep voting the same problems in when they arrive thus bringing the cancer with them.
Is S. Dakota a lot different than N. Dakota? The movement is out ward there?
We have too many people in SD the way it is. I hope the winters get worse to run them off.
I have never spent much time in SD, but really liked it there. Nothing against you people who live there but I hope you have some bad weather this winter to keep people away. You sure don't want a large influx of people who want to change your state. I have seen it happen to many states, just not pretty at all. That will never happen to my state, Illinois it is such a crap hole already. If I didn't have my shop and another piece of dirt I would get out of here. If I could find a place in the country to have a small house and a nice shop without paying a fortune I would move. I started looking in Colorado this spring but the Covid chased me home. Now it two weeks I am having shoulder surgery so a move won't be happening till fall maybe. The doctor said I won't be able to even start doing much for 6 months, that might kill me. Always been busy working since I was a kid on the farm helping dad, and that sure has been a long way back!
Amen to that! yes whiteout blizzards where you cant see your hand in front of your face that create 60+ deg below zero windchills hail storms that can almost total out a house, we also have a lot of tornadoes... some have completely removed small towns from the map.... its a hundred miles to anywhere.... gotta be kinda tough to survive here 😁
This happened in Northern MI years ago as auto company retirees moved "up North". Locals complained about them bringing in their ideas/politics. That was thirty or 40 years ago.
Today the trend appears to moving to escape states like CA with high taxes. if Heard of some companies doing it (Ruger?). Others from CA to AZ and TX.
Some people are moving because they can now work remotely from anywhere as long as they have internet access. Many appear to simply moving to escape the crime and poor schools in the cities. There will certainly be a strain on infrastructure, school systems, local government budgets, etc. as the new folks will be demanding amenities they had before.
A hundred years or so ago, people began a migration to the cities for jobs and a better life. Perhaps we are witnessing a reverse trend today.