Message not received
There has to be some members of congress that can accurately understand the changes in the people but it seems the body as a whole doesn't. Or doesn't care which may be more likely. Either way, the message is not getting acted on, as far as I can tell it isn't even received.
Rubio says the $2000 stimulus would help unite people. He thinks we can be bought. That is just an example of something I read this morning that supports my opinion that they are acting clueless. Real or faked cluelessness, I'm not sure.
The divisions in this country are not about President Trump. He is a result of our issues, he is not the issue. But congress and the media want to make it about the President to distract attention away from the real issues. Our government has simply gotten to far out of the box the constitution was written to hold it in. Our government is over intrusive, burdensome, and IMO surpassed oppressive awhile back. The "war on drugs" the "war on terror" and this last nail "pandemic" have been used to grow more and more government control.
What to do, I'm not sure. I'll keep being a citizen statesman, I'll speak and teach using what influence I have in the circle I operate in. I'll write the letters, I'll vote. But I do not expect in the long run there are enough of us doing this to change the course.
The position our government is in was predictable. The Republicans controlled both chambers of congress and the Presidency yet they did not throw out the Affordable Care Act. I told those that would listen the republicans would not throw it out. I said the vote would be close and they would have someone to blame it on that could take the heat. After they failed to toss it 2020 was set up and here we are. That is only a small piece of the puzzle but it is one we can see.
I hoped I was wrong and I did my part by voting for the republicans to give them the chance. Unfortunately they lived up to my expectations and they continue to grow big government and ignore the people.
there is nothing that will unite anymore
It's odd but the worse that things get, the more that the two of us seem to agree.
Yes, everyone has a price. I think the the vote in Georgia proved that point. The Dems basically campaigned on "Vote for us and receive $2000."
Wouldn't it be funny if they didn't get a dime..
I think it would be funny if they woke up and realized how much money was sent over seas to countries that hate us. Way over $2000 per person. Oh and how much politicians put in their pockets!!!
wife and I get mad as I will bet millions do when we see where all the money goes but flip side millions more getting a free ride could care less they just see the middle class paying more tax no impact to them and they get 2k for just voting as normal its a way of life vote for us free food, housing, medical, schooling, now get out of jail free cards if they go at all just sign your life and soul over to us ..