Odd Mule Deer
Anyone ever seen a mule deer buck like this? When I first saw him I thought he had stuck his head in some Burdock weed and got some burs on his head. Now I don't think so...can't imagine the burs stacking themselves 2-3 inches high like those on the right or not sticking to other places on his head. He is about the size of a year and a half old deer. I am going to keep an eye on him. If he lives long enough he might end up a heck of a non-typical.
Several years back we had some young cowboys on a neighboring ranch that got to roping some young mule deer bucks and castrating them. They all ended up having antlers that were in the velvet and never changed into hard polished antlers but stayed in the velvet. They were other wise normal appearing antlers except for staying in velvet.
The photo was taken about a week ago.
Makes you wonder what he'll grow when he grows up.