A View of the Missouri River today...Pic
My Bride had an appointment today in town so as the weather was closing in I drove her and dropped her off. There is a nice overlook area in a nearby park so I headed up there to wait....It was snowing lightly and the wind was blowing pretty good....
I was driving her vehicle so guess where my good camera was.....In my truck....so I got this shot with my phone. It was too bad I did not have my vehicle. As I sat there three different bald eagles flew around the area, most of the time within 30-50 yards from my vehicle....an immature male was the most entertaining as he dove towards the water a couple time...I missed out on some great pics for sure.....I will have to go there another day soon...
So what did you get to look at today that was interesting ????
I grew up in a town on the Missouri river spent a lot of time on it's banks. Another good view was in Herman from the Catholic Church parking lot
Where?? What state??
Central MO
I will have to check that view out someday....
Just think if you had been there in 1804 you would have seen Lewis and Clark going upstream with the keel boat.
It was a lot better when the old bridge was there
Some of the those old bridges were so narrow you could hardly get two 18 wheelers across at the same time....anything that was oversized required shutting the thing down until the vehicle passed over.
With a couple hundred acres of restored wetlands(AKA "duck swamp" or "skeeter factory") within a mile, we have a LOT of eagles most of the time. I can see the outline of an eagle's nest from my yard. Years ago, it was rare to see an eagle but now it's likely to see 2-3 at a time.
Last week a mature and an immature bald eagle were squabbling over what was most likely a muskrat or bunny rabbit morsel . Lots of aggressive interaction with wings spread and talons deployed but I didn't see any loose feathers so must have just been for show.