Beautiful out there today....took a nice hike and got some sun and fresh air......PICS
It was 65 today and just plain nice out so I figured it was time to get out of the house and take a hike....I walked across the road and checked out the lake. I wet a line but nothing biting. There were a few ducks flying around most of the time I was there.....Headed back home and dropped my fishing pack and grabbed another pack and rifle and walked to the back of our place. I was checking out some drainage issues and looking for sheds. No sheds either....I headed back home after checking some waterways and crashed out. Total distance for the day, just under 7 miles....
I hope you all had a chance to enjoy some of this great weather...
Yeah I know but could not get the pic to flip the right direction.....
And a couple game camera pics...
I would not recommend shooting at that big green duck, he might shoot back!
I went for a motrocycle ride on my adventure bike. It was nice to get out on the road. Me and a buddy are going to ride the MABDR is a few months and camp out.
And I just grilled burgers and hot dogs for supper !!!!! The day got even better !
hey Forge your gun looks just like William's............
Good thing we have an official picture twister on the forums. I was gettin' a kink in my neck 'till I figured out I could just turn my laptop...