Non-Paying Buyer - What Happens After I Get My Credit
Sorry if this sounds like a whine-fest, but the lack of support on this site is ridiculous. Support questions seem to be answered by a bot that forwards links that are mostly useless. When you search a topic, like dealing with a non-paying buyer, it tells you to go to a pulldown tab that doesn't exist. Follow a link for dealing with a problem buyer, it takes you to a page for BUYERS having problems with sellers. Crazy.
So, I had a NPB, and was finally awarded my credit. So now what do I do from there? The only button there for that item is a "Cancel" button. Does that cancel the sale, or does it cancel my credit? I don't like clicking on buttons when I'm not sure what it will do, or if I'll be able to undo anything.
And what about my Seller's Dashboard? How do I clear those items (my first 3 sellers were all non-paying clowns) from my dashboard? Any help will be appreciated.
Don't let the door hit your behind when it slams shut.
Let me fix this....
"So, while I'm patiently waiting for the team of professional support specialists at GB I was curious if anyone might know the answer to a couple questions in the mean time.
I had a NPB, and was graciously awarded my credit. So now what do I do from there? The only button there for that item is a "Cancel" button. Does that cancel the sale, or does it cancel my credit?
And what about my Seller's Dashboard? How do I clear those items (my first 3 sellers were all non-paying bidders) from my dashboard? Any help will be appreciated.
Yes, it sounds exactly like a whine-fest. You say that the lack of support on this site- this site being the Gun Broker Forums (not the auctions) is ridiculous? You don't want to see quickly I can make things happen.
Getting testy in your old age, are you? 😃