The media says it isn't true
But the people I talk to who own small businesses or hire for larger ones say it IS true!
Extended extra generous unemployment compensation without requiring documentation of job searches, "Stimmies" as they have become known to the younger Generation, with very generous distribution of Tax dollars especially adding in for each kid under age, have made hiring next to impossible.
Larger towns and tourist areas have it even harder, here in Charleston SC not one or two but many restaurants have closed due to unavailability of affordable and competent labor.
We have a Bahama Breeze that is built and set to open when it can find enough help!
Talking to a young lady my wife knows she said she used to clean houses but now with her three kids she gets "stimmie" money and drawing unemployment plus sized. She has turned down her employer. When I asked if that doesn't cut her off she said she hasn't been asked to provide proof of Job search or questioned about previous employers offer.
Go figure
Exactly why new home care for Mom didn't happen. Drawing that free govt. handout money and staying home or working another job and getting it. Unemployment.. stimmy money... cash under table new job. New America..
I think that these days, anything the media or liberal politicians say is the opposite of the truth. Take what you hear and flip it 180.
I had a metal roof put on a while back.The guy that owns the small company had to do the complete job alone due to not being able to hire any help.
Well where are all these folks coming across the border gonna work???
They are working on taking your stuff away.
Every fast food place in town wants help. Talked to the main guy at Arby's and he says no one will work. They are making more off of the dole, quote. I know it is true and if anyone has a brainstem does also.
Its part of the reason that im retiring now , i just cant find people that want a job. Also cant find anybody that wants to buy a business.
It's called job security (and votes) for the current administration, mogley98.
my oldest son was telling me that a lot of local places are finding it almost impossible to get help or the quit after a short time to collect unemployment not a surprise when you think about it
but as posted its buying votes for the dems . just like the promise of th e2nd "stimulus check " help pull votes
one local factory is reporting to be offering a 3k bonus if you say 90 days
But hey... at least that Bad Orange Man isn't sending out any more mean tweets!
that's the plan Stan - let in a bunch of low wage workers, fill the jobs and then when the gravy train ends, the "stimmie" * setters ain't gonna be able to find a job. About 2 months after that desperation sets in and that's when crap gets interesting.
Daughter's house was messed up in hurricane so mom, dad & 4 kids are in a 1 bedroom garage apartment. Contractor can't find workers & said if insurance comes thru so he can start in May he might get them back in their house by November.
Just watched a local news piece that claimed there are 25,000 food industry jobs vacant in Utah. They can't find $10/hr employees anywhere and can't afford to pay more. We have the nation's lowest unemployment rate at under 3% but entry-level and food jobs are going begging.
If your trying to collect unemployment due to your job being affected by the Corona virus you are not required to do a job search.
I was told the other day that the local FedEx depot is hiring. If you show up on time you get an extra $20 cash. If you work your whole shift you get another $20 cash. That is the only way they can get people to come in and work an entire shift. They tried just raising the hourly pay but people still came in late and found excuses to leave early. Bob
The media wouldn't acknowledge a bloody nose if the truth walked up and punched them.
The minimum wage in Virginia is $7.25 an hour. Folks that are out of work due to COVID are drawing $600 a week- equal to $15 an hour x 40 hours a week.
A lot of young folks are not going to take a 50% pay cut in order to go to work.
Meth there???????????
The problem is people don't understand how money works, they know how to spend it, some even understand saving and investing, they think all the treasury has to do is print it and it is good. Eventually fiat money fails account of there is no backing of it. But as long as the money is spendable people will continue to look for a free hand out. What use to go for a dime now goes for a dollar. Currency has failed several times in the past account of over spending and then trying to print your way out of debt.