Exactly what is used to measure inflation?
Obviously not gasoline, lumber, concrete, guns, ammo, medical, housing, Food, Etc.
Companies are all screaming about higher material costs and lack of labor but the TIPS and COLA are holding steady at flat.
I looked it up, I have to wonder if Uncle Sugar is using items they control the costs on with subsidies LOL.
"The basket of goods includes basic food and beverages such as cereal, milk, and coffee. It also includes housing costs, bedroom furniture, apparel, transportation expenses, medical care costs, recreational expenses, toys, and the cost of admissions to museums also qualify. Education and communication expenses are included in the basket's contents, and the government also includes other random items such as tobacco, haircuts, and funerals."
You mean they are cooking the books. Green font.
Exactly what is used to measure inflation?
I use a tire pressure gauge.
while I don't think it is an official guide, I allways figured the interest rates were the best guide, the higher they go the higher the inflation.....
I think fuel, food, and housing have been excluded for many years. That's something that doesn't get much press and much of the public doesn't realize it. Anything to make the inflation number look good.
Just wait a year or so. We ain't seen nothin' yet.
That's a good question. Spending $4 trillion that we don't have is certain to fuel inflation. But, some prices can change quickly, others are fixed & may not budge for a year or 2. Food costs can rise or drop quickly, your Social Security benefits not so fast.
I'm not sure what "Uncle Sugar" means. The federal government doesn't have any money; it's just a mechanism to spend money that belongs to the workers. Money is spent (or borrowed) by our Congressional representatives, & they & the Federal Reserve are responsible for inflation.
Social Security didn't start out as a Ponzi scheme, but our Congressmen turned it into one; they continue to raise benefits beyond cost of living to get re-elected, figuring that they will retire before the people realize that they screwed us.
Pounds per square inch?
Only thing holding country together is printing more money.
I agree Neal. I look at this as the government just using their charge card. Eventually, the world will say that we have reached our limit. I read that for the first time our national debt has exceeded our current GDP and now the admin is asking for trillions more.
i always thought inflation was when the gov. recklessly printed money, thereby lowering the value of the money and thereby making things cost more.
Exactly what is used to measure inflation?
a politicians bank account,,,
You mean like now varian? 😀
I recently went over my home owners insurance policy as my yearly payment is coming up at the end of next month. I have always been satisfied with my protection if my home was ever to become a total loss. With the current costs for building materials up nearly 250% from just last year, I now have a few worries to contend with.
I call these increases in everything from ammo to 2 x 4's inflation!
Inflation is the price you pay for living in a society built around a debt model.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
Received two of those cordless portable air compressors .. on charger now..
Depends on the circumstances...
Related with psi
psi to technical atmosphere
psi to kilonewton/hectoare
psi to kilogram-forces/centibarn
psi to kiloponds/acre (UK)
psi to gram-forces/square inch (US)
psi to pbar
psi to Gm.H2O
psi to dyne/kilobarn
psi to kilonewton/square inch
psi to mN/in2.uk
They use bull feathers, slight of hand, look at the pretty birdie obfuscation and cooked numbers to determine inflation in the good ole' USA.
Other than those minor insignificant issues all is well, keep on believing in the full faith and good credit of the United States of America, your money is backed by a wonderful system of smoke, mirrors, a printing press the Federal Reserve and the awesome wisdom of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell.
CNN is in charge now the truth as we know it is dead!
I have always used the spot price on gold as barometer to follow inflation. However, panic and a crisis can effect the spot price to a degree.
What ever their formula is quoting is pure B.S..But what the heck it's all just a faith system set up by greedy overseers with nothing but the backing from sheple who are being sold a receipt for taxes in the future,Watch Biden make it all happen soon.
Letting 100's of thousands of new future non paying tax payers in will cause a lot of new taxes with inflation very soon,They will be unable to hid in the details with the devil much longer. The Big Reset is coming!
Government budget deficits + unrestrained printing of currency = hyperinflation.
Money becomes worthless, no matter how many zeros they put after the one.
A proven indicator of hyperinflation is when the monthly rate of inflation is 50%.
But, to answer the original question, to gauge inflation, most economists look to the CSI. (Consumer Price Index)