What Constitutes an ORIGINAL AR 15 SP1, 1968?
I have a 1968 AR15, SP1, serial # 12xxx. Across many forums and independent discussions, I have heard that an original 1968 could be anything, since production used left over parts from earlier AR 15s and even M16s.
I am not an expert on modern firearms, preferring instead Civil War era guns. I am not sure if this 1968 gun was manufactured in middle or late 1968, which presumably makes a difference. So, what should be on this gun and more importantly which parts should not be part of this gun?
I appreciate any insight you can give me on this vague question. I am still a novice on identifying such mundane parts, for example edge water buffer, etc. I do know that much. Many thanks to the individuals and groups on this site who put in long hours researching and answering any and all questions on firearms.
I don't think that we can help you. This is a forum that cuts you off after 10 replies, & we haven't even figured out what the serial number is. I suggest that you buy a copy of Walt Kuleck's "The New AR-15 Complete Owner's Guide", an inexpensive paper back. Read that cover to cover, & get back to us with photos of your rifle & what questions you still have.
EDIT: You may want to check out prior postings on the "milsurp" website under "M1911/M1911A1 forum". There are folks there who have recently assembled "retro" AR-15's that are very close to early models.
Your serial number if correct seems to be obviously an early version. I think most of those would have the triangle forearm . I am below novice but finding references as to DOM would be a start. Imo a piece that would generate interest. IMO ,
Mine is in the 1500 to 1600 range and I got a factory letter from Colt. Won’t answer by our questions about correct configuration, but will tell you exactly when made and where shipped. I think it adds more value than it costs to an SP1.