Feeling philosophical tonight.......
I try very hard to live in peace with my fellow man.....a few days ago I had a situation where an old friend really trashed me to some other friends. It was one of those things where hurt feelings turned into anger and a loss of time and energy thinking about it.... The others that were drug into it by the friend's behavior were now also angry with the individual.....
Today I ran into the two others friends and they were still angry......as they started in, I told them I had thought my way through the situation and had asked myself what the motivation was behind the behavior of the other friend that started the whole situation....
It cleared the air for all of us.....old friends can be forgiven for their missteps when one figures out where/why things got off the path...
Sounds like you have chosen some sort of path to forgiveness.
I think you likely chose the right path.
Always thought of you as the bigger man. Respect and admiration from me.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The Lord is smiling.
Well done, sir. I know people have crappy days and some let them really get away from them. Your friend might have been feeling shame that he acted that way, looking for a way to undo it. Or he might just be a blithering * and you've learned something new about him.
Regardless, you have no control over what HE did, only over how YOU react. And you did it well and took the high road. The world needs a heckuva lot more people like you, sir.
You simply applied the Lords prayer to a real world situation. Well done.
As I have gotten older, it is easier to forgive and move on.....In this case we may not be friends on the same level and I will likely be fairly guarded on what I say to this individual. I will not waste the energy it takes to be angry or hold a grudge.
It don't take no energy, it just takes practice! Don
Confrontations are a little like thunderstorms.
They can be unpleasant while they're happening,
but they help clear the air.
These days, I would rather sit back and watch drama than participate in it.
When it involves close friends or family it is very hard not to get sucked in!
I am just the opposite, as I have gotten older I won't hold back as much, I tend to tell people exactly what I am thinking, if it makes them mad so be it, I just don't associate with them anymore, most of the folks I worked with before retireing are now on that list, don't miss em a bit........... and the ones I still see know I will tell them the truth about anything
It helps to have a teflon skin. I cannot be insulted. Insults are all in how you handle them.
25 or 30 years ago I wrote a newspaper column. One time a lady came up to me at a dinner and said "Whenever I see an article by you I immediately go on to something BETTER! I remarked: "Such as the obituaries? Because you seem like a person who would take delight in other's tragedies." Then I laughed, because I thought it was a good comeback. She did not seem so amused.
Like the adage- 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.' It's true.
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