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Ruger single six .22 mag
Member Posts: 768 ✭✭✭
I have a Ruger single six .22 mag that was made in 1960. It was made in .22 mag only and stamped that way. Made from 1959 to 1962 from what I have read. Later production could be had with mag and .22 lr cylinder. My question is can I purchase a .22 lr cylinder that is a drop in fit or is there other issues to be had. Any info is always appreciated. Terrill
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FWIW, I have found a 22 mag interchangeable with a 22LR means less than decent accuracy from either. I am not sure why but the two different rounds out of the same gun are not satisfactory. Your Mileage May Vary.
I still own a A Single-Six with both cylinders from the factory, a year or so newer than yours. Excellent accuracy with both. But I do recall something from way back then about the convertible guns having a special bore diameter.
found this on a Ruger forum , can't post the actual link because of GB rules but here is a C&P
The Long Rifle bore (diameter of the lands) is .222"; the WMR is .224".
(you can use a new drill bit to check which one you have )
A #2 drill is .221" at the cutting end and a more accurate test. And check your drill bit with a dial caliper or a micrometer. Recognize the shank of the drill bit is smaller than the actual cutting edges, so use the cutting end of a new drill.
The 7/32" (.219") drill bit is too small to discern the difference in bore sizes. It will enter a clean .222" bore.
Bearcats were introduced in 1958 so those produced before 1960 likely have LR only bores; #s A001 thru X453, and possibly later. I don't have one that early to confirm.
Super Bearcats introduced 1970 (all steel except trigger guard until 1973) all have the .224" bore.
The SingleSix LR only .222" bores ended at ~ #150,000 in 1959.
All Lightweight Single Sixes have .222" bores thru #212,530 when they ended production in 1959. The S (seconds) model Lightweights assembled in 8/64 and 4/65 are all numbered below #212,530 and may have either bore because they were assembled later.-
I believe all the New Model Single Six's have the .224 .. as far as finding a 22lr cyl. to fit should be pretty easy , there are several Ruger owner forum type sites out there , just become a member on one of them and post a want to buy , measure the overall length of your cyl. with a good dial caliper, most times they are just drop in and good to go