Spamming through the forum PM system.
During the past week I have received two reports from multiple members who were being spammed through the forum PM system, as well as one report last month of spam appearing on the members "wall", which is at the bottom of their profile page. In each case, the offender is a newbie looking to bad mouth Gun Broker off the boards and where the staff can't see it.
Offenders were banned without even being allowed to say a word. They didn't even make it to the Island of Misfit Members, they were dumped overboard and into shark infested waters! The PM system is for private conversations between the membership. No one on staff, including Nunn and myself, and montanajoe can read your PM unless we're invited in to join the chat.
PM's are not for spamming, nor as a membership recruiting tool for other forums. That recruiting activity contributed to one forum members demise.☠️ If your PMs are being spammed, notify nunn or myself, or one of the moderators, and we'll take care of it.
Seems that I heard something about this not long ago...😉
This is where Mark's 'suppressed ban hammer' comes into play. They never even hear the blow!