Catfish and Halibut are alike in one way
I went fishing (alone and happy!) in my 16 foot bass boat today on a new to me lake. I went to FORKED RUN state park a mere 30 minute drive from my home. There is a no limit on HP but the lake is a no wake zone. I kept speed to 3.8-4.0 MPH to avoid issues with fin and feather LEO's. It is a LONG lake, with many twits and turns. It is also deep in the main channel and maybe 200 yards wide. The lake is rocky bottom with lot so overhanging trees, deadfall and great of cover for fish.
I used SLIM JIMS for bait! It is supposed to be a great Bluegill bait, so I tried it.
I anchored up and caught several channel cat fish, most small on bobbers and and a number 6 hook. One was a 19" fish that gave the 4 pound test line a lot of tussle. I had that one for dinner. The others got released to get bigger.
I read and see folks skinning catfish with pliers. Since Halibut have skin too I figured just flitting it then removing the skin the same way would work fine. It did. I removed the meat for dinner and skinned it like a halibut. You set the meat skin down on a board, start at the tail and move the skin back and forth, pulling on the skin with your fingers while holding the knife still. The meat came off clean with no muss or fuss. To heck with pliers and pulling.
Pia, my dog loved the fried scraps after I had a great dinner of fresh Ohio channel catfish for dinner.
Catfish is good, so if you catch one over 16" and under 30" keep it for fine table fare. You will not be disappointed.
I think it helps if you soak it in milk overnite. I like it smoked better than fried. No bones to speak of.
Bigger catfish are good too. You have to cut out the bloodline and either cut it into chunks or slice across the backbone and make steaks. Congrats on the fishing and food! Also, not all catfish are created equal. I like channel cat the best, appalossa not so much.
Bullheads also make for good eating.
Oh, congrats on a good day on the water.
You’re offering to filet halibut? Can I drop one off? It’s just the one...
I'm going to need a longer knife!