" The Disagree Button",,,
This topic has been brought up several times already, but as a refresher here it is again.
The disagree button does not allow any one but staff to see who made the disagree. Staff can not remove the disagree. The disagree does not affect a members status.
Because no one can see who hit the disagree , and usually a comment is not left explaining the disagree, a member can feel as being attacked.
We had some members that went out of their way to hit disagree on all post of other members. Some offenders were banned some came oh so close to being banned but rec'd firm warning.
Staff does not understand why the secrecy of the disagree button was put into place. Staff has asked that the disagree button be removed completely,but don't believe thats possible in itself.
If you hit a disagree maybe leave a comment why, I.E. "I just don't like tacos".
If you receive disagrees here and there try not to let it get to you.
If you become victim of the serial disagree hitter and staff doesn't notice, let us know.
If I see disagrees, yes I will usually call out the hidden giver and ask why.
If you hit disagree on a staff members action,reply,or direction,it will be the same as a disagree with GB rules and policy and that just doesn't go over well. Proceed with caution.
I don't like that you don't like tacos.
The humanity...