Tyson Chicken
Tyson sends its chicken to China for processing because it’s cheaper !
How many chickens does Tyson kill a week?45,000,000 chickens Its plants slaughter approximately 155,000 cattle, 461,000 pigs, and 45,000,000 chickens every week.
It provides chicken supplies to all Yum! Brands chains, including KFC and Taco Bell, as well as McDonald's, Burger King, small restaurant businesses, and prisons. The company manufactures a wide variety of processed meat products at its 123 food processing plants.
The actions of the U.S. meat industry throughout the pandemic have brought to light the true corruption and waste that are inherent within our food system. Despite a new wave of rising COVID-19 cases, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recently submitted a proposal to further increase "the maximum slaughter line speed by 25 percent," which was already far too fast and highly dangerous. It has been made evident that the industry will exploit its workers and animals all to boost its profit.
See: https://www.ecowatch.com/tyson-foods-consumer-exploitation-2649125143.html
Sounds to me like they made sure there was food in the stores to buy last year during the shortages and panic buying caused by the pandemic. Guess we should all be thankful for that.
It all boils down to how you look at a situation and the author of the ecowatch story has a radically different point of view and agenda than I have.
The info about Chinese processing is correct for the products they sell IN China but they don't return those products to the U.S. Of course that doesn't make a very good story or clickbait when the whole story is told. Bob
I don't know all the facts but would tend to agree with Bob. It's not cost effective or timely to ship to China AND BACK. As for the speeding up production lines vs exploitation of workers: It's like any other "production line" process. Some workers are just faster/more efficient than others. Weeding out the slower ones and/or segregating them to another line that runs slower is simply good management.
Just another way to control our economy. Most of the seafood comes from over there also. Lets see, food, our dependence on those new raw materials for those new electric vehicles, China makes most of our medicine. Walmart with their goods..
"Just another way to control our economy."
I guess we have the option to just go over there, whup their commie butts, and make their country our states number 51-55.
IMHO, we should already be well into that project as retaliation for the germ warfare attack in 2019.
No, China doesn't make most of our imported drugs. Ireland is the biggest, followed by Germany, Switzerland, Israel & India.
South Americans are coming in droves to keep your food supply moving at a very cheap rate, lets be careful about complaining with our mouths full. 😉 Most will remove themselves from government aid asap unlike some ethnic groups which we can't complain about on here.
"Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee
Outsourcing U.S. Drug Manufacturing to China was a Mistake—A Lethal One | Opinion
Lee Rosebush
On 5/5/20 at 1:04 PM EDT
Coronavirus By the Numbers: Some U.S. States Reopen As COVID-19 Cases Reach 3.5 Million Worldwide
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Opinion Pharmaceuticals Big Pharma China Manufacturing
Most products we use include a country-of-origin label, from your Costa Rican fruit to Ethiopian coffee to even your Canadian car doorframe. Unsurprisingly, many of these goods sport the "Made in China" label.
While the American public and political leaders have long lamented the exodus of American manufacturing overseas, rarely has it put us in mortal danger. But the COVID-19 pandemic shows how the departure of one specific sector—pharmaceuticals—has left the U.S. dangerously exposed, at a fearsome cost. It has literally cost us lives. The U.S. Government and private industry need to immediately recognize this problem and join together to create a new plan to build and protect manufacturing of life-saving medication domestically.
The problem has long been gestating. Drug manufacturing has largely moved overseas—mostly to China and India—leaving few drug ingredients or finished drugs produced here. Even of those finished drugs that are produced here, estimates are that over 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in the drugs come from foreign nations, mainly China. That is just a guess, as the FDA itself doesn't even know. And while estimates are that over 80 percent of API may come from foreign nations, in the case of many antibiotics and drugs that treat high blood pressure, China is the sole source of API. Making it worse, while many generic drugs are produced in India—estimates are 70 percent or more—they also use API from China.
Widely circulated testimony from Rosemary Gibson, senior advisor at the Hastings Center and author of "China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America's Dependence on China for Medicine," brought concerns about China's control of API to our nation's leading policymakers in July 2019. Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, she stated that within a matter of days, China could bring the work of U.S. hospitals—military or otherwise—to a standstill.
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One important factoid as to why China: NO LAWSUITS
I just hate it when my fellow conservatives, believe made up BS, then spread it like it's gospel truth.
Then we all sit back and * about liberals doing it.
I don't seem to recall any chicken shortages during the pandemic but there sure was a toilet paper shortage.
"South Americans are coming in droves to keep your food supply moving at a very cheap rate,"
That's 'old news'. The new version is Afreekans who show up on work VISA and then simply disappear into the blach(ish) communities. Congolians, Nigerians, Somalians are taking the jobs away from the Hispanics. Local scuttlebutt is that none of them ever returns to their home country. Grouch Attack works in the cafeteria at the Smithfield plant and is certain one guy disappeared for a year or so then walked in with new name and papers claiming he'd just arrived in country but oddly knew just where everything was in the plant and how it all worked.
Speaking of corruption, Tyson is a big supporter of the Clintons and other Ds. Remember the big $100,000 investment Hillary made that paid off so well? It was because Tyson MADE it pay off.