My turn update
Feel like I was ran over by a truck then it came back around again to make sure lol
Testes positive for covid
2x as bad as any flu I have ever had can't eat sleep lot of pain
Wife tested positive also
Not complaining just venting
Wife and both have it
I went in for some infusion doc suspected it sorry I do not recall the name of the drugs its a half hour going in and a hour to make sure no side effects
4 minutes into mine the nuses stopped mine odd heart beat egr and off to the er they gave me a shot not the covid one and some antibiotics for my lung and sent me home still miserable
My wife had it done yesterday after being home a short time really hurting bad so called es this a story ints self as we live the county and all volunteers sevarL small towns took about a half hour to get a ambulance and enough help here
They admitted her in with pnonmina she is still there but doing better
Been a long week and no end in sight thaks all for the support waymore to the story but too much to post
Prayers for you and your bride….
got a word for you, hydroxychloriquin, ive had it twice and it worked for me both times. at age 72 im sorta high risk so my Dr. prescribed that for me and it greatly reduced the symptoms. good luck.
Testes is the worst place!
EARLY treatment is the key! Get some meds, and get better soon!
Get Well
Hope you both get well soon!!!
Combat Vet VN
D.A.V Life Member
Prayers said that you both get better fast. Have you guys been vaccinated? I was just wondering if this was a case of the breakthrough infections we hear about in the news. Good luck. Bob
Kick butt and get better soon.
Good thoughts for you and the misses to heal quickly and completely.
My best to you both. Just had a bout of it and am still building on activity tolerance.
Take it easy and I hope you both make a quick and complete recovery Dave.
My youngest son and his wife both have covid.He is a big,strong,hard working 28 year old and he said the same as you,that it kicked his butt worse than any flu.He seems a little better the last couple of days.His wife is little under 5 feet tall and all she had was the sniffles from it. Take care of yourself.Hope you get better soon,
Ditch-runner: Were you vaccinated?
Healing prayers sent for you both.