Curiosity about livestock prices in different parts of the country.
So what does a 1,000 to 1,200 pound steer run where you are?? A 200 to 240 pound market hog?? A 100 to 120 pound lamb?? A 100 to 120 pound deacon Holstein calf?? A Jersey deacon calf??
I would like prices on good but not great quality livestock. Yes I know, a Jersey calf isn't a good deal if someone gives him to to you!! π But I actually have a reason to want the prices on Jersey's.
This topic was started by my son. I've got the greatest son in the world but he does suffer from that normal affliction typical to a 22 year old who thinks he is a stud, (with the way the college girls chase him I do understand his attitude!) he does think he knows almost everything! The way you know he knows everything is he will tell you that he knows everything!! π So anyway a cousin to a guy he works with was showing a 4-H market lamb a couple of years ago, won the show and the lamb sold for $11,000. He did understand that that price was because it was a 4-H kid but when I told him what that lamb was worth as a regular market lamb he told me no way!!
Also just for curiosity what is the horse market like where you are. A while back the horse market was seriously in the toilet here in SC. I was told if you went somewhere with your horse trailer and went riding you would sometimes come back to your trailer and there would be a horse tied to your trailer. A real cheap way to end up with a new horse!
They flipped order, but here's a market report from where we sell our calves.
Edit, the one on top now is where we sell our goats. Only had hog prices listed .
Edit to the edit, these are Denison Iowa and Dunlap Iowa.
475 to 500 lb mixed steers averaging about $146.00 to 159.00
Same average weight heifers trended $10.00 to 25.00 lower. This was thursdays sale on eastern nc .
Part of the cost of meat is transporting it from where it's raised to where it's slaughtered and to where it's sold at retail.
That's why prices vary due to market location.
I remember selling hogs at $.17/ pound -- yep, seventeen cents -- and we made money at that price.