Pic heavy, went on a walk about
Got home from running errands and needed to stretch my stubby legs. Decided to go on a walk about through the woods on the farm. Found fresh rubs and scrapes, some interesting trees, a woodland creature and some fascinating fungi. The acorns are huge this year. Pups all joined me. No one paid any attention to all of the deer sign that was everywhere. Had one short rabbit race.
I took a ton of pics. I will try to cover the tale of my trek without overwhelming anyone.
When nature calls, she provides. 😆
Would have been a widowmaker if it had been felled by a chainsaw.
Rodney sporting his new collar.
Deer should be well fed this winter.
One of the many scrapes I spotted.
He was a little sluggish as it was cool today.
The largest rub I saw while wandering.
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, sounds/looks like you had a cool outing.
Are those mushrooms edible? I have no clue as to which ones will kill you, which ones will get you high, or which will taste great in omelets.
Ain’t country life grand?
And take care of those legs.
"I have no clue as to which ones will kill you, which ones will get you high, or which will taste great in omelets."
I don't know much, but I know which ones will get you high. And, I've heard, they don't show up on a drug test. Pretty popular with a couple guys at work.
Great pics Susie! I covet your farm.
Thanks for the walkabout, vicariously through your pics.
Life would be much better if everyone would "take a walk" in the woods and see all the beauty it has to offer.
First tree picture must be where the bears do their business in the woods😁
Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you. and yours.
Great photos!
I think the first fungi pic is of an edible one but not the second.
Not enough of a mushroom fan to try to eat anything I find. I enjoy observing the variety of specimens and their colors from drab to brilliant. Here are a few more varieties I saw on my stroll.
Nothing like a walk in Nature! Thanks for sharing