There were 2 colonies of bees in hollow trees on my place last year and the year before. We have been respectful of each other until this month. Now one colony is gone and the other one has gotten aggressive. I was mowing about 30 feet from them last week, and got attacked, stung three times before I could get away. I had to use my Epipen and go to the "Doc-in-a-box". I contacted several beekeepers, and a couple of them came to see if they could get them. No way except cutting the tree down, which would take out our power lines.
I sure hate to kill them, but if I can't go out in my own yard, they will have to "Bee-gone". They are entering at the base of a big hollow ash tree, so I'm going to carry out a night operation, and see if I can take care of them tonight.
Find a real bee keeper.
Smoke em out, since it's hollow. BUT since you are allergic, let someone else do it!
I have taken them out of trees inside and out,sides of houses,bushes ,pipes logs ,just have to know how kept the little buggers for 30 years but now we have a bee problem in the usa
Maybe try contacting the county extension agent.
Just put a "bees for sale" sign on the tree. Someone will be along shortly and STEAL them!
I contacted the Arkansas Beekeepers Assn. Had 2 responses, no help. A plea on FB produced the only actual visitors.
I like watching JP the beeman
I remember seeing a beekeeper douse the hive with dish soap and water? I'll see if I can find the video.
...I'd get a friend or two, each carrying a quart can of gasoline..."1-2-3 TOSS", gas kills em on contact...gotten rid of many a nest that way...
Just a thought
Back about 40 years ago wife and I Got home a colony of bees had moved into our bed room thousands of them it looked like I walked around the room never got a single sting lucky if I had I am not allergic in amazment at the sheer number. then made a trip to town bought a bug bomb fogger set it off in our bed room in no time the bees were dead just a clean up left the rom was covered with dead bees
Any way to the point buy one or two bug bomb cans and set them off inside the tree and seal the hole or holes best you can I will guess it will fill the tree kill off the bees I agree hate to kill them but better them than you
Most already know this........
As we age, our sensitivity to stings MAY change.........without us even knowing it.
What was no bother at 20..........may kill us at 60 .
Be careful out there........and maybe invest in an Epi Pen.
I'm sure he already replaced the EpiPen that he has already had to use. Just sayin. 😁
I get stung an average of twice a year. Mostly by those dang Yellow Jackets. That breed of bee will sting me for just looking at them! All other types I get along with very well.
I recon that by being stung on an annual basis keeps my immune system up to par and without allergy worries.
We had a swarm of bees in an old hollow tree in the corner of one hayfield. It was OK for years and then they got more and more aggressive to the point of chasing anyone within 100'. After getting stung a couple times just driving past, I took action. About 3 times a week, in the cool of the morning I'd take a pop can of gas and pour in the hole in the old tree. After about 2 weeks, no more bees.
Oh BTW, Yellow Jackets aren't BEES.
Bees are fish in California!
Yeah, i saw that a little while ago @JimmyJack 😂
The entrance in the base of the tree is almost impossible to access. I have thrown over 1/2 gallon of old gas mixed with used motor oil at it. Last night, I threw about a quart of Bifen/IT insecticide above the hole, hoping it would seep down enough to knock them out. This morning they were flying in and out again. Tonight I'm going to try to clear the brush away from it with a rake tied to a long pole.