A Murder and twins (pic heavy)
A murder of crows of course. Took a side by side ride this morning to pull the SD card from the game cam. Neighbors had let their dachshund out so I had two riding with me as we traversed the hay field and woods. They would follow me if I didn't take them along. I fear a hawk would get them or they would get lost if allowed to roam into the fields and woods.
Returned without spotting any wildlife. The game cam though has provided a bit of entertainment. Still haven't spotted ole one eye. With me just now resuming the placement of edibles it may take a little while for him to appear if he is still around. First time around all I got on camera was does, crows, racoons and a spike. This time provided much more. Crows, squirrels, racoons, rabbits, a cardinal and more bucks. There was a button, a spike, a weirdly shaped four pointer and a nice ten pointer. One of the does is supporting twins.
I notice every summer that the deer pick up ticks on their ears. I'm wondering if I could put up a cattle rub for them in the woods if I place it along one of their trails? Anyone ever tried this or thought about it?
So for your viewing pleasure:
This is why they have spots:
Growing a big one this year. I counted ten points:
Next to one of the smaller does:
and of course, required pic of Shiggles checking out the scents.
Great pics! Thanx for sharing. I saw a beautiful bull elk yesterday and was surprised to see he had shed nearly all of his velvet.
Thanks, reminds me to put out another feed block.
Nice pictures
Great photos and vocabulary lesson.
I never knew that "murder" is the collective noun for a group of crows.
Thanks for sharing on both accounts ! ... 🤗
Great Pics...thanks for sharing 😀
Glad you are home! You always post great/interesting pics!