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Junkballer -- Richard Jewel Thing I Observed

AdamsQuailHunterAdamsQuailHunter Member Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭✭

Junkballer Member Posts: 8,749 ✭✭✭✭

December 2022

Lets not forget a certain Richard Jewel was almost railroaded by the FBI and local authorities for the Atlanta bombings during the 1996 Olympic Games due to pressure from the families and media for a suspect, After months of being "the" prime suspect and having his name and picture plastered on every news show around the world Mr. Jewel's charges were eventually dropped. The stress dealing with this led to his mothers death and eventually Mr. Jewels death related to the stress. Even after being cleared of the charges you could say he received a death sentence just by being a "suspect". I see the same pressure being applied by the victims families and the world-wide media as it happened in the 1996 Olympics. Let's all keep open minds and let the facts tell the truth.

Junkballer - I do not want to intrude on the original post - but to add to what you said. I was in his area at a gun shop and had purchased a semi-auto rifle and a spare magazine. As I was about to leave several TV news crews with cameras - lights - and microphones entered the shop. I was glad the muzzle was pointed down - my finger wasn't inside the trigger guard and both magazines were in a bag. I heard the person behind the counter say "H**l, he can't even spell bomb, much less make one."

Best Regards - AQH



  • JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,248 ✭✭✭✭

    That doesn't surprise the time of the bombing he was a security guard with a desire to become a policeman which he did eventually a few years later. His profile fit a bomber according to the "experts" but there again that this is where the lack of "proof" set him free, not the media or the citizens who tried to convict him in a court of public opinion. The guilty turned out to be Eric Rudolf who had bombed several abortion clinics throughout the South and hid deep in the high wooded mountains of North Carolina. This guy now in Idaho custody may well be guilty but he also deserves his chance to be tried fair with open minds. I can't even begin to imagine what it'd be like to be judged by the media and the believers who watch/read. Like I said earlier lets keep open minds and let the facts speak clearly.

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

  • JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,248 ✭✭✭✭

    Adams, I responded to your post but it got "poofed" not sure why, guess one of the mods didn't like it, wasn't rude or ugly at all 🤔. Thanks for your post though.

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

  • JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,248 ✭✭✭✭

    How about that 😀, someone decided differently and apparently decided to put my reply back up. Well there it is 👍️

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

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