Funny thing happened at the hospital
Several days before Christmas I was watching TV when I had sharp chest pains. I took a Nitro tablet, but it didn't do anything, so I took another with the same results.
I told Janet to take me to the hospital. On the way I took another nitro, but still no relief. Got to the hospital and they admitted me and started playing 20 questions, then there were the tests, then the MRIs with nuclear waste, X-rays, and a cat scan. several more Dr's with more questions, then they sent me to a room upstairs.
The mattress on my bed must have had a prior history as a birthing cushion for baby elephants at the zoo. That thing had a huge divot in the buttocks area. Every time I tried to get out of bed I pulled my abdominal muscles.
The second day there I was wheeled downstairs to the MRI room. Had my radiation exposure, then I was taken to the lunch room to eat some dinner. On the way there we passed a male nurse that had a big object in his hands. When I got about 2 feet behind him the Gieger counter he was carrying started screaming and he almost dropped it. He looked at me and said that scared the s*** out of me, then he laughed.
They kept me 3 days and then sent me on my way with the diagnosis of transient angina.
Overall it wasn't a bad experience, everyone treated me great, and the food was pretty decent, the nurses were young, and laughed at my jokes. It's nice to have a captive audience. 😁
glad to hear all went well, I had about the same experience as my mom volunteered me to clean out an elderly relatives house as she was in a nursing home, I had the truck loaded up and about ready to go to the dump and ask her if she wanted to ride along and we would have lunch after I unloaded. as we pulled up on the scales at the dump I noticed a red light start blinking and didn't pay it a lot of attention then the lady signaled me from the booth to walk over to her. as she opened the window she looked at me than at my mother and asked if either one of us had had a stress test lately?? I told her my mom had just had one the day before, I guess she set off the radioactive alarm they scan the junk with!!! we laughed about that for the next few years and used to tell folks she set the alarms off at the dump.........
MRI does not generate radiation.
glad it all worked out for you with just a minor inconvenience. but like you after going thru any heart issue its better to be safethan dead
I had nitro pills issued they expired several times over th eyears and never took used them thank goodness ) but its been years since I had them replaced
one trip to the doc I told him they gave them to me after my by pass but never explained how why when to use them and when to take it seriously and I had heard tey can cause a major headache .
he said take one it will not hurt you at all that way you can see how it effect you most people never get a headache. it just opens up your arteries to allow better blood flow if your having a angina attack.
MRI does not generate radiation.
You are absolutely right. I didn't say that was the cause. It was the nuclear waste that they injected into me that triggered the alarm.
Edit: After looking at my post again, I see where it could be misleading.
MRI generates radio frequency radiation.
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It uses a very strong magnetic field and radio waves to form computerized images.
It is also REALLY LOUD in there.
And MRI's are equipped with monkeys playing bongos! 😁