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dang hate to admit hospital was on its toes..............

hillbillehillbille Member Posts: 14,459 ✭✭✭✭

Had to go down for bloodwork and X-rays for preop next week. I usually take a book to read but before I could sit down they yelled for me, did my paperwork and was told to sit on other side of waiting room, wait for my number, before I could set down a nurse came out and took me back for bloodwork. As he was drawing it another nurse from X-ray yelled my number, as he finished me up he took me back to the X-ray girls who did the x-rays and thanked me for my service and said I was done and to have a nice day!! took me longer to find a parking spot than the other stuff, and what was weird the waiting room was half full, guess I have a few extra hours today.......


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