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Member Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭✭
OK-So this is "Critical Race Theory". Just what is this and what is it "they" want our kids to understand here?
Another scam perpetuated on the public. Google white privilege.
They want this after taking down all the statues???
That white people are the cause of all the African American problems. That we are to believe that the United States was built using slaves and not built with white labor. That there is a debt owed to African Americans and reparation is do account of the hard ships imposed on African Americans today because of slavery. We are to believe that there is a thing called systemic racism and with that the African American can’t get ahead. And yada yada yada.
It's straight up racism with a new name. Nothing really new under the sun. White man bad. Black man good. White man must hate themselves and repay black man.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
I thought that this thread might be about old TV's....
Ah yes! The obsolete 'cathode ray' theory...
Bingo! It is a way to legitimize forcing someone who has never owned a slave to make reparations to someone who has never been a slave. Bob
Move along. Yeah, that's what they want us to do.
CRT = Columbia River Knife
oh the other CRT would just get me in trouble posting how I feel about the whole thing
That would be CRKT.
What about all the white people that never owned slaves.
AND, what about all the white men that fought and were wounded or died to free the slaves?
CRT is an ideology and lens that holds America's institutions are systemically racist and views individuals in an oppressor vs. oppressed narrative. Critical race theory postulates that policies that privilege oppressed people should be implemented in order to achieve equity and make up for historical wrongs.
Cathode Ray Tube
My Oscilloscope has CRT.
Does that make my Oscilloscope a bad thing?
They conveniently forget that the first slaves brought over here were from Ireland. You don't see the Irish raising hell about their people being sold into slavery.
It's all about getting something for nothing.
And if the black slaves wouldn't have been brought over here, we wouldn't have any black folks here. They would still be in Africa living in mud huts and eating bugs and garbage.
I'll have to correct you a bit on this. The first slaves were landed at Point Comfort (Hampton VA.) off of privateer ships in the employ of England. Those slaves were taken off of Spanish slave ships. Africa was heavily colonized by Europe and were up to their eyeballs in the slave trade. We weren't even a country for another 157 years and Virginia was the only British colony at that time. Why aren't the race pimps protesting England, better yet why aren't they protesting their own race. Start at the beginning of the supply chain.
Seeing that the current popular thing to do is to erase history, why not just add slavery to the list of erasures!!
I take the fifth...
Your " "revese discrimination" " part IS from CRT! THAT has been taught so much by CRT that people accept it.
Reverse discrimination would be the lack of discrimination! No such thing, totally made up by the woke left.....along with their reverse everything else!
Oh, sorry I thought you were asking about a Cathode Ray Tube....
Just another ploy to divide and conquer the nation.
No such thing as reverse discrimination. There is discrimination. Some directed toward blacks, some directed toward whites, some directed toward Asians, etc.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
CRT : Colt, Ruger, Taurus
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
I'm not a racist. They could push and change my mind.
According to CRT you already ARE if you're born white. The people who came up with CRT are the real racist, by a LONG shot!
Just sayin'
Caution.. strong language.. just imagine if a white person said this...
My grandfather was a very wise an well educated man, and once told me this. “ You can make all the laws and amendments to the constitution you want, but there will always be suspicion between races”.
Those that embrace and push this CRT have turned their suspicion into hatred against white people. For some like Al Sharpton and others they fuel this hatred, with out it they would be out of a job. These are evil people that want to indoctrinate younger children into hating people of another race.
And who would the white men that fought to free the slaves be? John Brown’s boys?
Brad Steele
I gave up on talk radio years ago and here is about the only place I go on the internet so I am pretty much out of the loop when I hear CRT,Antifi or Woke.