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Assault Weapon
Member Posts: 9,023 ✭✭✭✭
So with all these municipalities "outlawing" just what is their definition of an "Assault Weapon"?
Any gun.
the true meaning was a WWII German rifle
but the anti-gunners and dems definition any gun they do not like ( basic all of them with , every semi auto is 1st on the list ) they call a assault rifle / pistol
it was a term made up to scare the general public years ago to describe a AR style rifle and has worked well for the left and media ever since
same as AR = armalite rifle .. but has become automatic rifle thanks to the left propaganda to scare all the non gun owners
Assault weapon is pretty much any firearm, according to liberal doctrine
a salt weapon is any weapon made of sodium chloride
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
Usually a military style looking long gun that accepts a detachable magazine. Since it is a made up term it can be modified to encompass any types of weapons they want. All modern weapons have either been used in war or are based on those that have. Modern sporting rifles, any semi auto rifle, Mr. Mauser's bolt actions, single shots, muskets, even bows and arrows and spears were all the assault weapons of their time. I even recall a story about an assault with a sling and a rock taking down a big guy long before Samuel Colt made us all equal.
So I guess what I am saying, since it is a made up term, they can keep modifying it down the line to keep banning more and more types of weapons. If banning Ar15's and similar weapons doesn't curb any violence they will expand the category time after time until we are totally disarmed. Then in the ensuing bloodbath of the defenseless some stupid liberal still won't admit they were wrong. Bob
Look, I think it's high time we in the gun community acknowledge two things:
1) they really just want to ban all guns, so it doesn't matter what they call them
2) it was us in the gun community who thought the term assault weapon applied to guns that weren't the WWII German rifle and strict fascimilies thereof. The fact of the matter is, arguing about that term and "what it really means" is dumb. I could post advertisement after advertisement of guns being described BY GUN INDUSTRY FOLKS as assault weapons that were never anywhere near what some could rightfully argue was (at one time) the rightful definition of the term.
Once you delve into arguing that term, you've lost the argument. 2A protects all guns. FACT. End of discussion. Their proposed ban on assault weapons, hand guns, long guns, shot guns, whatever... it's all unconstitutional.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
When people use the phrase "assault weapon" I just tell them I don't know anything about guns.Thats the best way I have found to deal with them.
Name calling (assault weapon, raycist, etc.) is a liberals way to start an argument. We all know how useless it is to argue with a lib!
Be careful, they might think yall have similar thoughts and should be friends! Apparently THEY dont know anything about guns either! 😁
based on what I see the left saying assault guns have a clip any clip but some that holds hundreds of bullets and just go off when ever it want with no human interaction a
A 5.56 round just a single round can cut a man in half or decapitate hm with a single shot ( per some retired general)
any thing other than a musket is not protected by the constitution .
no one needs one , as deer do not wear bullet proof vest and uncle Joe has F-22 loaded with nuclear bombs to take on gun owners
most all ( of the anti-gun ) have no idea what one is or is not Thay just know they are all bad and the cause of all crime
its kool aid drinking time have been told all of the guns are bad and no one needs one
One of the required features to qualify an 'assault weapon' is full auto fire capability. Otherwise, it's just another semi-auto firearm. The AR platform was never intended to be an 'assault weapon'. The willy-nilly anti-gun faction knows less about firearms than Alex Baldwin.
Molon labe.
That stopped mattering a long time ago. Let it go.
And fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain
Mr Perfect pretty well summed it up. They will use what ever means or definition to achieve their end goal of disarming the American people.
They just put a Supreme Court judge on the bench that couldn’t even give a definition of a woman. So their definition of what an assault weapon is anything from an M-16 to a sharp finger nail file.
When Adolf Hitler first heard of the MP43 later to be know as the MP44 he called it the Sturmgewehr, translated into the words assault rifle, not assault weapon.
The very first assault weapon ....................... not even black
I like the Cerakote finish.
🇺🇲 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 🇺🇲
No that is a sniper rifle and their even more dangerous.
Assault is a verb that means to attack violently. It's an action word. A firearm is an inanimate object and is not inherently a weapon and is incapable of assaulting anything on its own. Therefore, the term assault weapon is an oxymoron, and most trying to use the term, are simply morons.
And anyway, mine went down with Mr. Perfect's boat.
The definition doesn't matter. It's simply a term used to get their foot in the door. Once whatever an assault weapon is gets banned, then the ban keeps getting expanded wider and wider.
Just ask Canada
They went down that road