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New Winchester M-70 advice...

kidthatsirishkidthatsirish Member Posts: 6,984 ✭✭✭
edited March 2023 in General Discussion

Ok, so I recently purchased a brand new Winchester M-70 ultimate shadow. Stainless steel action and barrel. I'm told the only downside to this rifle is that the factory stock on it may not be the best.

What synthetic stock would you all recommend replacing it with?

The intended purpose of this rifle will be for hunting large game and having to then pack meat out with the rifle over rough terrain likely between 2-7 miles, so weight is definitely a consideration. Additionally I do not use shooting sticks typically, I usually prefer to use a sling as a shooting aid even when hunting. So sling attachment points are gonna be a thing. Wood is not an option for this rifle (I have other rifles that sport gorgeous walnut so no hurt in that end.)


  • BobJudyBobJudy Member Posts: 6,671 ✭✭✭✭

    I've had a 270wsm Ultimate Shadow for 15 or so years and never had a complaint or problem with the stock. If I ever felt the the need to replace it, I would look at the Hogue overmolded stocks. Bob

  • Okie743Okie743 Member Posts: 2,736 ✭✭✭✭

    You say may not be the BEST.

    Just go with what you have, unless you ARE WILLING to spend a arm and a leg for THE BEST and to beat it up on rough country hunts.

    Most of them rumors are you tube generated and BS.

    If anything happens to your stock you can most likely contact Winchester and they will make it right for you, unless you fall down and break the stock yourself.

    I would dare say that the stock you have is just what you need when you put it to the test.

  • NeoBlackdogNeoBlackdog Member Posts: 17,272 ✭✭✭✭

    Go shoot it and see how it does. If it's not quite what you want, have it bedded.

    What caliber did you get and what type of ranges do you expect to be hunting at?

    Use good glass! (You knew that!)

  • kidthatsirishkidthatsirish Member Posts: 6,984 ✭✭✭

    For certain....this is going to be my premium build for hunting (as opposed to my other center-fire hunting rifle)

    Its chambered for 30-06 as I have several rifles in this cartridge so I'm already familiar with reloading for it.

    I will also be purchasing dedicated lapua brass for this rifle as well as using premium bullets in my loads. Just be clear I'm certainly aware that cheaper components certainly can produce ver acceptable, even impressive accuracy, out to most practicable hunting distances. I'm just trying to tweak every bit of performance that I can out of this thing.

  • OakieOakie Member Posts: 40,565 ✭✭✭✭

    You sound just like my father. He is never satisfied with almost perfect. I admire that in you. I tried to emulate my father in that respect, but never had the patience or time to perfect my reloading techniques. I find an adequate load, and stick with it. He will play with the grains of powder, cases and bullet weights. Good luck and keep us updated. Oakie

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