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Scared to go in my barn
Member Posts: 2,756 ✭✭✭✭
Look what the rats did to my trap
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If they ever get organized, you are in big trouble !!! 😲😉
Get a lid that isn't made of cheese.
Those dirty rats!
Wasn’t much of a trap! Guess they showed you…….
I also put a plate of rat/ mouse chunks out there wasn't even a crumb left
just get a steel 55 gal drum , throw some grain in the bottom , just lean one or 2 boards / 2x4's on the outside so they have something to climb up on and they should jump right in to get at the grain in the bottom , 55 gal drum is to tall for them to jump back out and to slick to climb. then just take your 2x4 and club them
Don't be scared, just make sure you take a big enough gun when you go in the barn! Bob
Rats are like roaches they will most likely be here long afer we're gone and can chew up about any thing and dig holes like crazy .with us having chickens and feed for them it's a battle some times with the rats I vlen them out and their family comes to the furneral lol
I remember my grand mother telling me stories when I just old enought to remember she stayed us short time when I was just a young kid
She told a lot of stories about old times I wish I could remember them all some she would kind of sing some stories that had been transfered into song form
Any way she told me about the rats during wwi and the men coming home with stories about the rats and how they would bite and even eat them chew thru everything
Scary stuff when your 5 or 6 yrs old
I never gave it much thought untill many years later and watching documentary on wwi and the trenches full of rats
A friend who lived just down the road from Wm81's place, and I used to stand back to back with .22 pistols and drop one of his albino ferrets on the floor. When the smoke got to thick to shoot trough we would quit. Thinned out those rats well. We could always rely on them to provide another fun hour soon.'re gonna need a bigger gun,,,
My Uncle used to let me sit in his corn bin inside of his barn and shoot rats (he called them wharf rats) only there wasn't a wharf for two hundred miles. Those things were as big as large squirrels, after I shot my limit (ran out of ammo), I would throw the rats into the hog pen and the hogs would eat them like candy, it was gross but I was a kid so it was gross fun.
Funny, seems like no matter how many of those buggers you shot, you never seemed to run out of them.
I was at an Uncles farm in Ohio when he was moving his corn crib. When it was tipped over on its side there was an explosion of rats swarming out from the bottom. He told me that when my cousins were little they would be perched nearby with their 22's when the crib was tipped and they would kill a bunch but never enough to put a dent in the population. Bob
As Jerry Clower used to talk about as children we had rat killings at the hog pen . Wharf rats were a big problem . We would fill in most all of the entrance holes to their burrows . Station a kid next to the remaining open holes . Put the water hose into a burrow , turn on the water and wait. Eventually the rats would run out an we hit them with sticks . Cheap fun in the country .
Mid 60's urban renewal. A large section of the town we lived near was torn down. Fairly slummy. It took a while but we were invaded with rats. I was young but I remember my dad setting a trap and it went off on his hand. Seared in my memory. The wooden base kind. The exact same thing happened in the town I live in now. There was a community dump that was closed down. Sure enough here came the rats. In broad daylight down the middle of the streets.
you beat me too it
I was thinking about that today
Long time ago, we had rats in our hay barn. Every evening I was out there with whatever bait Mom would give me and a 22 rifle. Took about 2 weeks of popping 1-2 per day and then they were gone. I HATE rats.
We get rats in the chicken coop and chicken feed shed I have killed many and put out poison bait some times
But about 6 or 8 yrs ago my wife was in the chicken area cleaning up some old straw ,she is not to fond of rats and a bit nervious around them
by the way she has never killed any thing in her life She even carries spiders and bugs outside
But that day she had a pitch fork and when the rat jumped up she perforated the rat with the pitch fork of course it started screaming
I know I would with a pitch fork sticking in me lol
she felt bad and has never hurt another one and feels bad about the one she killed even now
That's when you need a healthy feral cat population (for a while).