'Tis the Season...
The Forest Circus did a 'controlled' burn over the weekend about 1.5 miles SSE of us. It wasn't so controlled yesterday and they had at least 4 engines and a helicopter with a bucket working it hard most of the day. It was running uphill towards a ski resort so they got after it a bit more than if it had just kept creepin' around. The chopper pilot had a pond fairly close and was making his turns in about 3.5 minutes. Those guys are certifiably nuts!
It's layin' down pretty good right now but will probably start flaring up this afternoon.
Luckily the wind has been in our favor and we haven't gotten smoked out. I do appreciate them burning that stuff out now when things are still a bit damp. Much better a 'controlled' burn now than a wildfire in August!
Geez, it's too early for fires. Hope they get a handle on it and stay with it.
This one did start as a 'controlled' burn, it just wasn't good at coloring inside the lines.
I guess there's a wildfire over to the SE of Livingston that's gotten about 30 acres. Luckily, this time of year they don't run like they can later in the summer!
Here's an interesting map on the fires. A bunch of them listed are from last year. Gives you a little perspective of how much ground gets burned.
We did a control burn of our 300 acres at the gun club. I can't believe how hot it gets, and we were standing back 200 yards. I didn't know this, but they have to burn it three to four times, for it to actually work. Looking forward to no chiggers or ticks down there this year.