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New toy
Member Posts: 14,723 ✭✭✭✭
A couple of weeks ago I bought an unfired 1990 Marlin model 60 safe queen, I ordered a Boyds thumb-hole stock in pepper laminate for it (only took seven days from order to delivery). I found a new Nikon scope that I had stashed in my gun room as well as a Harris bi-pod and mounted them up and this is what I ended up with. I really like it.
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"
Very beautiful 😍 what caliber? I always thought the 60 was a .22?
"Independence Now, Independence Forever."
John Adams
Yes it is a .22
Nice looking, hope you enjoy it.
I really dig that laminated thumb hole stock.
Is it going back in the safe?
At the risk of offending model 60 fans - your transformation is comparable to making a silk purse out of a ...... well you get the idea!
And for those offended fans, I hadn't offended anybody yet today and the pressure was building! If I go a whole day without offending someone, I figure the day is wasted.😀 Bob
That is really nice, and will be more affordable to play with than almost any other caliber.
No Sir, it's been resting long enough I'm going to "choot em lizabeth".
No offense taken, if all horses ran the same, no one would care about horse racing .
I've never had a model 60 before also never had a thumb-hole stock before, had all these accessories gathering dust, have nothing but time on my hands, got a little money so .............................. I put some lipstick on a ............... well, you get the idea. 😉
By the way, in case you haven't shot one of these, you should, they're really accurate little rifles
I do take offense. My Mod 60 is “Worls Clas” !!!! 😁 Now bullshot’s is too.
Yepp... I always liked the way they shoot but thought they were a little on the small side and butt ugly. I've become a 22 snob and that is why I like your transformation. You've made it look as good as they shoot. Back in my gun counter days I probably sold more of them to new shooters than anything else. I don't recall ever sending one in for warranty problems. Bob
Those old model 60s that we once bought used for 15 or 20 bucks are now bringing pretty good money.I see nice ones for sale in the 250 to 300 dollar range.
AND, there will most likely never be any more model 60's made.
I have a model 99 Marlin, the precursor to the model 60. Better than a Ruger 10/22. I still would not put lipstick on it. Don
Beautiful, house and rifle. Congrats.
Share a range report when you have a chance !!!
very nice looking rifle.
I have no idea who made the mount, I had it in a box of odds and ends and it fit. It is very solid, has a lot of grip.
Thank you.
yes sir ^^^
I've got and had few Marlin bolt action 22's long rifle and 22 magnums that were butt ugly but would really shoot good groups with most any 22 rifle ammo. (some 22's are picky about good groups with ammo) Most Marlins 22 rifle seem to have accurate barrels.
What I don't like about the Marlins bolt action I have and had is the safety is bassackards to most other rifles, forward for safe, rear to fire.
Sometimes you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but it's still a sow's ear when you get through and little bit of lipstick helps. I've also had to dress up some Savages also. I've seen some of the butt ugly lower priced Savage rifles (centerfire) that their accuracy would make high dollar pretty rifles really look bad. Savages with a trigger pull at 9 lbs and gun's wood stock with no grain (almost look like brown paint) and would look better with few scratches and dings.
Lifes too short to hunt with a ugly gun.
I agree Okie, the factory stock didn't even look like wood, more like a bland composit, that's the main reason I have never owned a model 60 before.
I have a buddy that has a stainless 60 and his will consistently shoot quarter size groups or smaller at 50 yards, the model 60SS came with a black and gray laminated stock that looks great.
I have several Savage .22s, all older ones (30s, 40s and 50s) and the walnut stocks are beautiful and some have grain that would cost big bucks today.
I'm old, have a bad back and have grown recoil sensitive in my old age so dressing up and shooting .22s still keeps my love of firearms and shooting alive.
Say... Isn't that bi-pod on backwards?
I see what you did there, ^^^^^^
Good eye, what made you notice? ............................................................ 🙄
I always thought the Marlin 60 was more accurate out the box than the Ruger 1022. I have owned both but sold the Marlin 20 years ago. I rarely shoot my Ruger 1022 as I hate loading the mags.