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Neat New Firearm Project
Member Posts: 3,195 ✭✭✭✭
Neat New Firearm Project. Picked this one up for my self to restore. A Mauser G98/40. The complete barrelled action an all the metal parts. Metal finish is great shape. Now I am one the hunt for the stock which I think will be a very long hard journey.
Looking to go back original or sporter?
XP-100 that bad boy
I will put it back to orginal as i put out 300.00 just for the parts lot. If i find an orginal stock set it will add an zero to the price.
Keep us posted on the progress.
I restored one several years ago. It had been sporterized so I had more of the wood to work with, but it still took patience and looking to finally find the right stock parts. Good luck on your project.
Is that the Israeli 98 version?
I am looking all over the world for a stock set. maybe find one in Europe
Try Sarco Inc.
Do a post in the Want ad forum.
Boyd and enjoy
This is a very rare rifle as its a 2 piece stock set. kinda like a British Enfield wood set. The search is on