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mowed my grave yesterday.......

hillbillehillbille Member Posts: 14,461 ✭✭✭✭

having hip replacement in the morning so I spent most of the weekend playing catchup on the things I won't be able to do for about a month or so. Went out and mowed the family cemetery goes back into the late 1800's, I have allready put a headstone out for me and the wife, told the kids just wrap me in an old quilt and throw me in the hole if they can handle It I know I won't care at that point. It is still a little weird to look down and see your name on a stone as you are mowing. Got home and played a little catch up here at the house, planted a few raised beds my son gave me this weekend, and got all momma's flowers planted.

Need to wash the truck this afternoon as the road to the cemetery was pretty muddy and wet. Then gonna let the wife mow the yard this evening for the first time on the rider, as she needs to learn how as she will be mowing for the next few weeks. One of the few things I will enjoy, I rank mowing right up there with wasing dishes. Only thing I worry about is her breaking the mower, almost anything of mine she touches she breaks somehow, Grandkids will be out of school friday and going to their dads for a month, so they won't be any help around the house.

Still got a few guns to sight in, as I have changed scopes on a couple. I also found some bullets I had stashed away so I will have some reloading to do to keep me busy for couple days. Got the stair lift fixed end of last week, figured I might need it for a week or two, old one jumped the cable off the winch and wrapped around the outside of the pulley and shorted some wires out. Seems the manufacturer won't sell parts to an individual only authorized dealer and they won't sell part out either. Found one on craigslist only year old same brand and the lady just wanted it out of the house. Gave her a $100 bill for her trouble but almost had to force it on her, got home and just swapped the chair/motor assembley from hers to mine and it was all just plug and play, had it gone in few hours.

Had my right Hip replaced in 2020, but never got all my therapy done as covid put a halt to in person visits. I hope this recovery goes a little better as they are also doing it from the front and it is supposed to be out patient surgery. The surgeon told me last week I would only be there about 3-4 hours including surgery! then they would send me home if no complications. I know they had me drugged up pretty good last time and it still wore me out to just get up from bed and walk to door and back but he claims this new procedure won't hurt near as much and recovery time is less than half of the time as compared to going threw the side. sorry for the long rant, guess just anxious to get it over with...


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