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The grass is always greener...
Member Posts: 17,273 ✭✭✭✭
And I've got the picture to prove it!
That's about an 1800 pound bull (foreground) and a yearling steer streeetchin' to get the best grass the morning before we moved 'em to another pasture.
And yes, he bent the fence a little bit!
That's just perfect!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
Well yeah, they use fertilizer over there. And they grow cannibus. Good graze dude!
We raised angus beef cattle on a small farm for 30 years. That is the nicest cattle fence I've ever seen.
Beautiful animals you have.
I miss ours, but I don't if you know what I mean.
I know exactly what you mean! The fences here were originally put up for horses. The previous folks were horse crazy, if ya know what I mean. (Think more dollars than sense!)
We've only got three cows and the bull, but they keep 3 households in beef plus some that gets spread around to friends. Two cows and the bull are Aberdeen Angus and the third cow is a Galloway.
I thought that maybe he found your bottle of Pendleton that you left in the barn Steve....
There is no cow poop on the other side of the fence, that's why they want it. 😂
Yeah. Cows aren’t too smart. They poop on their dinner-table. Yuk !!
That's just the 'special sauce'!