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tobyfloyd61tobyfloyd61 Member Posts: 433 ✭✭✭

Any one see a problem wiping guns down with kroil before stored in safe? Thanks guys


  • toad67toad67 Member Posts: 13,008 ✭✭✭✭

    No, but I think you could find something that protects better and doesn't smell as much, I like Remoil.

  • tobyfloyd61tobyfloyd61 Member Posts: 433 ✭✭✭

    ill try that thanks

  • BobJudyBobJudy Member Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭

    The only problem I see is if it migrates from the metal to any wood stock. Dang stuff will penetrate most anything and can soften wood and or lift the finish. The best I have found is this product;

    Safe for wood and all finishes. Bob

  • 62vld204262vld2042 Member Posts: 1,216 ✭✭✭✭

    I've used the Rustprufe brand of metal protectant for over 40 years.......without ANY problems.

    Very easy to apply, and leaves a thin film that does NOT completely evaporate......for an extended period of time.

    Try'll like it.😉

  • tobyfloyd61tobyfloyd61 Member Posts: 433 ✭✭✭

    Ok thanks guys

  • truthfultruthful Member Posts: 2,123 ✭✭✭✭

    Over time, any oil will tend to harden or go gummy and collect dirt particles. I learned long ago from the British Museum to use only a crystaline wax-polish. They use Renaissance on EVERYTHING, metal, wood, stone, ceramic, etc. No worries about getting onto the wood, you simply do the wood the same as the metal and at the same time. One of the best features is that it totally protects from fingerprints and it lasts. I believe it is available from Brownells, if not it is on Amazon.

  • tobyfloyd61tobyfloyd61 Member Posts: 433 ✭✭✭
  • Okie743Okie743 Member Posts: 2,700 ✭✭✭✭

    I use a bore patch lightly lubed with KROIL for inside the bore on all types of guns for long term and short term storage, especially when one is going to be in back of safe for long time. I'm careful to not let it get on a guns stock finish. I use Rem oil wipe on the exterior. Been doing this for years with no issues.

    I'm really paranoid about first shot being precisely on target from a cold barrel hunting rifle and I trust Kroil to not upset cold barrel accuracy although I most generally run a clean patch through a Kroiled bore when the gun first comes out of the safe to be hunted or test fired but I've shot several different caliber rifles with a lightly Kroiled centerfire rifle bore with no 1st shot accuracy issues.

    I've had really good luck with using Kroil inside black powder rifle barrels during storage AFTER they have been cleaned with other products to remove the majority of BP residue.

    Kroil penetrates most anything and I also use it inside Black Powder barrel during storage.

    Kroil will also remove copper fouling. Think of it as soaking into the metal's pores.

    Most all of my rifles are stored inside a safe with the muzzle down. Helps keep any oils from getting onto the buttstock and also the gun is not setting on the recoil pad.

  • tobyfloyd61tobyfloyd61 Member Posts: 433 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for the reply

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