Headed out with the Crossbow this afternoon....
It was a beautiful afternoon here in central MO. Low 40's and sunny but tonight the bottom to drop out starting with rain and a chance of snow. I was hoping the coming weather change would get them moving around....but no luck today.. One buck in the thick stuff out of range for a few minutes but he headed off the other way.
If I had been hunting squirrels I would have been set for the winter, but since it takes about 22 bucks to set up a bolt the way I like, not worth the investment at this time.
God turned on the night light out there tonight. The almost full moon let me stay to the bitter end and still be able to pack up and walk out of the woods without a flashlight !!!
May have to give it a shot tomorrow, we shall see...... Any one else get out this weekend ?
View from my tree stand....
best of luck Agee 22 dollars is a expensive shot at a tree rat
all I ever had was the early inexpensive basic ( read cheap ) crossbow , generations behind any thing now
That is a beautiful view. I loved my trip to Missouri, back in 98. That state really knows how to make it hunter friendly, with its game lands. They had food plots and easy access to the land itself. I even had a warden show me some great areas to hunt and where the food plots were. I might not ever get back there again, but I will never forget that hunting trip. Saw some really nice bucks, but not anything that I wanted to harvest. I was strictly trophy hunting.
I got out last night, and was able to add a couple more does to the freezer.
Set up a doe decoy about 20 yds in front of me in the swamp bottom, and when they came out of the brush, they ran right to it to say “Hi.” The .350 Legend took care of things from there. For the type of hunting and shots I get, really been impressed with that caliber this year. Pretty devastating. Reminds me a lot of my old .35 Remington.
Today was a bust.......by the time I go home from church, the wind was blowing at 20-30 MPH.... Later in the week looks good...