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The Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2

Hoosier71Hoosier71 Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
Has there been and revisions done on this?? If I remember correctly this bill only gives the person the right to sue if they have their guns taken from them. Is this correct.

I was discussing this with a very frustrating co-worker and told him it was pretty much worthless because of the fact that you could not fight back if they are taking your guns. You could just sue after the fact if your still alive.

Someone correct me if I am wrong on this, or if this bill has had any revisions. [8D]


  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Your about right. It does not give you the right to fire upon law enforcement or the governing body that is emplimenting the confiscation. Which of course makes it a pretty worthless piece of legislation. By the time it gets to the courts your guns are gone and melted. They "MIGHT" pay you for your loss. But it's still a loss. Either way they win without a fight of anykind.
  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 40,237 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    The constitution gives you that right.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    MT357,,,It give you what right?? To kill a cop or shoot a member of the ruleing authority? Yeah you go ahead and tell me how that works out for you. I can promise that you try it, go to court, and you will go to prison for murder. I mean hey, it all sounds great, but the implementation is usually a little lacking. Unless you can prove you were protecting your life from a rouge cop, then your going down. Constitution or no. Thats the real world. It sucks. But thats it.
  • WoundedWolfWoundedWolf Member Posts: 1,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You have the inherent HUMAN RIGHT to defend yourself, your family, and your property from any threat.

    Whether your government or ruling authority respects that right is a measure of how free of a society you live in.

    Someone who defends their rights, even under threat of persecution, is a true Patriot.

  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If they are shooting at you,, fine defend yourself. But if your talking about another Katrina situation and you shoot some cop for wanting your gun, oh yeah your going to prison. Shout Constitutional rights all you want. It will do no good except to maybe give you something to think about while you sit in that VERY small cell with that very lonely room mate.

    All I'm saying WW is you better know your situation before you pull that trigger. Because a constitutional defense is going to leave high, dry, and wanting. All this keyboard commando stuff is fine for here but when it hits the fan, you better be damn sure they are dragging people out in the street and shooting them before drop the hammer on a member of Law Enforcement. And another Katrina don't count for squat. I'm talking about a full blown government takeover and subjegation. And for your information the cops I know won't be doing that. MOST cops won't be doing that. I would be a little concerned about Obamalamas plan to implement a civilian security force though. Now THAT is something to be concerned about.
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The Constitution gives the right of defense from any threat domestic or foreign as our Forefathers intended the Constitution to include defense of ourselves, our family, our property and our communities which is made clear by the declaration "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" and whether people like it or not the Constitution is the highest law of the land and any law must be in adherence to it or be in violation of it. To preserve the Constitution there are several amongst these here that would die fighting to protect the Constitution if necessary just as those honorable did before us no matter what and with extreme prejudice and without compromise and I am one among the many.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well good luck with that. I hope it serves you well in prison. Because reading what you posted leaves one to beleive that you would shooting anyone who YOU felt was violating your constitutional right to keep and bare arms. But hey go take one for the team. Ohhrah. And all that.

    Sometimes I wonder if you guys really read what you type first. I mean think about it. Your not really picking your best fight. Your just reacting to a situation YOU don't like. Unless I'm missing something completely here. Please tell me if I am. I am allways willing to admit I am wrong. Personally, it starts hitting the fan where arms needs to be brought to bare, I'm hiding somewhere first with my arms, and picking the right time with other of like mind. Not wadeing in with teeth gleaming and nostrols flaring blasting everything is site. thats just crazy and tactically speaking, completely unsound. I swear, sometimes some of the stuff I read in here scares me worse than the Government.
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You seem to be like most people and believe hollywood's definition of prison, have you ever even been to one or let alone worked in one or the law enforcement field if so then you would know what prison is like aside from hollywood's definition. Anyway, you will know when your Constitutional rights are being violated there wont be any guesswork involved and the so called team are actually Patriots who will join together to fight the beast and its minions and those that don't deserve neither freedom or security as they are living off what others provide for them and then have the audacity to criticize, insult and wish disdain for them, I say that they are equally worthless and have no right to be here. Oh don't you worry, we read what we post and some of us even have college degrees, not that it matters much, but since credentials are apparently being questioned. The best fight as you say is the fight that you choose to win at any cost because something so highly regarded is at stake and once it is gone there may be no chance in ever getting it back, maybe your idea of freedom is a boot heel on your throat and a whip at your back, but it isn't ours. I think that we have made it quite clear that our intentions are to fight to survive as no one ever suggested that we walk blindly into blazing machine gun fire as most of us have some sort of training one might say to fight by means of military strategy and using guerrilla warfare tactics. I don't think that stage dramatics are going to scare or influence the enemy one way or another and blasting everything in sight is best left in hollywood. If you don't like what you read here or the company that we keep then you should consider somewhere else that might suit your beliefs and needs much better, I only regret that there will always be some whose minds we are unable to change for our cause.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Look Wolfie,, I have no problem with fighting the good fight. But. What I read here most of the time are a bunch of keyboard commandos that act like some dimestore novels heros and don't have a clue what they are talking about. Most would turn and run at the first sign of trouble. But Damn,, don't they sound good here. As for my background,, well as a matter of fact, I am in law enforcement. I am a Federal Police Officer with the DoD, and I have several very good friends who work in BOP. Thats the federal prison system. At the Maximum level. SO yeah, I know a little about it. And yeah, it doesn't just happen in hollywood prison movies.

    And if you can't admit that at least part of what I am saying here is true then maybe it's not worth the effort. Personally, I think a lot of what you say is accurate, Where you loose me is in some of the retoric that comes out later. I mean some of the guys on here really sound like they just stepped out of a really bad movie. Or some Mack Bolan dime novel. I hear NOTHING of fade back and wait for the opprotunity, All I hear is DAMN THE TORPEDOES, FULL SPEED AHEAD. No war was ever won with that mindset. And if the founders of the nation had the same distain for the majority of the citizery that you have, this nation would never have been born. They had the wisdom to respect the majority while fighting for their freedom. They didn't belittle them as cowards as you like to do simply because some of them didn't want to risk their lives. Some helped in other ways. Other tried to stay out of it all together. But the founding fathers and leaders in that war were fighting for EVERYONE not just those that agreed with them. A lesson you and a few of your "like minded" friends might take into consideration. They won't be sheep. They will be scared Americans. Thats all. And all your degrading talk of boots on peoples throats and whips at their backs won't change that. Though it might make them a little afraid of your solution as well.

    In reality, most of these commandos in here don't have a clue what they would do when the time comes. I'm guessing that when it happens, it be as a theif in the night, not with tanks and soldiars on main street. The smart ones will hide their resources and wait. The not so smart ones will shoot it out on the door step. Me, I think I'll hide and wait. What about you??
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You can do better than insult someones username as that is so 5th grade, hope you are a a federal PO-lice whatever since if your ip address is run and linked to your isp and then to you and it turns out not, you are in a world of trouble and that applies to any false claims of police officer, federal agent etc as I have seen several face incarceration, but if so then everyone is happy for you if they care as that applies to all of us as no one really cares what we are or what we did; aside from the fact that alot of people make alot of claims from well I'm a police swat navy seal ninja sniper etc etc where more often than not its just some kid on their parents computer who likes to sling their little infantile insults from behind their computer screen and has no clue what they are talking about. If you dont like the mindset of this country's Founding Fathers then maybe you should consider Canada or Mexico or something; as that was their mindset in fact and it is our mindset and you should go back and research American History some more and you will see that. I nor the other Patriots here as far as I am aware of have never stated that we would use any "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" nonsense such as that, since first of all most of us don't have fast boats although some of us have used Zodiacs several times in our careers and secondly as stated before most of us have some sort of training one might say to fight by means of military strategy and using guerrilla warfare tactics, since you don't seem to understand what that is since I already stated this there are several books on these subjects that you may find informative and interesting. Our Fore Fathers would be in full agreement of us as Patriots that we fight united against tyranny and the collectivist beliefs of those that would oppress us and take away our beloved Constitution and anyone that doesn't believe in those fundamentals shouldn't be here. People should be afraid of a boot heel on their throat and a whip at their back because it is coming and not if, but when and we will rise up and fight against it not for it so get your facts straight; if you want to do something about it then be part of the solution not part of the problem. You are one to sling insults and judgments around as you don't even know any of us yet you condemn and ridicule us like you are some sort of authority as several seem to like to present themselves with delusions of grandeur, from your rhetoric it almost sounds as if you side with the collectivists or liberals.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry for the "Insult" of your "name". I forgot zealots don't have a sense of humor. Oh. And please check my IP all you want. Assumeing that you have the ability to run my IP at all. *L*

    Your so funny in a sad sort of way. You show your ignorance at not even understanding the "Damn the torpedoes" comment. *LOL* It wasn't to imply that you had torpedos or boats even. *LOL* It was to describe your mindset of all or nothing, balls to the wall, take no prisoners rant. *LOL* And oh, I don't mean you are planning to hold your balls to any wall or other load bareing structure. *LOL* Figure it out. I thought I had read it all before that. Thanks for the laugh. I really needed it.

    And yeah I doubt that you and your fellows, have anything in common with the founders of this nation. They respected their fellow citizens. You obviously don't. That right there puts you miles apart from those honored men.
  • Hoosier71Hoosier71 Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    45 I respect your opinion. My question for you being an officer of the law. Would you take my guns if your job depended on it??

    I still get sick thinking about what went on during Katrina.
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    Well I have been in LE for 33+ years and I decided MANY years ago I would not take peoples guns 'just because I was ordered to' (nearly lost my job and pension for not going along with that order) and MOST cops will not take your guns just because they are ordered. But the cops in NO, for the most part, are the most corrupt bunch of cops you can find in the USA. So I was not surprised when they followed those 'unlawful' orders.
    As to whether you would 'fight' if they try to take your guns:
    1. That is an individual decision.
    2. You must consider the 'totality of the circumstances' if this situation presents it's self to you.
    By the way, 45, you are not saying anything I have not already said so many times I am tired of saying it.[V]
    This is good entertainment, nothing more. You will not get them to understand or acknowledge in any way they are in the least bit wrong in their approach to this problem.[;)]
    Or as one person said "No need to get your knickers in a twist"![;)]
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "Zealots" is fine I suppose and I do have a sense of humor actually just not with people that act like *. No, there is no ignorance about it, was in the Marine Corps and am quite familiar with military history, terms and the like and yes, obviously I familiar with the "damn the torpedoes" comment and was being sarcastic, sort of some humor that I don't have and yes, I am familiar with "all or nothing" and blah blah blah, this really is getting old you know and I for one have no idea why anyone would want to hold their testicles to such a structure or any structure for that matter, but knock yourself out slick and yeah you really are a laugh as well as those like you. There is no you or fellows it is Patriots that stand ready and at a moments notice to defend the Constitution against any enemy domestic or foreign that would try to violate it and we do respect the citizens of this country that respect the Constitution and hold disdain for those that don't and the Founding Forefathers held the same beliefs which is where we received ours, I have earned my honor for my country something that individuals like yourself will never have or know as those that do not honor the Constitution don't belong here.
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    Well last time I checked we all 'belong' here, except for those who 'jump' the border, and even they belong here now according to Obama and his friends!!![;)]
    And you are not nearly as good an orator as HB![:)]
  • WerwolfWerwolf Member Posts: 475 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jim Rau
    W, Well last time I checked we all 'belong' here, except for those who 'jump' the border, and even they belong here now according to Obama and his friends!!![;)]
    And you are not nearly as good an orator as HB![:)]

    Those that do not uphold the Constitution really don't belong here as this country was based on the Constitution and I never claimed to be in competition with HB and so that is really pointless and your opinion.

    I figure it this way, one would think that we could at least discuss what to do without the petty insults and attacking of each other and our ideas as we are just wasting time and all of our ego wars so far are not getting us any where; I am for peace amongst ourselves and to focus on our real enemies, but this mindless bickering needs to go and we are all guilty of it.
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    I agree completely.[^]
    I think I resemble that![;)]
  • Hoosier71Hoosier71 Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    So it boils down to they write these bills and maybe give you an option to fight back in the courts but I see nothing that punishes the ones forcefully taking your guns away.

    They stand back and laugh at you while you spend all your savings fighting for something that never should have happened.

    Very frustrating[:(]
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    quote:So it boils down to they write these bills and maybe give you an option to fight back in the courts but I see nothing that punishes the ones forcefully taking your guns away.

    They stand back and laugh at you while you spend all your savings fighting for something that never should have happened.

    Very frustratin
    Keep digging, Hoosier71; You are gaining on the bustards. Every time you grasp another aspect of the shell game the republicans and democrats and courts force you to grow stronger.

    Perhaps some day you will understand where I am.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hoosier71,, To answer your question,, No I would not. Niether would those I serve with. What happened during Katrina were blind rouge cops who saw it as a chance to bully civilians and steal. Bew Orlenes has been long known for it's corruption in all forms of local Government. What does it about the a PD when 30+ % of it's officers leg bail when it hits the fan? Disgracefull.

    Jim,,,, Yeah I know what you mean. Then we are told we need to stop calling names when I have heard from several that I am lower then dirt and not worthy to live here because somehow I don't support the Constitution because I have a different opinion. How the hell does anyone know what I support unless they know me. Thats like me saying that I what Jim Rau is all about when I have never met you. Absolutly rediculous. (Excuse the Spelling). Like I have said, keyboard commandos. I may not be anybodies perfect example of what THEY call a Patriot, but I don't wipe the spittle off my chin after a post either. I'm happy with that. Thanks Jim for your understanding words. [:)]
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    Thank you 45. I think I'll frame this. Someone said "Thanks" here!!![8D]
    But I must say we have been having some very assertive discussions and making our views known without any real 'nastys'. This is a good thing. We can get emotional with out scratching each others eyes out!![^]
  • HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    You boys are having mostly your own private discussions, come to that.

    Nothing new about that sort of thing..we that support the Constitution tend to flock together, also.

    Gun controllers are gun controllers..nothing new about THAT...
  • rkba4everrkba4ever Member Posts: 815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm gonna chime in, since I'm one of those "Keyboard Kommandoes". I can't speak for any of the others, only myself so take it only as far as THIS individual is concerned.

    I would fight if push came to shove (at least I think I would, I've only been shot at twice so I don't really know how I'd do under fire, combat style). If it comes to a fight, using your head and picking when, if or where you take a stand is the only way to win against the over-bearing odds that would be stacked against you.

    I can respectfully disagree with people, but what I don't care for is someone advocating a surrender of constitutional liberty for "safety and security". There are alot of gun owners I wold have serious disagreements with since they only seem to care about hunting guns and if military style semi-autos go they don't care. They think of armor piercing bullets being ok to ban - yet if that happens there goes most center-fire rifle ammo - including deer rifles which the grabbers are trying to label "intermediate sniper rifles" cause they're capable of accurate fire at distance and can penetrate body armor. I could go on and on.

    I am a Canary, simply because I belive in the constitution. I'm a zealot when it comes to 2A issues, and can get fired up about it. The only enemies I have (or those I would consider enemies) are those ACTIVELY seeking to delibertaely and willfully infringe on firearm rights. I harbour no ill will towards those here who don't see things the way I do until they send their venom towrds me for having my own opinions. We've all been guilty of getting our knickers in a royal twist with the verbal jousting - I can be as childish as the next and I admit that I am far from perfect. I do get defensive when attacked for my beliefs,as I am sure most would. What kills me is those with their heads in the sand about the threats to "gun rights" or who don't care about the rapid erosion of the constitutional protections that have occured over the last 2 administrations. We do need to pull together to present a cohesive front to those who seek to undo what our founders have wrought.

    We may not see everything the same, but if we agree that gun rights are in jeopardy we still have one little bit of common ground. Maybe if we all could see that one tiny spec of commonality, we could in turn understand the others perspective. Who knows, maybe you'll understand why some of us refuse to yield in our belief in the BOR, and can find ways to work together in tandem (the soft approach of Jims brand, and then firm unyielding stance - first starting one on the path to greater understanding, then once a fire has been lit keeping that one questing for more as this is what got me to where I am today).

    The more we learn about the issue, the more we see how "things ain't how they supposed to be" and maybe we can clamour a little louder to those HB calls the beast. If we get loud enough, they will have no choice but to listen. I would prefer people to stand with, then to feel alienated and alone in this fight. But I will not back down from what I belieive just to fit in.
  • 45long45long Member Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    rkba4ever,,, Sir. That is a fine example of a great post. And no, I would not lable you a keyboard commando. I saw no signs of foam or spittle around your mouth and your blood preasure didn't seem to go up any noticable amount. *L* Your opinions are clear, well thought out, (as is your plans should the worst happens), and stated in a cival manner. Something we can all be thankfull for. I saw honesty about what if, and your possible reaction to it. We are in the same boat as far that is concerned. I too am very passionate about 2nd Admendment rights. But I try to stay grounded in my discussions and I try not to belittle those who have a differing opinion. I also find it frustrating beyond belief when I talk with hunters who seem to have a disconnect between hunting rifles and those black guns. *L* They just don't get it. They are on the list. Just not high on the list.
    We all hope that it won't come to that but we all believe it might. When the time comes I hope I can react properly and with conviction. But not having been under serious fire before, I can only hope I will do well.
    Thanks again for your post. And once again, you sir are NOT a keyboard commando.
  • Jim RauJim Rau Member Posts: 3,550
    edited November -1
    I believe you are coming in late in the game. (unless you have been following from afar for the last few months). Most, including myself, have become more 'respectful' of others. Believe it or not so has HB!!![^]
    I think some on both side of this discussion can see we have more in common then they first realized![;)]
    I'll second the 'good post' 4ever![:)]
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