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Who gives a crap anymore.
Member Posts: 2,479 ✭✭✭✭✭
It really wears one down to constantly face the liberal crap from every side. Makes me feel like just saying the hell with most folks. I work at a very, very small college and it is even starting to make its way into our little college. The good Lord help us all. We will need it!!!!
It is my belief, noe that we have the marxist of the left's dreams, they are about to not like what they wished for. Perhaps this will finally get us BACK to where we belong. Who knows really, all I can do is "hope" for "change".
All this BS has energized me, not wore me down.[;)]
Hey HAIRY, we can't be friends. Go pound sand and don't even think about coming over.
Nuff said....
How amusing;
I not only feel that way...I also have included those voting mccain in the real belief tht he intended to restore American values to the country.
Your way or the highway, right!!![^] I still have friends who did not except or support Obama. If they voted for ANYONE other than the extreme liberal they are still not the 'enemy' as you would call them. As long as you spew this vile you are not helping to fight those who would take the RTKABA's away form us. Your denying reality will not change a thing. OH, I forgot you are not trying to change anything, at least not for the better, you are waiting for things to get worse just so you can say 'I told you so"![V]
NOT by we that support the Constitution, but by the government, by the media, by the NRA, and, yes, by YOU....and you are all on the wrong side.
Take represent the majority of the population. ' and yours have ALWAYS represented the bulk of the people.
That is EXACTLY why the Founders despised a Democracy.
They formed a Republic;
They wrote the Second Amendment;
They intended us to keep government in line.
Pat yourself on the advocate allowing the beast loose. Somehow, that is 'Good', in your world of tortured 'reality'. You should be in hog heaven.
You will find NONE of us that support the Constitution on your side.
No offence, but I just stopped reading your posts. You just keep saying the same thing over, and over. I get it, you are very bitter and anyone who not as bitter about the world as you are is the 'enemy' and a 'coward'!![:(]
I am an old fart, but obviouly not as old a fart as you. Who knows, if things keeping going the way are now I may get as bitter and just have to join you and bad mouth the world too!!![:D]
He is disgusted, as am I, at seeing the Constitution being made into a "living, breathing document."
The truth is the truth, and that will never change, matter how much our system is prostituted by political party hacks.
It does not take a person with multiple degrees to read our Constitution, BOR, and Declaration of Independence, to understand the kidnapping that has, and is taking place of those principles.
Jim,......if you would quit attacking the man for speech that you find repetitive, and negative, may just find the real "jewel" that he is trying to get at.
Open your mind, and de-program it from our current society.
We cannot.
It really is just that simple.
Freedom is a fragile, precious flower, assaulted from all sides ALL THE TIME !!
You think we don't wake up at 3 A.M. terrified and alone and horribly aware that we are losing battle after battle after battle ?
That days go by in abject misery...a sense of desperation pervading every waking moment ?
Then you bump into somebody out there...a shining light in the sea of darkness that the masses are...and your sense of rightness is restored. That someone is a brother...a person that your just KNOW will not go peacefully into the long dark night that the Elites envision for us.
You are snapped back to reality at that moment. You KNOW that we can lose EVERY BATTLE...and by God we are STILL going to WIN THIS WAR !!!
We are going to win because we cannot afford to lose..and we that love freedom will put EVERYTHING on the line....when it is time. That will be more then the other side is willing to gamble.
You can push Americans only so far. There are only 3 % of us...with another tepid 25-30 out there that will sympathize with us.
That is enough.
Just because we don't see 'eye to eye' doesn't mean we are 'enemies' or 'cowards'. (HB) By nature those of us who are 'gun people' are individualistic, thus we have a hard time agreeing with each other. The other side likes to use this against us by playing the less committed against the more committed, and those with specific interests against those of other interests in the shooting arena.
Jim, this is simply not going to happen.
As long as there are those who refuse to even acknowledge that there are certain constitutional absolutes and certain individual liberties that are inviolate from intrusion by government, then the "winnowing" of the wheat for the chaff shall continue. It actually must continue.
Those who preach a distorted view/version of liberty, constitutional adherence and a distorted view of the proper role of government, no matter their 'good intentions', well, those people are as big a danger to the Republic as the openly anti-Constitution Brigades.
The problem is in the 'good intentioned' who feel they are fighting for individual liberty, are in fact cementing into the minds and into the general acceptance of the populace that government has the authority and the right to do many of the restrictive things that it does.
All this does is to effectively change the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of what a "right" actually is and replaces that "right" with a government controlled, government sanctioned, government regulated "privilege".
It really is as simple as that.
You preach the Alaska model, but Jim, please come back to "reality".
Alaska by its very history and nature, is peopled by a different breed than most other states. Alaskans are by and large "individualists" in their views, at least more so that any other state in the nation, thus, their propensity to distrust government and to trust each other is much more prevalent than found elsewhere.
The Alaskans would like you to think that but it's not true. Have you lived here (AK)? I have. And I see more 'individualism' in the south (AL) where I live now than I did in AK! There are more greedy irresponsible people in AK than anywhere I have ever lived though.
You and others are taking a 'stand' you CAN NOT WIN! It defies the real world. It looks good in the movies where the good guys ALWAY prevail. But out here it ain't going to happen!!!
So if you and the '3%' continue you are in for some serious disappointment. I once was right were you are. Very stubborn and unbending. It will get you nowhere you want to be!!!
I know I can't tell you and your 'associate's' a thing (been there myself) so you will have to learn the hard way, as I did, to live to fight another day.[;)]
It really wears one down to constantly face the liberal crap from every side. Makes me feel like just saying the hell with most folks. I work at a very, very small college and it is even starting to make its way into our little college. The good Lord help us all. We will need it!!!!
Heard that, I have been a standard for the far right for a very long time like most of us I am sure and have seen the liberal left become stronger, take over the media more and more, including all of the garbage that they push on television trying to infect our minds including our childrens minds so as to continue their legacy with their pollution as they run the same vile garbage over and over from cartoons to major movies and it never used to be this bad. The liberal left tries to desensitize the sheeple masses to the point that they are accepting of it, although they didn't seem to count on wolves like ourselves that would vehemently stand up to them and their agenda and now that they have turned those that would we as their enemy are labeled as idealists, zealots, extremests, racists etc.
Labels are such troublesome things.....I do not consider myself nor any of the Canary * `far right'.
The Constitution is a centrist position ..the balance point between the two extremes.
We will call them Communist on the left, and Fascist on the right.
Actually, I think one could visualize the a giant `barrel',laid on its side...with the Constitution balancing point being the bottom of the barrel. The two extremes make a circle, and eventually meet ..their actions leading to slit trenches and mass burials.
All down thru history, the idea of personal freedom has sucked hind tit...and the brief experiment here in America is just about over.
That of course being if we few are not strong enough or determined enough to change, once again, the course of history.
Both want to involve themselves in every aspect of a persons life, and are trying to buy votes with programs, and giveaways to each ones specific "backers."
The federal government was never meant to have this kind of power, or direct involvement in a persons everyday life.
Long ago, I became uncomfortable with the flat line theory ..that somehow Socialists/Communists/liberals were 'left of center' ..that Fascists/conservatives are right of center.
`Moderates became supposedly `centrists'...The PROBLEM, of course, is ..the `centrists Liberman ..are merely a distillation of the evils that infect the left and right ..combining in many instances the evil into pure form.
NONE espouses the Constitution !!!
Almost a parallel existence...those forms of government/social order ..and a Republic.
I see them as parasites on the backs of decent, Constitutional loving Sovereign Citizens....
The end results, and many of the methods used, are quite similar ..and ALL their paths lead to tyranny and ruin.
The Constitution was an attempt by very wise men to strike the balance point between the two horrible, vile extremes.
We that demand a return to the Constitution ARE the REAL `centrists'...but that is just another term that has been destroyed ..(like `gay') by the vileness of the enemies of freedom.
They infest the nation and the world and are relentlessly advancing their stated agenda, a large part of that agenda is a weakening and eventual elimination of national sovereignty and bringing about a world ruled by the moneyed elite/bankers with a global "one-world" economic system.
Research and compare this with what you see currently happening in the name of this created "financial crisis".
Foreign leaders, Sarcozy and Brown to name two, are openly calling for the critical need to create a "one-world" economic system, potentially with a single currency. We are being rushed toward this long-planned goal, using the deliberate "created crisis" of the financial system.
The Hegalian Dialectic is at work before our eyes AGAIN and we are collectively too blind to see and understand it.
And the One-World Government continues to coalesce and the Republic continues to be deliberately destroyed from within by our own crop of CFR/Trilateral enemies, their sycophants and their unwitting supporters, all with the support and blessing of the "party-faithful" and the ignorant among us...........[V][V][V]
These bustards have the rest of the world...they can leave their dead, cold stinking fingers off America.
Agreed Bert, but they infest all levels of America's government, our industry, our media and our financial institutions and banking industries.
We are owned, controlled and directed without any general understanding of this simple fact.
Sad, but I see no change coming, except change for the worse....until and unless they go too far too fast and awaken the 3%, finally.
quote:Originally posted by Highball
These bustards have the rest of the world...they can leave their dead, cold stinking fingers off America.
Agreed Bert, but they infest all levels of America's government, our industry, our media and our financial institutions and banking industries.
We are owned, controlled and directed without any general understanding of this simple fact.
Sad, but I see no change coming, except change for the worse....until and unless they go too far too fast and awaken the 3%, finally.
+1 LT,......why does it appear that our gov is so anxious to "nationalize" what remaining business, and industry we have left?
The G-20 met here with Bush on the "worldwide" economic crisis.
What did they do?
Gorged themselves on expensive food, and 500 dollar a bottle wine!
When are folks going to realize that these people are not like us?
I would prefer they admit to being elitists, rather than playing me for a fool.
I keep waiting for more to realize it.[xx(]
If you consider your believes as in the center you are once again denying reality.
One side of this issue wants to eliminate are firearms from the non-military and non-LE people. It will never happen. There is not a place in the world were there are no firearms. The far left ideal, Obama country.
The other side wants no restrictions what so ever on the individual's ability to obtain, own, carry, and use a firearm. It will never happen. There is not now and never has been such a place. The far right ideal, HB country!!![;)]
There is, in my estimation, no possibility of moving him off his party hack, big government stance.
If any wish to are welcome...but he has assumed the same position as trfox, in my opinion.
He fails to understand the very BASIC platforms of the country he lives in...he cannot even grasp the long-range goal of his own party.
You don't listen, or I should say you don't want to hear![V]
I know and understand exactly what your are saying, I believe what you are saying about this country is true, I was saying the same thing long before you and your associates were.
But I realized I could not make anyone, other than other believers, listen to me if I didn't lighten up a little and gain some respect and creditability with them. All you and your associates do is 'preach' to each other and slap yourselves on the back at what a great job you have done and how 'right on' you are. You are winning VERY FEW OVER TO THE CAUSE with this type of performance. If you want to consider me a lost cause, the loss is yours not mine.
I have enjoyed talking to you, but if you don't wish to discuss things any further so be it!
PS: HB, if you had been paying attention you would no I don't belong to any political party and never have![^]
Thanks again for the link. I intend to go back there and do some more reading.
I don't know why the thread got locked. I was the one who got called all the nasty names and it didn't bother me. I was trying to resolve the difference the plumber and I have. Or I should say, to find out why he had to be so nasty to me. But I guess he stepped over the line!!![;)]
Thanks again for the link. I intend to go back there and do some more reading.
I don't know why the thread got locked. I was the one who got called all the nasty names and it didn't bother me. I was trying to resolve the difference the plumber and I have. Or I should say, to find out why he had to be so nasty to me. But I guess he stepped over the line!!![;)]
You are welcome Jim.
Like I said, there is some good 'food for thought' to be found there and such can lead to mere detailed, focused information.
Hope you find the subject enlightening, for at the 'bottom-line' e.g. "collectivism vs. individualism", that is where the real battle is to be fought, not in the coliseum games and the distraction/clown-circus events of Democrat vs. Republican, or left vs. right.
Collectivism comes from all these directions, parties and political philosophies. Once that is understood and accepted, the focus and the fight can be directed where it needs to be, rather than on the minutia and on that which is staged for our distraction.
Yes it does. I guess I have been "Running against the wind" most of my life. So I agree with you. But where I have a difference of opinion with some is how to approach/handle this problem with some hope of making a difference short of physically eliminating the opposition.[;)]
Of course, the federal government could not have people acting independently, so they stepped in (as usual) and took control "in the interest of the greater good."
I guess I should have been more specific and said there has never been a government where no restrictions were present!!![;)]
I do let people know how I feel though. If ever there was a person, other than my x-wife, who could test your patience it's Highball!!![;)]
Those 5 million insist that the government has the authority to control weapons ?
Then...yeah..I want the enemy brought out into the open.
I don't want to be shot in the back by what I stupidly considered a trustworthy ally.
I know perhaps 20 people that have dropped out of the NRA here locally...several more on the board.
Know what ? I would trust those people at my back.
Know WHY ? Because they have faced their inner demons concerning the NRA ..the fear that they are wrong about the Second Amendment, rather then the NRA...and they have whipped those demons.
They UNDERSTAND...fully...what that Amendment means ..and what it entails.
I will take ten of those men over your 5 million wanna-bees.
I guess he answered your question didn't he.
You are getting better. You expressed your self and didn't insult anyone or call them any 'nastys'!!![^]
The word "regulated" implies control. Maybe some don't like it but it keeps the extremely rich from ammasing arsenals to impose their will.
Also check out the Militia Law of 1792:
"whenever the United States shall be invaded, or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian tribe...........[or]whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed or the execution thereof obstructed, in any state, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by this act,........".
That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia....
That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of power and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch, and power-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a power of power; and shall appear so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise or into service,...
I realize some of the precepts of the original are outdated (white male...musket/firelock...ball/powder etc...), but if brought into the present day, I would interpret it to mean that I SHALL own a weapon of the day and sufficient ammunition and accoutrements to field myself if called up. I arm myself by these standards and have amassed sufficient stores to equip my 3 sons as such when the are of age. I don't have any rocket launchers in the garage or tanks hidden in the barn. That would exede "regulated". To insist on unfettered access would make me no different than the land barons of the old west, who sought to impose their will with small armies, other than lack of funding.
That is the kind of mindset the NRA asserts. That 3% are the guys who have made "militia" a dirty word!
Unless we all feel that..."the laws of the United States shall be opposed or the execution thereof obstructed, in any state, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,".... That's when we will need to act as one, and be damn sure we're right.
Thomas Jefferson once called the 2nd amdmnt "Liberty's Teeth", and that an armed citizenry to be the last resort to a central government gone awry. I believe we are nearly there and when we are we will need those 5mil and the 3% working together. United we stand, Divided we fall.
You'll have to excuse me now as the UPS man just delvered a new scope for my AR15.