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Your God Given Rights..........

MadjackMadjack Member Posts: 71 ✭✭
I'll stir the pot again here. Does anyone realize that all of this arguing, fighting, spending, etc. that we do to "keep" our right to carry openly, concealed, or you name it, is a waste of time? As citizens of the United States, we do not need any license, we do not need permission from the Mayor of New York, we do not need permission from our mommies! The Constitution and Bill of Rights states that we can carry anything we want, any way we want, and any where we want. It does not say, "only on Sunday" or "if the Police Commissioner of Gotham City says we can." WE, on this forum, NRA members, 2nd Amendment Foundation members, etc., etc., need to grow some "cahones" and start carrying all the time, and everywhere. Yeah, you're right.....we might get stopped, arrested, thrown in the "klink." But, how can we face ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are afraid to lose something doing what we have the right to do? Our Founding Fathers, risked everything, including being hanged, for us. Some even lost their fortunes, their familys, even their lives. What have we done? We sign up for illegal permits, illegal licenses, bow to illegal tyrants who tell us we must follow their rules. Isn't it about time WE did something? I have been carrying a weapon since I was 14, with my dad's permission I might add. I carried concealed and open, depending on the circumstances. I carried my weapon, when I drove trucks cross-country in every major city in the East. Yeah, it was against "mans" law.....but my right wasn't given to me by a "man." I tell everyone I meet that the day a "politician" can walk on water, is the day I will accept his law. Anyone else out there doing this? Out


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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote: NRA members,

    Well, the NRA doesn't belive what you espouse.

    Try again. This time though, try to be more convincing.
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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    James, practicing this belief while traveling through OH, is verrrrry expensive.[:D] Woohoo.....[xx(]

    Rights? Sure...

    We have the right to shutup and pay pay pay.[:(!][V]

    Still hasn't changed my position, though.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    James, practicing this belief while traveling through OH, is verrrrry expensive.[:D] Woohoo.....[xx(]

    Rights? Sure...

    We have the right to shutup and pay pay pay.[:(!][V]

    Still hasn't changed my position, though.

    You know why Ohio won't reconize my Indiana CWP? Because I didn't take a "training" coarse through the NRA to get a permit in Indiana.

    But wait! The NRA is saving our gun rights! They are the last line of defense for us ignorant gun owners! Without them we would be defending ourselves with sticks and rocks! [xx(][xx(][xx(]
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    tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Madjack
    I'll stir the pot again here. Does anyone realize that all of this arguing, fighting, spending, etc. that we do to "keep" our right to carry openly, concealed, or you name it, is a waste of time? As citizens of the United States, we do not need any license, we do not need permission from the Mayor of New York, we do not need permission from our mommies! The Constitution and Bill of Rights states that we can carry anything we want, any way we want, and any where we want. It does not say, "only on Sunday" or "if the Police Commissioner of Gotham City says we can." WE, on this forum, NRA members, 2nd Amendment Foundation members, etc., etc., need to grow some "cahones" and start carrying all the time, and everywhere. Yeah, you're right.....we might get stopped, arrested, thrown in the "klink." But, how can we face ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are afraid to lose something doing what we have the right to do? Our Founding Fathers, risked everything, including being hanged, for us. Some even lost their fortunes, their familys, even their lives. What have we done? We sign up for illegal permits, illegal licenses, bow to illegal tyrants who tell us we must follow their rules. Isn't it about time WE did something? I have been carrying a weapon since I was 14, with my dad's permission I might add. I carried concealed and open, depending on the circumstances. I carried my weapon, when I drove trucks cross-country in every major city in the East. Yeah, it was against "mans" law.....but my right wasn't given to me by a "man." I tell everyone I meet that the day a "politician" can walk on water, is the day I will accept his law. Anyone else out there doing this? Out

    In red above. A lot of people are carrying firearms without a license. At some point in time you will be able to contact them at your state penitentiary.

    I agree that most all gun laws are unconstitutional. But many here believe that ALL gun laws are unconstitutional. I am guessing that the difference between my "most" and their "all" is less than a 5% difference. But because the "all" believers are so extreme we seem to be mortal enemies. Enemies more so than the people who actually want to take away all citizens gun rights.

    The way to get our gun rights and other constitutional rights back is not to become one of the criminal class by getting arrested and becoming a convicted felon. The way to get our rights back is to organize and fight the political fight until we win. In the meantime hold our noses and follow the rules until we can get those rules changed. We are making progress. 30 years ago if you went into your local sheriff's office and asked about applying for a permit to carry a concealed firearm they would have laughed you out of their office.
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    tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    James, practicing this belief while traveling through OH, is verrrrry expensive.[:D] Woohoo.....[xx(]

    Rights? Sure...

    We have the right to shutup and pay pay pay.[:(!][V]

    Still hasn't changed my position, though.

    Geez Wolf, Madjack comes on this form wanting "to grow some cahones" and all you have to offer him in the way of support is to inform him that if he grows cahones and gets caught in OH, it will be "verrrrry expensive?" I expected better from you. With all the canary * posting about having grown their "cahones" over the years, and ridiculing anyone who hasn't yet grown theirs, I would think you could have given Madjack much, much better and more supportative and aggressive advice.

    Something along the lines of advising him to carry a copy of the US Constitutional Second Amendment and when he gets caught with his cahones and his concealed firearm, stick that copy of the 2A in the cop's face and then just drive away.

    But all you did was whine about expenses like some accountant. Maybe you lost your cahones. You better check.
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    jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tr fox
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    James, practicing this belief while traveling through OH, is verrrrry expensive.[:D] Woohoo.....[xx(]

    Rights? Sure...

    We have the right to shutup and pay pay pay.[:(!][V]

    Still hasn't changed my position, though.

    Geez Wolf, Madjack comes on this form wanting "to grow some cahones" and all you have to offer him in the way of support is to inform him that if he grows cahones and gets caught in OH, it will be "verrrrry expensive?" I expected better from you. With all the canary * posting about having grown their "cahones" over the years, and ridiculing anyone who hasn't yet grown theirs, I would think you could have given Madjack much, much better and more supportative and aggressive advice.

    Something along the lines of advising him to carry a copy of the US Constitutional Second Amendment and when he gets caught with his cahones and his concealed firearm, stick that copy of the 2A in the cop's face and then just drive away.

    But all you did was whine about expenses like some accountant. Maybe you lost your cahones. You better check.

    Ummm, once again your inability to comprehend the simplest things rears it's head. I was conversing with James, clearly. I would explain, but it would be a waste of time, simpleton.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tr fox
    quote:Originally posted by Madjack
    I'll stir the pot again here. Does anyone realize that all of this arguing, fighting, spending, etc. that we do to "keep" our right to carry openly, concealed, or you name it, is a waste of time? As citizens of the United States, we do not need any license, we do not need permission from the Mayor of New York, we do not need permission from our mommies! The Constitution and Bill of Rights states that we can carry anything we want, any way we want, and any where we want. It does not say, "only on Sunday" or "if the Police Commissioner of Gotham City says we can." WE, on this forum, NRA members, 2nd Amendment Foundation members, etc., etc., need to grow some "cahones" and start carrying all the time, and everywhere. Yeah, you're right.....we might get stopped, arrested, thrown in the "klink." But, how can we face ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are afraid to lose something doing what we have the right to do? Our Founding Fathers, risked everything, including being hanged, for us. Some even lost their fortunes, their familys, even their lives. What have we done? We sign up for illegal permits, illegal licenses, bow to illegal tyrants who tell us we must follow their rules. Isn't it about time WE did something? I have been carrying a weapon since I was 14, with my dad's permission I might add. I carried concealed and open, depending on the circumstances. I carried my weapon, when I drove trucks cross-country in every major city in the East. Yeah, it was against "mans" law.....but my right wasn't given to me by a "man." I tell everyone I meet that the day a "politician" can walk on water, is the day I will accept his law. Anyone else out there doing this? Out

    In red above. A lot of people are carrying firearms without a license. At some point in time you will be able to contact them at your state penitentiary.

    I agree that most all gun laws are unconstitutional. But many here believe that ALL gun laws are unconstitutional. I am guessing that the difference between my "most" and their "all" is less than a 5% difference. But because the "all" believers are so extreme we seem to be mortal enemies. Enemies more so than the people who actually want to take away all citizens gun rights.

    The way to get our gun rights and other constitutional rights back is not to become one of the criminal class by getting arrested and becoming a convicted felon. The way to get our rights back is to organize and fight the political fight until we win. In the meantime hold our noses and follow the rules until we can get those rules changed. We are making progress. 30 years ago if you went into your local sheriff's office and asked about applying for a permit to carry a concealed firearm they would have laughed you out of their office.

    Gee Fox, could you explain WHICH laws you think are constitutional? Since you belive "most" are unconstitutional, it should be easy to explain which you think ARE constitutional.
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    tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    Just checking in. Any of you canary * been able to help to poor old Majack in his quest for help on growing a couple of "chaones?" Seeing as how you * constantly preach to us that most of us have lost our chanoes, I would think that you are the chanoes growing experts and Madjack got lucky and came to the right place for help.

    But maybe not.
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    tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by tr fox
    quote:Originally posted by Madjack
    I'll stir the pot again here. Does anyone realize that all of this arguing, fighting, spending, etc. that we do to "keep" our right to carry openly, concealed, or you name it, is a waste of time? As citizens of the United States, we do not need any license, we do not need permission from the Mayor of New York, we do not need permission from our mommies! The Constitution and Bill of Rights states that we can carry anything we want, any way we want, and any where we want. It does not say, "only on Sunday" or "if the Police Commissioner of Gotham City says we can." WE, on this forum, NRA members, 2nd Amendment Foundation members, etc., etc., need to grow some "cahones" and start carrying all the time, and everywhere. Yeah, you're right.....we might get stopped, arrested, thrown in the "klink." But, how can we face ourselves in the mirror knowing that we are afraid to lose something doing what we have the right to do? Our Founding Fathers, risked everything, including being hanged, for us. Some even lost their fortunes, their familys, even their lives. What have we done? We sign up for illegal permits, illegal licenses, bow to illegal tyrants who tell us we must follow their rules. Isn't it about time WE did something? I have been carrying a weapon since I was 14, with my dad's permission I might add. I carried concealed and open, depending on the circumstances. I carried my weapon, when I drove trucks cross-country in every major city in the East. Yeah, it was against "mans" law.....but my right wasn't given to me by a "man." I tell everyone I meet that the day a "politician" can walk on water, is the day I will accept his law. Anyone else out there doing this? Out

    In red above. A lot of people are carrying firearms without a license. At some point in time you will be able to contact them at your state penitentiary.

    I agree that most all gun laws are unconstitutional. But many here believe that ALL gun laws are unconstitutional. I am guessing that the difference between my "most" and their "all" is less than a 5% difference. But because the "all" believers are so extreme we seem to be mortal enemies. Enemies more so than the people who actually want to take away all citizens gun rights.

    The way to get our gun rights and other constitutional rights back is not to become one of the criminal class by getting arrested and becoming a convicted felon. The way to get our rights back is to organize and fight the political fight until we win. In the meantime hold our noses and follow the rules until we can get those rules changed. We are making progress. 30 years ago if you went into your local sheriff's office and asked about applying for a permit to carry a concealed firearm they would have laughed you out of their office.

    Gee Fox, could you explain WHICH laws you think are constitutional? Since you belive "most" are unconstitutional, it should be easy to explain which you think ARE constitutional.

    Fair question. I believe that all peaceful, lawful citizens should be able to carry their firearms anyway they want anyplace they want. When it comes time to purchase a firearm, I do not disagree with providing proof of my identity and the seller is welcomed to compare my name to a known list of criminals, terrorists, convicted dangerous felons, and illegal aliens and if my identity is found to be one of those people then I can not legally, quickly and easily purchase a gun. This means if I still want to illegally buy a gun, I must find illegal sources. Hopefully, while I am trying to purchase an illegal gun from and illegal source, we all will be discovered, arrested and removed from society so as to present no further threat to you or yours.
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tr fox
    Fair question. I believe that all peaceful, lawful citizens should be able to carry their firearms anyway they want anyplace they want. When it comes time to purchase a firearm, I do not disagree with providing proof of my identity and the seller is welcomed to compare my name to a known list of criminals, terrorists, convicted dangerous felons, and illegal aliens and if my identity is found to be one of those people then I can not legally, quickly and easily purchase a gun. This means if I still want to illegally buy a gun, I must find illegal sources. Hopefully, while I am trying to purchase an illegal gun from and illegal source, we all will be discovered, arrested and removed from society so as to present no further threat to you or yours.

    So, you are saying you support NICS checks?

    But then you support NO other gun laws?

    You need to be clear here Fox. It is great you are willing to answer a question, but don't blow smoke up my *. You know I am always clear with you and everyone else for that matter.
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    1776-19761776-1976 Member Posts: 284 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    let me try to shed light on this subject. All of the original Amendments in the Bill of Rights were considered "God given rights" by the Founders of our country. They are not claiming God gave these rights but are saying ALL men are granted these rights and the government does not have to power to regulate or restrict them in any way. This is why they are called God given rights, because it is not within the governments power to regulate or restrict them. That being said most people do not realize the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were not written for the people but were written to LIMIT THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT. Its absolutely true that any law regulateing the possesion or ownership of a firearm(s) is unConstitutional since the government was NEVER granted that authority from the start. Another thing to realize is the founders knew from past experience that a government left unchecked would over time turn into a tyranny and oppress the people. This was the sole reason for the right to keep and bear arms. They wanted to assure the people would ALWAYS have the means to protect themselves from the government should it become a tyranny (an out of control government).
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    melkormelkor Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My God gives me the right to sleep with married women ! [:p]
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    Tech141Tech141 Member Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by melkor
    My God gives me the right to sleep with married women ! [:p]

    And just How is Mrs Melkor doing these days? (Btw - maybe this should be in it's own thread.....[;)])
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote: NRA members,

    Well, the NRA doesn't belive what you espouse.

    Try again. This time though, try to be more convincing.

    The NRA has proven over and over that it does not support Constitutional values.Are you one who blindly follows the NRA?
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote:Originally posted by jpwolf
    James, practicing this belief while traveling through OH, is verrrrry expensive.[:D] Woohoo.....[xx(]

    Rights? Sure...

    We have the right to shutup and pay pay pay.[:(!][V]

    Still hasn't changed my position, though.

    You know why Ohio won't reconize my Indiana CWP? Because I didn't take a "training" coarse through the NRA to get a permit in Indiana.

    But wait! The NRA is saving our gun rights! They are the last line of defense for us ignorant gun owners! Without them we would be defending ourselves with sticks and rocks! [xx(][xx(][xx(]
    LOL! The NRA ah yes! Our friend. Right! The Nra is for the NRA. I'll stick with Gun Owners of America.
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1776-1976
    let me try to shed light on this subject. All of the original Amendments in the Bill of Rights were considered "God given rights" by the Founders of our country. They are not claiming God gave these rights but are saying ALL men are granted these rights and the government does not have to power to regulate or restrict them in any way. This is why they are called God given rights, because it is not within the governments power to regulate or restrict them. That being said most people do not realize the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were not written for the people but were written to LIMIT THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT. Its absolutely true that any law regulateing the possesion or ownership of a firearm(s) is unConstitutional since the government was NEVER granted that authority from the start. Another thing to realize is the founders knew from past experience that a government left unchecked would over time turn into a tyranny and oppress the people. This was the sole reason for the right to keep and bear arms. They wanted to assure the people would ALWAYS have the means to protect themselves from the government should it become a tyranny (an out of control government).
    Thanks, squarely struck on the head driving the truth home. Many here are under license of the government and want to keep their status and gun seller and government agent.
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by freemind
    quote: NRA members,

    Well, the NRA doesn't belive what you espouse.

    Try again. This time though, try to be more convincing.
    The NRA is sometimes a lapdog for the powers that rule.

    GOA and SAF are much better at holding Constitutional values. JMO.
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    spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i think our "god given rights" are fast being perverted to muslim and illegal "rights" at real Americans expense
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by spasmcreek
    i think our "god given rights" are fast being perverted to muslim and illegal "rights" at real Americans expense
    Our rights have been perverted. Why? In part because of an ignorant population that knows who's playing who daily in baseball,football, hockey, and any other sport, BUT, can't tell you who their senator and congressmen are. Don't understand the meaning of God Given Rights, don't participate in local elections,don't call their elected officials. There are few patriots left in America.
    od given rights and it is lazy Americans at fault.JMO.
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sovereignman
    quote:Originally posted by spasmcreek
    i think our "god given rights" are fast being perverted to muslim and illegal "rights" at real Americans expense
    Our rights have been perverted. Why? In part because of an ignorant population that knows who's playing who daily in baseball,football, hockey, and any other sport, BUT, can't tell you who their senators and congressmen are. They don't understand the meaning of God Given Rights, they don't participate in local elections,they don't call their elected officials out when necessary. There are few patriots left in America. And as far as a license to carry goes, any one who gives up his or her rights deserves what they get.So shall you sow so shall you reap.
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    JuggernautJuggernaut Member Posts: 719 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Quote - "In red above. A lot of people are carrying firearms without a license. At some point in time you will be able to contact them at your state penitentiary."

    What kind of a defeatist statement is that, so are we to believe that since our rights are not recognized by these idiots that we simply bow to them and hang our heads while they put shackles on us and lead us around to go work for them and do and say and think what they tell us simply because they say so??? I think not and refuse to comply with their bs laws and refuse to be arrested as well or incarcerated as if they want my guns then they will have to pry them from my cold dead fingers, defiant to the death if necessary, unless HR822 is passed I guess.
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    USN_AirdaleUSN_Airdale Member Posts: 2,987
    edited November -1
    WoW !! there sure is a lot here to respond to, but it would take several pages, so i'll hit the high points;

    quote:Isn't it about time WE did something?

    looking for suggestions.

    quote: I do not disagree with providing proof of my identity

    as stated, you are for NICS checks ? sound pretty foolish to me.

    quote:The NRA has proven over and over that it does not support Constitutional values.Are you one who blindly follows the NRA?

    NRA you must be referring to the Negotiable Rights Association

    thats all for now folks [:D]
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    cbyerlycbyerly Member Posts: 689 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Does anybody have God's phone number? There are a couple of other rights that may be God given that I would like discuss with him. From the postings it appears that some have a direct line to Him.
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