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  • 1880texan1880texan Member Posts: 978 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Maybe the war. Someone out there is voting in all the socialists, commies, libturds and even Obuma. I must run in a small circle because I personally know no one that voted for any of these types. I reckon its the big city, liberal north and yellow dogs that vote all these traitors to the Constitution into public office. And then, maybe it's just a reflection of the morals of the country itself. People today sure aren't the same people as back in the Mayberry or Leave It To Beaver days.
  • MobuckMobuck Member Posts: 14,132 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No one I know will ADMIT to voting for those types of politicians.
  • gunnut505gunnut505 Member Posts: 10,290
    edited November -1
    As long as there are (self-appointed)" vanguards of truth" that belittle others to make their point(s), which usually have absolutely nothing to do with reality or the modern world; as long as gun owners are fractured along the most stupid of lines (shotgun/pistol/rifle), as long as there is no common sense injected into debates over which is the best way to go on some action plan or other, or nigg ling dweebs get to call everyone else a violator of the Truth, all the while ensuring that no other voices are heard; YES! "we" have lost the war to regain our rights, our sanity, our well-being, and our ability to discuss things in a halfway civil manner.
    And "we" can thank the +1 crowd for most of it.
  • sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 544 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 1880texan
    Maybe the war. Someone out there is voting in all the socialists, commies, libturds and even Obuma. I must run in a small circle because I personally know no one that voted for any of these types. I reckon its the big city, liberal north and yellow dogs that vote all these traitors to the Constitution into public office. And then, maybe it's just a reflection of the morals of the country itself. People today sure aren't the same people as back in the Mayberry or Leave It To Beaver days.
    And don't forget the 11-15 million illegals in this country that probably vote.[:(]
  • skicatskicat Member Posts: 14,431
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Mobuck
    No one I know will ADMIT to voting for those types of politicians.

    There are quite a few hereabouts who cast their votes for McCain.
  • melkormelkor Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    before U blame the liberals for everything why don't U become aware that your PARTY is a greater enemy to the people.

    WHO SIGNED the 1986 FIREARMS BAN Ronnie !

    WHO SIGNED the PAtriot ACT ! BUSH

    WHO Pushed TARP and the secret bailout of 16 trillion dollars BUSH !

    WHO MADE THE NW GESTOPO ! Homeland Security BUSH

    The Stupidity amazes me ! We now have a gestopo, and little no no civial right due to Republicans, and your worried about what a SOCIALIAST ? Give me a break ! That would be a relief from the toltalitarian REPUBLICAN ANTI MIDDLE CLASS pro multinational corporation, globalist, anti PEOPLE, genocidal, warmonger, elitist NIGHTMARE !

    PLEASE GIVE ME A LIBERAL ! For Obama is just BUSH 2 , are U people so mentally dumbed down by floride that You cannot recognize reality.

    Please instead of listening to the propagandists on Fox and radio, try thinking, yes the little know talent for the conservative (THINK, CRITICALLY THINK) about what U want then follow thru its results. Then look at the Party that is representing U, and ask, are these people in any way representing my best interests. If U say YES then U are a multi-millionare. And thats fine. If U are not a multi-millionare and are a republican U can only be considered a follower a wannabee and a brainwashed peasant, lapping at the heals of the elites to try to be one of them. Tip U will not be the 1% , nor will your relatives. U have a 90,000,0000 chance to 1 of even being able to talk to one. WAKE UP ! WE NEED A PARTY THAT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE ! THATS THE 99%

    RON PAUL is the only vote at this point, and everyone in the house and senate exluding no more than 10 people need to go FIRED ! I'd rather have a mailman, a barber, a constuction worker, a teacher , a small business man as my representative than some ivy league lawyer scumbag, rich mamaboy. NO THANKS !
  • krazy4kragskrazy4krags Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    edited November -1

    It is true that there are enemies to freedom amongst the Republican Party, but it is necessary to understand that the conservative values of the party have diminished as the Republicans have become shiftier to play the Democrats' game. Those whose conservative values are not corrupted by progressivism are needed right now. Nowhere in the Democratic party have I, or will I ever, see someone with core Conservative American values.

    If you would take the Democrats and Obama because you think they are the lesser of evils, then you have already written off everything that George Washington and the founders fought to create and promote...freedom.

    Best Regards,
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