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If I rented a post office box would you help me..

tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
I have long been looking for a way for those of us on who actively work towards helping preserve gun rights to be able to help each other. And by that I mean something other than just griping among ourselves or sending the occasional e-mail to support one position or another. I don't think many of the powerful people pay much attention to e-mails. So what about this. Say I rented a post office box (I don't feel comfortable giving out my home address over the net) and whenever I wanted to send a letter to one of my representatives (city, state or federal) I would post a copy of my proposed letter here on this forum, and if you agree with it you would print it and mail it to my post office box. I would then collect all the letters sent to me and include them with my original letter to my rep. In this way I might get some attention because it seems that when I send one of my many letters as one lone voter I don't get much respect or attention other than a polite response. And all I would ask for is your signature on my letter that you printed. I wouldn't even need your first name if you didn't trust me with it or just wanted to protect your privacy. Heck as far as that goes, you could even sign with a phony name because what is important is a genuine, original signature on the letter. And I wouldn't need your address either. When my representative gets my original letter, he/she is not going to take the time to figure out, and there would be no way to figure it out, that some of the letters that were included were sent to me from all over the USA. And if this idea worked, and for anyone who wanted to copy it, I of course would do the same for them and send them my signed letter on subjects in which I agree with them. If you l like this idea, please post your answer and tell me. This seems like a somewhat radical idea and if it does not find acceptance I am going to drop it and certainally not spend the money on a post office box.

When guns were invented everything changed. For the first time in the history of the world a frail woman had a chance to sucessfully defend herself and home. My dream is that one of the anti-gun nuts will need a gun for defense and be unable to have one because of their own actions.


  • nitrouznitrouz Member Posts: 1,820 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That's ok. I write my conrgessional reps and the president without fear of persecution (use my name and address). The day I have to do it anonymously is the day I take more action than words.


    "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."
    - Jesus Christ in Luke 22:36
  • sparkie_40sparkie_40 Member Posts: 27 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    i would support you any way i can. i have been long wanting to be in conact with people who are as passionate as i am about maintaining our 2nd amendment rights. i also write my reps, without fear. i have told them that i will never obey anymore gun control laws, that i will never surrender my firearms, and i have even written them to tell them i would consider anymore unconstitutional laws towards removing my god given right to self defense, an act of war, and that i would proceed accordingly. i advised them that if i was attacked, i would respond with extreme prejudice. there is nothing illegal or threatening about stating that at some point, i will defend myself and fellow compatriots. then if the fertilizer hits the fan, they cannot say, "we were not warned". thanks for allowing me some input.[8D]

    anti-gunners, want my guns? come get em, if you're able.
  • Delta514Delta514 Member Posts: 440 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    TR FOX: You know that I will help in anyway I can. But I do agree wholeheartedly with NITROUZ. [B)]

    Ronnie G. Perkins
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    tr, and here I rest my case.....[V]sad isn't it?sigh.......
  • Delta514Delta514 Member Posts: 440 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    SPARKIE_40: Congratulations! By excercising your 1st Admenment Rights; You have now become a Fellow Radical! Welcome! WE are few, but our Cause is Right. [^]

    Ronnie G. Perkins
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    There is a mysterious cycle in human events.To some generations much is given.Of other generstions much is expected.This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny. President FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT,1936[B)][}:)][:(!][;)]
  • spectre7spectre7 Member Posts: 965 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If this is something you are serious about doing, then I may have some friends, students of political science like myself who would be interested in participating. We may be slime-balls in training, but we can produce letters with a fair amount eloquence, as well as a syntax that would be familiar to those reading them. Never know, it might help [:)]

    Of course, this is really something we should probably be doing regardless. I will definately have to bring it up when we all start our Marksmanship elective next semester.

    Typos and profanity, oh my!
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    If only enough interest could be rallied.....
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    spectre7: thanks for the response. When I first posted it I thought it was a workable idea but now I am starting to think it is only a good idea in theory and not in practice. I need to embrace reality and just get out and join with local people (if I can find them) that want to try some unusual ideas to fightfor our rights. Not just gun rights but the right to have and carry tools (weaapons) for self defense and to make the term "citizen self defense" a respectable phrase. If you and your fellow students share these beliefs, then you are not "slime balls" in my book.

    When guns were invented everything changed. For the first time in the history of the world a frail woman had a chance to sucessfully defend herself and home. My dream is that one of the anti-gun nuts will need a gun for defense and be unable to have one because of their own actions.
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    longhunter: that was a response to a post by spectre7 dated 8-17-03 at 15:25 hours. And by the way, how the H*LL did you become a senior member so quick? I have been a member much longer that you have. Did you bribe someone or what? Just asking. (he he)

    When guns were invented everything changed. For the first time in the history of the world a frail woman had a chance to sucessfully defend herself and home. My dream is that one of the anti-gun nuts will need a gun for defense and be unable to have one because of their own actions.
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by tr fox
    longhunter: that was a response to a post by spectre7 dated 8-17-03 at 15:25 hours. And by the way, how the H*LL did you become a senior member so quick? I have been a member much longer that you have. Did you bribe someone or what? Just asking. (he he)

    Oh ,um well,I got too much time on my hands and talk too much??[;)]
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