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Gun Rights Testing ground

FrancFFrancF Member Posts: 35,279 ✭✭✭
One word-

"Kalifornia" and this is my Rant!

As I am a resident of this state, many of you know the obvious about the " widdling away " of our god given Second amendment rights. Kalifornia is the testing ground for those rights. In other words If it happens here, your state is next!

To prove my point in my County where I live, approximately the population is 220,000.
You know how many CCW permits there are?

4, only 4 CCW permits are valid. The Mayer, 2 District Judges, and one other County Official.

Lets move on, we have one only Rifle Range, Why, Our gun grabbers deem them unsafe.
WHY And How they do that- the City, county, and state enforce Lead Laws. I.E. drinking water, pollution etc. and then shut them down in a hart beat!

Now you go to the Range (the only one we have) the local P.D. Sheriff, got to practice to- are you going to take your AR-15 or M1A with a 20 round clip to the range? With maybe them there?

Did not think so-

In my Republic of Kalifornia, My Gov. Emperor Davis has made it a very harsh Reality,
If we can wipe out the second Amendment here, other states will follow suite.

In your state, I warn you now, if it happens here YOU ARE NEXT IF YOU DON'T DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT!
I think by 2010 KALIF. will be a gun free state don't kid your self!!!

End of my rant.


NRA Life Endowment Member


  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'll go along with that, but I can guarantee the Sozialist Republik of Kalifornistan will not be gun-free. You underestimate the number of people who did not comply with the law due to its unconstitutionality.

    Death to Tyrants!!!

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • tr foxtr fox Member Posts: 13,856
    edited November -1
    Francf, I sympathize with every citizen of CA who believes in the natural right of being their own self defense of last restort. I know that you have few gun rights (I live in KS) and are in danger of losing more each year. Hell, you CA people can't even legally have an expandable metal baton shipped to your state nor can you carry any pepper spray in anything but the tinyist container. But it sure seems to me like you CA citizens would be the best possible example of trying to try a new way of fighting the liberal, left-wing, limp-wristed, elitists who have been taking away your self defense rights. I would suggest focusing a very strong light on the hypocrisy of your situation. Unfortuently all of us progunners have been conceding the high ground in this battle to the opposition. For example you state that out of a population of 220,00 there are only 4 CCW permits issued (there are probably more you are not told about), and guess who has them? GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS! The hypocrisy of this situation is vast. For example, why the hell is any government official's welfare worth protecting more than your wife, daughter or mother? If calling 9-1-1 is the solution given to the rest of us for protection, why isn't it good enough for those "special" govt. officials or for that matter off duty cops who now carry their duty weapon concealed. In a country that has a conscience such as much of the U.S.A., if you are fighting a situation you don't like, and you are able to identify that your opponents are practicing extreme hypocrisy, if you can get the general public to see that hypocrisy then you can destroy you opponents. The hypocrisy is there. Find someway to use it and destroy your anti-gun anti-selfdefense opponents. I am working on a few ways of my own here in KS. Larry

    if they don't want us to have guns for self defense, what do they want us to have?
  • wolfenwolfen Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I live here in california also. [B)][B)]I think that perhaps going after this issue by ammending our State Constitution (like they do in Oregon) may be an option. Petitions work in Oregon to get on the ballot to ammend thier constitution, Is it possible here? and if so how do we get it done, And how do we organise to do it?

    David R. Kelley
  • gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In a Sozialist Republik like Kalifornistan, what the people want is irrelevant. The only way to reverse that course is to kill the oppressors or move. Voting in someone who will reverse the course is both unlikely and probably impossible due to the fact that the rest of them will not allow changes that are against their diabolic edicts.

    Death to Tyrants!!!

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
  • longhunterlonghunter Member Posts: 3,242
    edited November -1
    yeh......what he said...
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