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GOA - NRA What's the Difference
Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
Well, I don't think I'm old enough (15) to join either of these organizations, but I'd like to know a little bit about them. I've never heard an actual defenition of what they do other than "preserve gun rights".
What I'm wondering is what benefits would have joining one hold? Should I have a decent paying job by the time I can join on my own, I will certainly join given that one or the other has something good to offer. But until then I'd like to learn.
So basiclly what I'm asking for is, explanations in a nutshell. Because I really don't want to read huge paragraphs on websites.
What I'm wondering is what benefits would have joining one hold? Should I have a decent paying job by the time I can join on my own, I will certainly join given that one or the other has something good to offer. But until then I'd like to learn.
So basiclly what I'm asking for is, explanations in a nutshell. Because I really don't want to read huge paragraphs on websites.
I personally prefer the GOA because of their no compromise attitude. The NRA really seems to give up way too much. (Remember how you can be sent to prison for "illegally" owning a machine gun or being "too young" to own a certain gun? It seems the NRA supported most of these laws.[V])
There is no age limit on joining. You could be a five year old and still join a group like this. The GOA costs $20 a year. I really like their no compromise attitude, and I would appreciate it if you would consider joining. I know the NRA costs $35 a year, but that includes a magazine (reading not shooting[:D]). The GOA gives you a brief (8 pages or so) occasional newsletter. I believe 15 is too young to have a steady job, so I'm wondering if you could afford to support these groups.
Anyway, hope I've helped, and let us know about your decision.
BTW, the GOA's website is:
The NRA shines in the area of teaching the young to shoot,that sort of thing.They promote shooting,nationwide.
The NRA started as a means to teach young people to shoot because we were in danger of losing our status as a " Nation of Riflemen " other words,men going to war were unable to hit a bull in the a** with a flyswatter.
Naturally,the effort has been a failure..we today expend a couple million rounds per enemy KIA..and mostly do it by pushing a button and bombing positions...
The GOA doesn't pretend to do anything except lobby against insane gun laws and the deranged politicians that propose them.
Naturally,the effort has been a failure..we today expend a couple million rounds per enemy KIA..and mostly do it by pushing a button and bombing positions...
More evidence of this failure:
Not a single USA medal in shooting. Of course, our "professionals" are a bit busy elsewhere right now.
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."
-The Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Virginia, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. June 27, 1788.
The answer is tragically simple..the misleaders of this once great country understand that a well-trained populace pose a direct threat to ANYONE attempting to subvert the foundations of a free society.
Ergo; Downplay skill with a rifle,demonize those attempting to retain traditional values,and bring up all the youngsters in gov propaganda camps..otherwise known as public schools...
Congrats to Kim Rhode for winning the gold medal in women's double trap this morning. Of course, they are ELIMINATING this event from the Olympics after this year. It was originally introduced in 1996.
There are a few more shooting events left, hopefully we can make it to the medal stand a few more times.
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."
-The Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Virginia, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. June 27, 1788.
Another note, the USA got another gold in the 50m rifle competition. Congrats to Matt Emmons of Fairbanks, Alaska:
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."
-The Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Virginia, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. June 27, 1788.
All the while the NRA is bartering off first this aspect of gun ownership,then that one...
Wake up and smell the moldering,rotting stench of the dead Second Amendment..or indeed are we so STUPID as to believe that we have one anymore..? Are there actually people out there so STUPID as to proclaim..." We'uns gonna save your guns for you..we gonna save the Second Amendment for gun owners,," ????
22,000 gun laws,my friends..don't prattle on about " Doing something in the fight for gun rights.."
YOU LOST...A LONG TIME AGO. And your precious NRA helped in that loss.
I wanted to license a machine gun to myself. It can be done if the gun was made and registered before 1986. They cost many thousands of dollars because of this.
The NRA supported the original ban of machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns and silencers back in '34.
They then supported the laws which turned into the Gun Control Act of 1968.
And then, they supported the FOPA of 1986 which in part says that no new machine guns can be registered to private individuals after that date, but ones that were registered could be transferred.
This is why I'm sticking with the no compromise GOA. Check out if you are tired of the NRA's backstabbing.
But I deal in reality..and reality only.
The rose-colored glasses came off my eyes a long time ago,in a different world....
If there is indeed bitterness,it is the bitterness of a youth who believed..and felt the deep bite of anguish as one by one the reasons to believe were found to be baseless...and those believed in were found to be very mortal,very human,very uncaring about freedom save for themselves...
The rich guy,able to jump thru the hoops and spend 10,000 dollars to enjoy a machine guy,doesn't give one rip about the other guy without the money or power to get one...
The double gun guy could give a rat's a** about a semi-auto 308 guy...and they are all too stupid to realize that allowing slimy politicians and Socialist's the ability to regulate firearms will be the death of America.
Sherwin Wood
Friends such as the other 62 million gun owners in America who are too dumb, lazy and cheap and to "busy" to join ANY pro-gun organization to help keep their rights to own guns.
Friends such as the anti-gun Democrats, other anti-gun politicans, and anti-gun groups such as the Brady Campaign (formely Handgun Control, Inc.) and the anti-gun (for citizens anyway) media.
Yes, you are in the great majority and have a LOT of friends.
Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
I prefer an honest enemy.One right out in the open,in my face....can you understand that ?
I have more respect for a Democrat,calling for open gun bans..then for those pretending to be my friend..and passing gun laws behind my back.Respect,Tr;...not liking.
Tr; It would be a far better thing to totally lose all gun rights then to have them bartered away a piece at a time..for a total ban would rouse every last American to action..not the garbage you mentioned..but AMERICANS who love this country,willing to die for FREEDOM...freedom,friend Fox,you do not presently enjoy,no matter HOW you try to ignore that fact...
Get a no-compromise group. Or better yet, join all the no-compromise groups you can.
When my NRA membership expires in November, I will send them a written message explaining why I will not be joining their anti-machine gun group.
You ALREADY have surrendered freedom..can you understand that ?
All I am trying to do is rip the fuzzy-wuzzy NRA double-speak gauze off your eyes.
Every time another person looks with clear gaze upon the wreakage of freedom here in Amerika..there is another strong bastion of freedom right there.
Calamity,YOu have not been here long from the looks...I my friend was a LONG time supporter of the NRA as my Dad was before me...Inddde we were BOTH NRA hunter Safety Instructors in 2 States..I do believe that I know of what I speak.Those on this forum have listened to me on this subject enou8gh...If you likw to discuss it furthur ,send me a PM and I will respond in kind...I am NOT trying to convince you all to quit the NRA but to see things perhaps in a different light and see if we CAN work together for the betterment of all.As highball says,maybe it is toolate...I have'nt quite reached that yet...I am still reaching.....L.H.
Win or lose the gun-rights war, I am proud and happy to be on the same side as all of you.
Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
Take a look at this first link, and see what you think. The second link should keep you busy for a while, both links could open your eyes a little. Granted both links are to the "Keep and Bear Arms" site, but the information provided by them has been researched, and is available elsewhere. They just make it easy to reference a lot of information from one location.
Keep in mind that, even though I am an NRA "basher," I am also an NRA member (as well as some of the "NO compromise" groups) I just want people to see what they are supporting, by doing a little research and educating themselves, and not to be blindly supporting a group that "compromises" our rights.
Oh, and Sherwin.....welcome to the forum....and keep posting. [;)]
The gene pool needs chlorine.
I seek to educate..and sometimes shock is part of it.Stand toe to toe with me and defend your ground..and we will both learn from it.
Not JUST you,my friend..even if my post seems that way.I include EVERY ONE OF US..those smart enough to even realize the gift of our precious freedoms we have given up..and we have surrendered,nearly without a fight.Our founders would NEVER have allowed the wholesale destruction of THEIR rights as WE have...
I in particular apreciate a good discussion..or argument,if needs be.
Freedom is something I hold dear to my heart...and decent,honorable men may,in a free society,hold different views about how to get from here to there..."There" being,I am assuming, a literal reading and following of the Second Amendment...
On the previously posted "litmus" test, I'd let any law abiding citizen own anything up to the rocket launcher at least. Anything that could possibly be used for a pro-gun purpose.
No offense, but my litmus test goes up much higher than yours because I'd also allow grenades, and some of the more powerful artillery. If you accuse me of surrendering, you must also have surrendered yourself.
Please try and not make it a side war between you and I...[:D]
We ALL have surrendered..because we allow slimy politicians the authority to usurpt the Constitution at will..( 22,000 gun laws)..and we do NOTHING ABOUT IT..except whine a bit and write letters to the uncaring...We allow and ENCOURAGE the slimy pols to increase funding to UnConstitutional agencies to fan out and destroy decent citizens merely exercising their GOD-GIVEN Second Amendment rights...
Many of us gun people stump and encourage OTHER gun people to vote for Anti-Gun politicians..including the present president...
WHAT, my you call such activities ?.....even if you do nothing but live peaceably under present day opression..(as,indeed,I do)..We..myself included...have surrendered.
Didn't want to start a side war. As far as I'm concerned, everybody on this board is on my side.
I just thought you thought I was surrendering because I had an NRA membership that has not yet expired (It will in November).
No hard feelings.
Some of my best friends belong to the NRA !! [:D][:0]
In fact..back when I thought the moon was made of green cheese,and Women belonged on a pedestal....I became an NRA Life Member...[:0][V]
Boy,was I dumb...!! offense,Tr....[:D]
I remember chuckling over Hesston's intoning about.." We gonna rift all Militia Member's outta the NRA.."...back just after he took over..that told me the complete story about the NRA.
These intelligent men are perfectly aware that U.S. Code REQUIRES a man to be in the Unorganized Militia...and if you are are not an American citizen,or you belong to the Government..those being the only classes restricted from the duty to defend your family,your community,your Nation..
Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
The NRA & GOA (and all the few other pro-gun groups) are the SAME in that they are all fighting for our gun rights.
Now you can subdivide this statment and claim that one or another of the groups hasn't/doesn't fight in the manner manner you agree with. Even your own MOTHER has/will do things you don't agree with. But you are still mother & son/daughter and you fight for and look out for each other. And when things get really really bad, there will very few other people/groups/organizations that will help you.
The NRA is your imperfect relative who is trying to protect gun rights. It is the oldest and largest pro-gun rights organization in existance. Because of that it "appears" to be the most powerful and influential gun rights group in THE WORLD. So if you don't like the NRA, go ahead and support the miserly few other "national" progun groups (I do), but don't spend your precious time and energy trying to destroy the reputation of the NRA.
Instead of using the time posting your opinions of how the NRA is a worthless organization, go out and shoot your guns, or clean them, etc. Like it or not to an unknown degree it is because the NRA has been around for over 100 years is one of the reasons you even have ANY guns.
We gun people do not have an excess of friends in case you haven't noticed. If we are realistic we must not be overly chosey in our choice of friends.
Highball, I cannot counter your argument because you have apparently given up on ALL pro-gun organizations.
Quote "Somehow government decided that the Constitutional Bill of Rights has become the Bill of "Suggested" Rights and are to be rationed to the citizens as the power elite sees fit"
quote:it is because the NRA has been around for over 100 years is one of the reasons you even have ANY guns.
Naturally,I think it is in SPITE of the NRA...I think the reason there has been no sweeping raids for guns is because....our Masters realize as of yet..the peasants will resist with violence..and the violence,given our Redneck heritige,would spin out of their ability to control.
This time,with the level of knowledge about their activities..there would be no place in the world they could hide,either...
I believe that the 35 bucks better spent on 200 rounds of .308 ammo..taken to the range..and fired at baby blue ballons,at 500 yards....Anyone able to hit a fair number of those ballons is a far more valuable man to the gun rights movement then one merely sending 35 dollars and settling back in front of the tv.
Yes,One could say "I have given up on gun organizations." 40 years of watching rights being taken away will do that to you..At some point,one needs to realize that conventional methods have failed.Our Founders educated us in what it took to throw off the yoke of tyranny.
Now we need the British to march on Lexington..and the best way..the ONLY to withdraw from the political field of failed attempts to get obedience to the Constitution and allow the puppet-masters rope to hang themselves with...Trust me on this..left to their own devices, the Socialists would cross that line within 5 years...
No act of violence from a few Americans would ignite the fuse...only violence from the government will awaken enough people to carry the day.Your government will,sooner or later,offer that violence to citizens...
No act of violence from a few Americans would ignite the fuse...only violence from the government will awaken enough people to carry the day.Your government will,sooner or later,offer that violence to citizens...
WOW! That really gets you to thinking. Like a few other people in this thread I am new here. (only a few days in fact)I have never really been into politics but I have noticed that I am paying closer attention to them lately compared to years past. I am 36 years old and currently only own 1 firearm. I will purchase more when I get home, (currently working in Kuwait), and probably join one of the organizations discussed in this thread. I wanted to say that there are some very intelligent postings on the boards here and I respect and appreciate everyone's opinions. I would also like to thank you guys for opening my eyes and also for sharing honest opinions on topics that I am still trying to figure out for myself.
I highly recommend the GOA for their no compromise attitude. The NRA wants to cut deals. Remember, however, that when you cut a deal with the devil, you lose in all cases.
quote:Originally posted by Highball
No act of violence from a few Americans would ignite the fuse...only violence from the government will awaken enough people to carry the day.Your government will,sooner or later,offer that violence to citizens...
WOW! That really gets you to thinking. Like a few other people in this thread I am new here. (only a few days in fact)I have never really been into politics but I have noticed that I am paying closer attention to them lately compared to years past. I am 36 years old and currently only own 1 firearm. I will purchase more when I get home, (currently working in Kuwait), and probably join one of the organizations discussed in this thread. I wanted to say that there are some very intelligent postings on the boards here and I respect and appreciate everyone's opinions. I would also like to thank you guys for opening my eyes and also for sharing honest opinions on topics that I am still trying to figure out for myself.
You are welcome.......Gwet involved,stay involved,VOTE the politicians that would TRASH our U.S. Constitution out of office! L.H.