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Gun law
Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
I live in NW suburbs of Illinois but part of Cook County. Anyone know how to lookup if I can purchase a semiauto shotgun? Would love to buy an M1Garand. thanks in advance
In the year 2001, there were a total of 29,573 deaths by firearms which includes all law enforcement shootings resulting in death and all accidental shootings.
There were 2,416,425 total deaths in the U.S. in 2001.
Deaths by firearms were just a little over 1% of the total (1.22%).
Deaths by auto accident were 57,243 or almost twice as many as by shooting.
Total accidental deaths NOT by firearm totalled 101,537 or almost 3-1/2 times as many as by shooting.
24 times as many people died in 2001 as a result of heart disease as compared to shootings.
19 times as many people died from cancer as compared to shootings in 2001.
Diabetes killed 3 times as many people in 2001 as compared to shootings.
Pneumonia killed more than twice as many people as shootings.
Suicide by methods OTHER than firearms exceeded shooting deaths in 2001 by over 1,000 deaths.
We do not have a firearms problem in this country. Like all countries, we have a CRIMINAL problem that needs to be addressed by good laws and strong penalties AND by allowing law abiding citizens to exercise their God given right of self defense.
Yeppers..most of the rest of the world has PROVED that they are cowards..content to slave for their masters. Let us find out if any men live here in America,anymore.
God,Guts,& GunsHave we lost all 3 ??
In Russia where guns are almost non-extistant, the murder rate is 30.1 per hunderd thousand persons.
While in Israel where every third person has a gun, the murder rate is only 1.9 per hundred thousand persons.
More people die as a direct result of drunk drivers, than firearms each year. By the way donis do you think criminials will obey such rules: the answer is NO.
" Those who give up a little freedom for temporary security, deserve neither freedom nor security "
- Benjamin Franklin
My point bascially was that if there are reduced amounts of guns, then the likelyhood of death (preventable) by guns is reduced. However, you will only give up if the other person gives, up their arms. And with high crime rate no one would give up, and so it probably does boil down to that then.
People like this will complain constantly about America and discuss their hatred for Americans. They will then go on to say that we should be disarmed for our own good. In the 1930s, Hitler talked about his hatred for the Jews, and how he wanted to disarm them for their own good. Interesting parallel. Let's just hope that all of Europe doesn't end up like Nazi Germany. Hell, they are already embracing Hitler's politics.
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
TROLL alert.
The gene pool needs chlorine.
Today a shopkeeper two blocks away from me shot an assailant in his store. If he did not have a gun he would probably be dead. The police say it was self-defense.
Firearms ownership gives American citizens a measure of de-facto force agaist a tyranical government that citizens of most other nations do not enjoy.
Donis, as a member of this forum you have an opinion. Fortunately for us AMERICANS your opinion matters NOT!
The right to bear arms is a God-given right, meaning if a majority repeal it, it means nothing, other than the fact that the majority are a bunch of retard imbeciles, and that's that.
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
Hey, WAIT A MINUTE! Criminal behavior is ALREADY against the law yet we still have violent criminal behavior ALL OVER THE WORLD. Nevermind.
donis, if you want to outlaw certain inantimate objects to "protect" us untrustworthy, dangerous people from ourselves, there is a whole long list of things you need to include along with guns.
You should outlaw:
People keeping a reserve supply of gasoline for their lawnmower, snowblower, chain saw, etc. at home because the idiot citizens might accidently burn down their own house (or their neighbors house if the neighbor makes them mad).
People being allowed to have more than one days supply of drugs at home. There is always the chance those idiot citizens might decided to overdose or to put some of their excess drugs into someone's food.
People having strong and dangerous chemicals at home such as drain cleaner, etc. The idiot citizens might hurt someone.
People having cars capable of being driven over 35 MPH because at higher speeds they might seriously hurt someone or even decide to try and outrun the police.
I don't know what country you live in donis (you didn't bother to list much info in your profile, which is kinda troll-like). But here is America the citizens are supposed to be in control of government; The government IS NOT supposed to be in control of the citizens.
This means that all honest and lawful citizens should automatically have tremendous rights and priviledges. All lawful citizens should be treated as the "owners" of America. They should NOT be treated as being "owned" by America.
A very good point. There are methods legally availible to repeal the Second Amendment...37 states ratifing a new amendment.
HOWEVER...NO AMERICAN would meekly accept such a law. A lot of garbage WOULD, for it.
At that time...we would/could put it to the test.Is the Socialist garbage in this country stronger then we Americans that are left ?
I just got done watching the Patriot again tonight on TV...and I really think we would win....[:D]
And this applies to the multitude of virtually every religion, and thus, every corresponding deity involved (for all you other religions out there).
(and I don't know what to say to all you agnostics and atheists out there)[?][?][?]
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
Actually, highball, there is no way to repeal the law, because it is acknowledged by the writings, not granted. Any attempt to unwrite it can only be done by God. Anyone who tries to repeal this, or any of the 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights is an enemy of God.
And this applies to the multitude of virtually every religion, and thus, every corresponding deity involved (for all you other religions out there).
(and I don't know what to say to all you agnostics and atheists out there)[?][?][?]
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
I hear this!!!
That is INDEED the difference between the first 10 amendments..and the the other 15 or so.
That is PRECISELY why it would be our DUTY to go to war over a gun ban..OR a serious attempt to change the first 10 Amendments.
Now you have a grasp on the all out assualt by government and the Elites on God. Without God.....Rights are given by Government..aren't they ?
Those that reject the concept of a higher being then right into the hands of those that would/will enslave us.
The Christian faith is the one under fire mostly..because they understand that government is to be obeyed only when it is a JUST government. The other religions either ARE the government...or taught to obey without question.
Then with the UN-Patriot act, among other laws, they have effectively circumvented other "rights" we USED to have.
No need to get people in an uproar, openly trying to change things. Things have been going their way, for quite some time.
The gene pool needs chlorine.
Hello, I think your constitution should be amended (special status terms), so that the need to carry firearm becomes illegal. More people die in your country because of firearm then international terrorist attack. Many countries live without a gun. So long as their is gun supply, everyone will want to carry one, but the overall effect is negative. The change to a gun free society is hard especially with over 215 million firearms in circulation, but appropriate policy in every state against firearms will always be positive in the long run.
Admin....Will you jerk this clown's account please? What a retard
81st FA BN WWII...Thanks Dad
81st FA BN WWII...Thanks Dad
Forget the Jones's.....I keep up with the Simpsons!
Yeah yeah mmm heh.
Damn it, Beavis, just shut up!!!
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
In this great land of ours, we've got 10 Amendments stating our rights. If we were to repeal his 1st Amendment rights, we are no better than him for opposing our 2nd Amendment rights.
Don't you wish Congress people would actually tell the truth about what THEY believe ?
I have to take issue with this Fundamentalist logic. There are plenty of other sound arguments for the defense of the 2nd Amendment and the whole Bill of Rights. I don't think that turning it into a religious war is the right path. We are not the Taliban.
Gunphreak, I respect your right to practice whatever religion you wish, but I do not agree that the best defense of our Constitution is to brand its detractors as "enemies of God".
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."
-The Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Virginia, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. June 27, 1788.
The choice of the future will be live on your knees, or die.
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
"When the going gets weird, the Weird turn pro"
Hunter S. Thompson"
God,Guts,& GunsHave we lost all 3 ??
...that there is no fundamental right to own firearms.
...that gun control legislation may reduce violent crime.
...that guns are more dangerous to the owners than intended targets because most gun related deaths are a result of domestic violence, accidents and suicides.
...that guns are often of little use as self defense for the typical owner because in the incidents where a hostile encounter with an armed criminal occurs, the criminal is usually more experienced and skilled with his/her weapon.
...that even against unarmed criminals, the presence of a gun serves most often simply to escalate the likelihood and/or severity of violence.
...that citizens have no need to own guns to protect themselves against crime, since this is the task of the government.
...that citizens of First World countries today have no need to protect themselves against their governments if they are vigilant enough to confront government wrongdoing before violence is necessary, or that even if such a need should arise, it would be hopeless anyway to take up individual small arms against the sort of modern military technology that a government could bring to bear.
A contrary viewpoint would be the amount of damage lightly armed Finnish infantry (only 112 anti-tank guns, and mostly civilian firearms) were able to inflict on the Russian invasion (45 divisions) during the Winter War.
Those who favor maintaining or extending the private ownership of firearms believe some subset of:
...that owning firearms is a fundamental right.
...that the government has no right to interfere with an individual's right to own firearms as long as the individual is not harming or intimidating fellow citizens.
...that guns in the hands of the populace decrease crime.
...that citizens have a right to self-protection.
...that an armed populace decreases the overall risk of violent crime, because it provides a deterrent effect for criminals who cannot know whether their next prospective victim, or someone nearby, will turn out to be armed.
...that law-abiding citizens have a responsibility to provide their own protection because governments cannot be held civilly or criminally responsible for failing to provide such protection.
...That carrying firearms properly makes one safer, not less safe; for the same reason that police forces carry firearms
...that gun ownership protects citizens from the excesses of government, and provides the possibility of revolution, if necessary.
Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.
Luke 22:36.
"Followers of Christ, be armed."
I've been wronged by a lot of people, but nothing has ever made me question that we are better off free than having the government run our lives.
Thanks for the post. I will assume you have serious questions about this issue, so I will give you a serious answer.
Our 2nd Amendment is the only check a free people ultimately have to counter a runaway government. Historically, as governments mature, they begin to take on the characteristics of a crime syndicate. Why? Because government, by its nature in a civilized society, is the only party that enjoys a legal monopoly on the use of force.
History has proven that this monopoly on force - unchecked - can and WILL only result in millions of body bags. For example, in the 20th century alone, governments killed an estimated 120 to 150 million OF THIER OWN CITIZENS. The facts prove that you are 2 to 3 times more likely to be killed by your own government than by a foreign power. Here in the United States, the Founding Fathers understood this defect in government - that it is a dangerous master - when it should ONLY be a fearful servant. A well-armed population is the only way to keep this "servant" of the people fearful, and thereby in check.
So, our God-given right to self-defense does not exist so we can all go hunting. It exists to allow me to defend myself against ANY aggressor - whether that aggressor be a fellow citizen - or more dangerously, and out of control government.
JPFO Life Member