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Gunphreak Rocks the House...Revisited

ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you have not read this, you owe it to yourself to do so. Fantastic understanding of history with just enough personalization to make it truly remarkable. I stand in my applause! BRAVO!

quote:Ok, we have a point of one such thing. Branded criminals for killing cops and soldiers that were "just following orders" would be acceptable as a possible outcome. For me, there is a bigger, better reason to disarm the people.

The wheels are in motion. The inevitable is on its way. Many of you here do not even realize the magnitude of this tragedy and travesty, so I will begin with it in the best way I can.

Approximately 100 years ago, the unraveling began. Finally, some presidents and political idealists had been given great ideas as to social engineering, with the help of an already printed 40 year old text from the Kommunist Karl Marx. Exploiting a wound in our legal and historical basis (the wound caused to the 10th Amendment, thanks to the Civil War), a new concept had been inserted into the works. That concept had finally made it on the books, after two failed attempts, thwarted by the people, and that is the inception of the Income Tax. An Amendment had been introduced to the Constitution that was clearly unconstitutional (namely, the 16th Amendment), and this led to a new cancer among us.

With the progressive income tax came a whole new wave of taxes, each whittling away at the capitalist nation we once were. With every new tax, businesses tightented their belts. WWI was also upon us, and this couldn't have happened at a worse time. People suddenly were, for the first time in history, without jobs in droves. This led us to the Great Depression. One way to reverse the course of this was to repeal the 16th Amendment then, but it didn't happen. The people were hung out to dry and left to fend for themselves.

We then had a malefactor to the country begin to enact several new deals with the People of America. First would be to assail the American people by eliminating gold from commerce, making many assets suddenly useless, and putting the power to make money in the hands of a new entity that operates at its own will.. The Federal Reserve. The next dagger in the back of the people came to us in the form of the IRS. Enough said on that one. From these new economy restructuring edikts come the Sozialist Insekurity Akt. The fourth was, with flimsy justification, and as a possible outcome from the devastation wrought among the American people, and the possibility of a surge in Mafia activity, the 1934 Gun Control Act is passed, and for the first time since the Civil War, the assault on an inalienable right has ensued. Then FDR drove the ultimate blade in our backs... by plunging us into WWII, and thus activating the juggernaut of the war machine. He managed a declaration of war due to inciting conflicts with the Germans and the Japanese, and they had finally had enough. He ordered our ships escort other freighters and ships of supplies we had no business delivering to Europe, and then had our ships firing unprovoked shots at U-boats and planes, hoping they would return fire, and for a while, many didn't, because they wanted America left out of the struggle. NATO is formed, against the better judgment of our Founding Fathers, for more knowledgeable and wise that these vile boogers. As the war comes to a conclusion, the United Nations are formed (we all know how big a bane this has been, or at least we should by now) The practice of stationing troops all over the world since this time was conceived, and really is no surprise to me why so many other nations view us as the World Bully now, because it sure looks that way, now doesn't it? CONgress relinquishes another responsibility.. the power to declare war.

The economy has been set up now to literally tax us to death and to be destroyed by something that never occurs with an honest money system... inflation. This is affected by three things primarily:

1. When the Federal Reserve gets low, they print more money out of thin air, which devalues the money printed, because nothing is backing these new dollars.
2. Union negotiations (the introduction of the cost of living adjustment comes from this, folks).
3. From raised taxes to cover shortfallings and insurance monopolies (basically the same thing, just different principles and effects). These also affect the buying power of money and everything becomes more and more expensive as these are incorporated.

The wheels of capitalism is greased, and when the wheel seizes, the S WILL HTF. Mark my words. At this point, no one will give a damn about the orphans and widows of the JBT's that tried to wrestle our guns from us, because we will all be SOL, and know who to turn our weapons on. FDR's gems are crumbling.... it's just a matter of time. That is why they find the urgency of beating our swords into plowshares right now.

Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39

Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

Luke 22:36.

quote:Shall I continue?

WWII has concluded. The first president to enact a police akt, Harry Truman, becomes the first to declare war without CONgress' approval; we call that the Korean War. Next move, to do it again, and this time, orchestrated by JFK; this time called the Vietnam War. This war raged throughout LBJ's reign, but something very insidious occured during this time... the second direct assault against the 2nd Amendment.... The 1968 NFA Akt. Ironic, really, considering that this law parallels the 1938 Nazi Weapon Law in its wording, as if Nazi Weapon laws have any place in America. Maybe we can recall what else was occuring in the world at this point. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, The Black Panthers.... this was why Demonkrats passed this vile edikt. (And they call themselves the Party of the Minorities... with friends like this...) Ahh, the Civil "rights" movement... nothing like gaining equality through creating a superior, protected class of people, now is there. It is my guess that MLK's vision of the Free America spoken of in the "I Have a Dream" speech has absolutely no correlation to the one expressed by thugs like Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton, or any of these other racists.

Since this time, the American War Machine has been a blood thirsty juggernaut, jumping from country to country... against the better judgment of the Founders. This has also contributed to killing many of our best men, in the meantime, we are flocked with hippies, hippies, hippies. And with them come the drugs, the free sex, the immoral behaviors and spiritual "experiences" that come with these bottom feeding scavengers. Something else occured at this time, which is, by far the most vile thing that had ever happened up to this point. The court system had aided the atheists of this country by breaking precedents and pandering to a minority of godless (idiots), and the dissection of the school systems began. This has ended up with children not knowing history, many times not knowing how to read, and not being taught right from wrong, in favor of them being taught that being a friend or a lezzie is OK, and that being a liberal is the party of the enlightened, and whatever new leftist fad comes out. We now see a society of idiots (minus the ones who proved too intelligent to succumb to the indoctrination process of our government run learning institutes) too stupid to realize what it really means to be a substance-over-symbolism red blooded true American, in favor of being a socialistic kommie who is tripping over the rest of them to squander their birth rights, with the help of their malefactive leaders in Hollywood, in the media, and in the activist ranks.

Shall I continue?

The birth of new unseen technology brings a market nearly dominated by other countries to which are mostly third world, kommie run doodooh0le$ to which do not have to abide by our patent laws, and we can no longer compete. This problem only made worse by the fact that inflation had driven the value of our dollar to be 1/10th of what it was worth, and people drawing Sozialist Insekurity are beginning to learn how this affects them, as their fixed incomes do not have the buying power it once had. A new generation of children, raised by lackadaisical methods (mostly due to both parents having to work to make ends meet) turn out to be lazy, undereducated (for the first time in history, a generation turns out knowing on average less than their parents) brats that want everything without working for it, because they feel they shouldn't have to (a symptom of a reality-deprived ingrate). A new killer disease infects the people, known today as HIV. Droughts and fires rage unchecked, burning millions of dollars of property, and causing crops to fail all over the country.

Capitalist America is bleeding to death. We now have to compete with standards that we cannot possibly meet, and the tariffs we exercised then are not in effect now, thanks to crap like NAFTA, and the Europeans to which we booted out 200 years ago, we helped out 50 years ago, and now we are, more or less inviting them right back in to screw our country up, once more. On top of this, with all the new taxes, codes, licenses (for virtually everything), and permits, along with a new band of bureauRAT offices and departments, an immense net of entanglement consisting of 2 million laws, many of which are arbitrary to other laws while supreme court (in)justices seldom agree on the meaning of any of them, or are victimless crimes committed against a legal abstract called "the state". Frivilous lawsuits are heard, and in many cases create more crimes in one day in the courtrooms than on the streets in a whole year (yes, you heard that right).

to be continued....

Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39

Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

Luke 22:36.

quote:And now, the conclusion of my post:

It is now the early 1980's, and we now have enacted many new acts and instituted new bureauRAT offices as a result of the Middle East conflict. Already, we have seen several assassinations, and the Secret Service is created to protect presidents and other "important" figures from assassins. Remember Kent State, any of you? Well, this was the first, what I would call 'major'", infraction of a military force overstepping its bounds to "ensure the peace". That all came to a head when Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and Jim Brady, one of those wounded by the gunman, and his wretched wife Sarah, began the first "crusade" (sic) to "make our country gun free and safe". This feral approach led to an Akt that banned the manufacture of select-fire weapons to the public, passed in 1986, surprisingly, by a Republican-led administration, but while led by the acting president, George Bush the Elder. Finally, the true colors of the Republican Party has shown through. This country had also seen the onset of the plague, set upon us in the form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a disease that has proven 100% untreatable, and 100% lethal. (It should be no coincidence that its method of transmission is generally by sinful methods, and unfortunately has been spread to many by blood transfusions) By this time, also, we are seeing a rash of illegal aliens invading from the south. In the meantime, a new problem is in its infancy, right under our noses and we can't see it. Our children have been indoctrinated by liberal teachers. This could be the most problematic thing we have to undo, because they have been implanted mediocrity as a norm, and this has proven to be the ripping of the heart from Americans. Now, more than ever, they have been given information on topics that have no relevance, or are censored and taught by socialist teachers, and lowered the standards to make us appear smarter than ever, while those who know can see the deception. The BATFags assume a new role, no longer collectors of taxes (which in all seriousness are ones who should be tarred, feathered and run out on a rail by citizens of the US, even now) have become the Bureau of Jack Booted Thugs.... the Gestapo. Under the first Bush Administration, a ban on certain imported weapons has been passed, thereby verifying the true colors of the Republikans. Now, enter the 1990's, and all hell breaks loose. The gun kontrol lobbyists have managed to sneak several freedom-stealing Akts through (though with a watchful eye, as many Demonkrats learned in November of 1994 as they lost their seats), and NAFTA has made its presence known. WACO and Ruby Ridge occur, making Kent State look like an accidental shooting. Hollywood has turned on the people in general, and we, like the fools that we are, fall for their unchecked lies and misinformation as if it was truth, without even questioning what we see. The President, William the liar, makes a mockery of our country, but never pays for it the way he should, other than being disbarred (as if that was true punishment), and in the meantime, he is ignoring every single terrorist attack made during his Era.

Then, to make a long story short, a wake up call occured. At 0851 EST, 11 SEP 2001, four airliners are highjacked and inevitably crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing over 3000 Americans and leveling symbols of American "Strength" and power. The most bitter irony of this is that this proported "strength" showed just how weak we, as a people, have become. Unfortunately, many people did not learn the right lesson, and have since become even more dependent of the feds to protect their miserable hides from the enemy. But judging by the numbers of gun sales, despite parasitic lawsuits made specifically to liquidate the business, a huge number has seen the light....

Only time will tell if we regain the wisdom left by our Founding Fathers. My grandfather has left me with the means to infinite possibilities of unearthing whatever truth I desire, and I was raised by a mother that taught me, above all else to never quit fighting... and I never will!!! As an American, you have the right to squander your birth rights, but never think for one moment, that everyone will follow suit. Should the sleeping dragon awaken, all the high tech crap in the world will not save them from the dragon's breath, and I only hope it is in my time, so that my daughter may know peace.

Death to Tyrants!!!
Lev 26:14-39

Remember how many seats were lost after AWB passage? Vae victis!
Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

Luke 22:36.

I had no idea you had this in you, I am flabbergasted. This may very well be the single most lucid, realistic interpretation of our countries previous 100 year history. I congratulate you on a very fine opine. The best I've ever read and I like to think I can write a little. I am truly not worthy.

There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?


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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    FDR drove the ultimate blade in our backs... by plunging us into WWII, and thus activating the juggernaut of the war machine. He managed a declaration of war due to inciting conflicts with the Germans and the Japanese, and they had finally had enough. He ordered our ships escort other freighters and ships of supplies we had no business delivering to Europe, and then had our ships firing unprovoked shots at U-boats and planes, hoping they would return fire, and for a while, many didn't, because they wanted America left out of the struggle.

    That's right! If we weren't so mean to the Japanese nation by enacting an embargo to raw materials from the US to feed thier war machine in China, why, they NEVER would have got so ticked off at us as to attack Pearl Harbour! And sure, If we just let Britan hang by itself, Hitler would never consider coming after the USA after he conquered the rest of Europe! Just like he promised Chamberlain that all he wanted was the Sudenland! Never mind having more time to develop super weapons to take us out with by the 1950's!

    What armchair historian wrote this claptrap anyway?! My Dad was a Marine at Peulilu and Okinwawa, and later at the Chosin Resevoir. Don't tell me he and his buddies fought, suffered and many died for for a so-called conspiracy supposely fostered by FDR!


    Capitalist America is bleeding to death.


    Oh, you mean the same Capitist America that has CEO' geting 500 times the salary of the average worker? the Capitist America that has Wal-Mart screwing it's workers (Like the charge last year of unequal pay/ advancement opportunities for women doing the same job?)
    The same Capitist America that has the Oil companies jacking up the Gas prices after Hurricane Katrina while they contine to make record breaking profits year after year?

    Here's a question for you:
    What's the difference between Captialism and Communism?
    Answer: Under Communism, Man exploits Man.
    Under Capitalism, it's the other way around!

    Understand this:T he Constitition was design to ensure the inherent rights of it's citizens, NOT to protect Capitalism! Capitalism only works when it's prime objective of profit is tempered by the laws of the land in the interest of it's citizens.

    Examples: Car manufacturers did not put seat belts in thier cars until legistated by the government. They could have done it on thier own, but didn't want to spend the money. Philip Morris would have you think smoking is safe, like the ads they use to make in the 1950's of Doctors smoking cigarettes to promote thier brands. And more examples follow.

    Yes, a two page expose on the entire 100 history of the arms control conspiracy. All on this author's say-so. How about references?
    Show me the reams of facts you have to support point by point this
    speculative essay.
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    Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,597 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Workingzombie

    That's right! If we weren't so mean to the Japanese nation by enacting an embargo to raw materials from the US to feed thier war machine in China, why, they NEVER would have got so ticked off at us as to attack Pearl Harbour! And sure, If we just let Britan hang by itself, Hitler would never consider coming after the USA after he conquered the rest of Europe! Just like he promised Chamberlain that all he wanted was the Sudenland! Never mind having more time to develop super weapons to take us out with by the 1950's!

    What armchair historian wrote this claptrap anyway?! My Dad was a Marine at Peulilu and Okinwawa, and later at the Chosin Resevoir. Don't tell me he and his buddies fought, suffered and many died for for a so-called conspiracy supposely fostered by FDR!

    Well said!

    Hitler was a monster that had to be dealt with, sooner or later. The same can be said of our current war with radical Islam.


    Molon Labe
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    HighballHighball Member Posts: 15,755
    edited November -1
    Nothing will ever change.
    The True believers of lies and deceptions will continue to believe.

    The intelligent will understand just how deeply America has been sold out by the slimy elites.
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    gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Understand this:T he Constitition was design to ensure the inherent rights of it's citizens, NOT to protect Capitalism! Capitalism only works when it's prime objective of profit is tempered by the laws of the land in the interest of it's citizens.

    No, you understand this. One of our inherent rights is to conduct business as we see fit without gov't intrusion in all facets. Most of our biggest problems have not occured at the hands of Big Oil, or other CEO's more than it has from an abuse of our system, forcing us to resort to things to bring our standard of living to where it is and resort to things like Wallyworld has to to stay on top of the market.

    Bring back our gold system (and thus, do away with the Federal Reserve), and eliminate our unjust tax system (and do likewise to the IRS), and we will see a bulk of our troubles disappear.

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
    "Followers of Christ, be armed."
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    gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    One more thing..... Thank you very much.

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
    "Followers of Christ, be armed."
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by gunphreak
    One more thing..... Thank you very much.

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
    "Followers of Christ, be armed."

    You're very welcome. I knew this one would stir things up a bit. And yes, I meant what I said.

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by gunphreak

    No, you understand this. One of our inherent rights is to conduct business as we see fit without gov't intrusion in all facets.


    So how do you propose a citizen/customer/employee seeks recourse from a business that sells a faulty product, or promotes a dangerous work environment? Whose product is defective, maims or kills? Boycott them? Seek a civil suit?

    How many people have to suffer to build a sufficent case to sue a business? How many citizen's have the time and money to fight a big company loaded with money and high caliber lawyers?

    Finally, how can a citizen even bring a suit if there are no laws ("Intrusions") in the law books for the business to violate in the first place?

    Want a historical example of businesses free from "govenment intrusions"? Check out this link:

    Lewis Hines documented the unregulated businesses in the early 1900's
    that exploited children. No safety measures,long work days of 12-16 hours a day, minimum wages. If a kid got sick or hurt, too bad. That's the work ethic. Plenty of other kids wanting jobs, right?

    Look into the eyes of these kids in the photos. They are old before thier time. So is this your ideal of instilling in kids a good work ethic? Would you accept this as a perfect model of no government intrusions?

    You may say: "Well, I wouldn't work for that place, I work somewhere else! I have the freedom to choose!" Unless of course, all available jobs you can find have the same working conditions!

    I eagerly await your rebuttal to defend your position. When you do so, please resolve my questions and examples with specific facts one by one.
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No facts necessary, ridiculous comparison or analogy however you wish to put it. That is the whole point of the Constitution- Trust Your Fellow Citizens! We should be trusted to be a moral and decent society, which we are. Are there those that will abuse their power, yes undoubtedly. They shall be dealt with by the masses. Writing laws for everthing that can or will go wrong or not follow suit is just not practical. We have more laws than the Dictionary has words, It's pathetic. The Land of the Free..., yeah right!

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Originally posted by Comengetit
    No facts necessary, ridiculous comparison or analogy however you wish to put it. That is the whole point of the Constitution- Trust Your Fellow Citizens! We should be trusted to be a moral and decent society, which we are. Are there those that will abuse their power, yes undoubtedly. They shall be dealt with by the masses. Writing laws for everthing that can or will go wrong or not follow suit is just not practical. We have more laws than the Dictionary has words, It's pathetic. The Land of the Free..., yeah right!


    Yeah, well, you conviently ducked out trying to answer my points.
    by repeating your mantra that all laws are bad because freedom does not require responsibly or consequences. Which shows just how much serious thought and research you have put into such an important issue. No point discussing it further with you. You have the right your opinion, and I have the right to my facts:)
  • Options
    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Workingzombie
    Originally posted by Comengetit
    No facts necessary, ridiculous comparison or analogy however you wish to put it. That is the whole point of the Constitution- Trust Your Fellow Citizens! We should be trusted to be a moral and decent society, which we are. Are there those that will abuse their power, yes undoubtedly. They shall be dealt with by the masses. Writing laws for everthing that can or will go wrong or not follow suit is just not practical. We have more laws than the Dictionary has words, It's pathetic. The Land of the Free..., yeah right!


    Yeah, well, you conviently ducked out trying to answer my points.
    by repeating your mantra that all laws are bad because freedom does not require responsibly or consequences. Which shows just how much serious thought and research you have put into such an important issue. No point discussing it further with you. You have the right your opinion, and I have the right to my facts:)

    I didn't duck anything, I told you it was a ridiculous comparison. The things you mentioned should have laws. But you can't tell me you agree with all the laws we do have? Come on, they make a law for damn near everything. Especially if it is something people enjoy. They are fun haters.[:D]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Comengetit
    Originally posted by Workingzombie
    Originally posted by Comengetit
    No facts necessary, ridiculous comparison or analogy however you wish to put it. That is the whole point of the Constitution- Trust Your Fellow Citizens! We should be trusted to be a moral and decent society, which we are. Are there those that will abuse their power, yes undoubtedly. They shall be dealt with by the masses. Writing laws for everthing that can or will go wrong or not follow suit is just not practical. We have more laws than the Dictionary has words, It's pathetic. The Land of the Free..., yeah right!


    Yeah, well, you conviently ducked out trying to answer my points.
    by repeating your mantra that all laws are bad because freedom does not require responsibly or consequences. Which shows just how much serious thought and research you have put into such an important issue. No point discussing it further with you. You have the right your opinion, and I have the right to my facts:)

    I didn't duck anything, I told you it was a ridiculous comparison. The things you mentioned should have laws. But you can't tell me you agree with all the laws we do have? Come on, they make a law for damn near everything. Especially if it is something people enjoy. They are fun haters.[:D]

    In your previous statement you said "conduct business as we see fit without gov't intrusion in all facets". You didn't say some laws are ok and some not. Your statement and comments follwing left no room for that. You sounded like anarchist. Now you are saying that it is ok we should have some laws regarding business? Kinda counterdicting yourself.

    Yeah, you bet, there are bad laws. And many unnecessary laws that are politically motivated by politicans look like thay did something worthwhile. No disagreement there.
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    ComengetitComengetit Member Posts: 1,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey bud, I think you got the wrong guy. I just chimed in ahead of gunphreak. Sorry for the confusion but I figured when you quoted me you knew. Oh well, no harm, no foul.[;)]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?
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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Comengetit
    Hey bud, I think you got the wrong guy. I just chimed in ahead of gunphreak. Sorry for the confusion but I figured when you quoted me you knew. Oh well, no harm, no foul.[;)]

    There are two kinds of people in this World....Those who lead....and those who get the hell out of the way...GUT CHECK!...Which one are you?


    Oops! My bad. Thanks for being good about it;)
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    gunphreakgunphreak Member Posts: 1,791 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:So how do you propose a citizen/customer/employee seeks recourse from a business that sells a faulty product, or promotes a dangerous work environment? Whose product is defective, maims or kills? Boycott them? Seek a civil suit?


    quote:How many people have to suffer to build a sufficent case to sue a business? How many citizen's have the time and money to fight a big company loaded with money and high caliber lawyers?

    Thanks to all the ridiculous laws we have now, it seems impossible. Get rid of them, and legal fees will plummet, and the world will become a better place. Have a little vision.

    quote:Finally, how can a citizen even bring a suit if there are no laws ("Intrusions") in the law books for the business to violate in the first place?

    Our US Constitution does set up a system of laws governing civil action. This civil action, plus the power of publication, should have been enough. That it wasn't shows extreme stupidity on the part of the American people.

    quote:Lewis Hines documented the unregulated businesses in the early 1900's
    that exploited children. No safety measures,long work days of 12-16 hours a day, minimum wages. If a kid got sick or hurt, too bad. That's the work ethic. Plenty of other kids wanting jobs, right?

    Yeah, so did the gov't bring this mess into being? The answer is "Yes". How, you ask? It was they who tried passing an income tax law a decade prior to, and to which the US Supreme Court had struck down in 1896. The push to make an income tax, as per the Kommunist Manifesto suggests, began taking the country down. In 1911, the push was on again. The Income Tax is the worst thing for us in this country. It takes away from the people the power to keep its gov't in check, without drawing arms to force them to back off.

    quote:You may say: "Well, I wouldn't work for that place, I work somewhere else! I have the freedom to choose!" Unless of course, all available jobs you can find have the same working conditions!

    I eagerly await your rebuttal to defend your position. When you do so, please resolve my questions and examples with specific facts one by one.

    I'm not going to bother giving you extremely well-researched examples, simply because I am not rebutting history with your opinion. Look it up yourself, that way you can understand it better.

    Thanks for the drama, smart guy!!!

    Death to Tyrants!!!
    Lev 26:14-39

    Those who would offer any interpretation that would relegate Amendment II to "relic" status of a bygone era are blatantly stating that the remainder of the Bill of Rights isn't worth a damn, either.

    Luke 22:36.
    "Followers of Christ, be armed."
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    WorkingzombieWorkingzombie Member Posts: 235 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm not going to bother giving you extremely well-researched examples, simply because I am not rebutting history with your opinion. Look it up yourself, that way you can understand it better.

    Thanks for the drama, smart guy!!!


    You're welcomed. Thanks for the "smart guy" compliment.
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