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Hurricaines any one get hit

buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
Just wonering if any one done south was effected by yhe recent hurricaines[?]


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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Didn't get me, sure hope no one from here was effected

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    May affect us, when the rain starts, it is a bit late for the corn but hte beans could use a little so could my trees. Pretty close to drought(sp?) here.

    If huntin' is a sport, then your lookin at an athlete- T-shirt

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    we are razzing the heck out of the plant manager because his name is Dennis, we are telling him he has been downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical deppression
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    I wonder if gagirl saw any of that she about the closest No?? Gagirl yall still with us???
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    gogolengogolen Member Posts: 1,619 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Probably why she's not on today tons of people there with no power
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    Yea I heard.[B)] we even sent some linesmen down to restore power said it could be a while for some folks . At least it wasan't as bad as it could have been. hope shes ok. [;)]
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    fishermanbenfishermanben Member Posts: 15,370
    edited November -1
    it missed her by hundreds of miles...I'm sure she's fine


    Play Ball!!!
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    Yea But your gonna get a good soaking from what I heard.[:0] like tuesday? is that right. I woulden't mind it's been hotter than hell here 98* today.I like it around 75 80 in the summer. Oh well Ya take what your delt.[;)][:o)]
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    shoff14shoff14 Member Posts: 11,994 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bang250
    May affect us, when the rain starts, it is a bit late for the corn but hte beans could use a little so could my trees. Pretty close to drought(sp?) here.

    Actually right now when the corn is shooting tassle is the MOST important time for the corn. It allows pollen to flow through the crop better.
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    gagirlgagirl Member Posts: 5,408
    edited November -1
    Fine here, didnt lose power at all. We got a few of the EXTREME outer bands which is normal for us during this season. Had computer trouble at the office then was in the field for the majority of the day. Dont expect to be around too much this week. Alot of traveling for me this week. Ya'll dont have too much fun in here without me. Or if you do take pictures!!!!!

    Hugs to all Nadine

    its all about pucks and bucks
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by shoff14
    quote:Originally posted by bang250
    May affect us, when the rain starts, it is a bit late for the corn but hte beans could use a little so could my trees. Pretty close to drought(sp?) here.

    Actually right now when the corn is shooting tassle is the MOST important time for the corn. It allows pollen to flow through the crop better.

    Pollen doesn't matter when there aren't any ears.

    If huntin' is a sport, then your lookin at an athlete- T-shirt

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    farm talk. I thought bees made pollen[?][?][?][:D][:o)]
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by buckeyboy
    farm talk. I thought bees made pollen[?][?][?][:D][:o)]

    Bees make a flavored body lotion! anim_shock.gif

    If huntin' is a sport, then your lookin at an athlete- T-shirt

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    shoff14shoff14 Member Posts: 11,994 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bang250
    quote:Originally posted by shoff14
    quote:Originally posted by bang250
    May affect us, when the rain starts, it is a bit late for the corn but hte beans could use a little so could my trees. Pretty close to drought(sp?) here.

    Actually right now when the corn is shooting tassle is the MOST important time for the corn. It allows pollen to flow through the crop better.

    Pollen doesn't matter when there aren't any ears.

    hmm, well there can't be ears with out tassles and tassles with out ears. Cause thousands of little tubes run from tassle to the ear.
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    bang250bang250 Member Posts: 8,021
    edited November -1
    Where ya at? Come my way and I'll be happy to show you some. Infact I just got back from lunch and there is a field right down the road. Short, tassled, no ears, I did see some fields with stalks that only have one ear too. So really at this point for corn the rain is to late. Sure rain is good to help pollinate but for growth and production we a bit late in the year for that.
    Sittin in the neighbors shop two days ago with two other farmers who said the same. It is too late in our area for the corn.

    Let me edit this and say if there are ears on the stalks they are okra or smaller.

    If huntin' is a sport, then your lookin at an athlete- T-shirt

    Gun bans have never accomplished anything, other than to create a safe working environment for criminals.
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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    The only thing I know about corn is ya put salt and butter on it and eat it. oh yea deer like it.[:D]
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    SuspensionSuspension Member Posts: 4,783
    edited November -1
    Buckey your silly. [:D] Butter and salt sure is good on it though. [;)]

    Bang, corn around here in Ohio may produce some, but it's gonna be a low volume year that's for sure. Right now it's just starting to run outa moisture, looks like it'll start pollinating in the next 2 weeks. We were lucky enough to be under knee high by the 4th of July. [;)]

    I got some banna peppers, yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes just about ready, 1-2 days and the tomatoe will be ripe. Need me to send you my very first ones? The banna's are mild, got the hot ones on the other side of the barn, they are sucking so far. [xx(]

    NRA Life Member ---"A pocket knife, a clean hankey, and a pistol... things I can use." - Ted Nugent
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    hornethornet Member Posts: 262 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Near miss for me. I was only about 80 miles form where the eye made land fall. But the hurricane had such a small area of hurrican force winds all we got was a little rain from it. I am very thankful. I hate it for the folks in the Pensacola, FL area. This is the second thime thewy have been hit in 10 months.
    Everyone dowe south still needs to keep there gaurd up. There is another tropical depresion coming across the Atlantic. Should be close to the Gulf by Sunday. I still have the boards up on my windows. And I am going to leave them up until this other storm passes.

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    buckeyboybuckeyboy Member Posts: 5,833
    edited November -1
    wow thats pretty close. from what I hear we are supposed to see a lot of hurricane action this year. good luck Hornet Keep ya head down.[;)]
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